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Friday, December 24, 2021

A Christmas Special

 Hello, my friends,

It's been a crazy few weeks, hasn't it? From IUDs to travel to work to work to work! But it's finally holiday time actually it's Christmas Eve and sadly I have to work but I wanted to make a list of all the fun things that can be done on Christmas Eve for a little and CG alike!

  • Drink hot cocoa or tea
  • Watch old Christmas movies - yes the claymation ones
  • Wrap gifts for others
  • Make crafts and paints
  • Decorate trees and rooms
  • Go out and see the lights!
  • Cook and eat cookies
  • Write Christmas and New Years cards
  • Put up lights inside
  • Color Christmas pages
  • Read "The Night Before Christmas"
  • Put out milk and cookies for Santa
  • Play in the snow or at least outside
  • Finish your advent calendar (last night!)
  • Decorate with paper rings!
  • Make snowflakes out of paper
  • Snuggle and stay warm
  • Decorate stockings and fill them up with candy!
  • Last-minute shopping
  • Enjoy a lovely meal together 
  • Follow Santa on Google 
  • Eat that candy- yes you can!!!
I hope you have a lovely holiday season and a happy new year! Enjoy it with your CG, friends, or family whoever makes you happy!

Peace and Joy,

Sunday, December 19, 2021

I'm Back!

 Hey There!

It's been a  while but I am back! Not only back to the blog but back to New Hampshire! I went to see my daddy in Texas and had a really good time and I am really excited to tell you all about it.

I had a really easy flight coming in. I stayed at my brother's house which is closer to the airport and my dad drove me in, he also bought me a bagel and coffee which was a nice treat before my flight. Security was easy and this one really nice TSA agent asked my age thinking I was younger than 18, it was really silly.  Once on the plane, I had the entire row to myself and the plane had free wifi, chargers, and TVs, it was super cool!

I met with my daddy and we drove to his place. I took a lovely shower with him and we rested a little. I didn't really sleep the night before because of my new medication, so it was nice to cuddle and rest with him. That night we went to one of my favorite restaurants in Texas. A small Indian place where I ate to my heart's content. 

The next day was a little crazy! We had a rehearsal dinner for my daddy's sister's wedding. He was in the wedding but I just sat around in the blazing heat trying not to melt. To make up for the heat daddy took me to the mall where I got a few new books and a cute outfit for my build a bear. Daddy also bought me these super cute anime figure keychains. At the dinner, we had some yummy food and daddy let me have a glass of wine. That night I got a little more sleep. 

The next day was the wedding. We got ready and went to the outdoor venue. I got to meet so many people that were related to my daddy that I had never met before. It was really cool and super fun to meet everyone. The only thing was even at 4:30 PM is was well over 100 degrees and over 98% humidity. I was sweating so bad and I felt really awful for being so gross at the wedding. After the ceremony we had dinner and I took care of my daddy as he was also really hot. We ate some food and talked with his family some more and enjoyed our first wedding together. 

The next few days were super relaxing! We spent them sleeping in eating my favorite foods including Mexican, french (my favorite restaurant in the entire world), Asian and American. We went to see the new   Sword Art Online movie which was surprisingly good and we went shopping a few more times in various malls. It was just an easy-going experience with my daddy. 

My daddy really shined (as usual) when I got this really bad rash/acne on my back from sweating so bad at the wedding. I was super upset about it to the point of crying in his arms. I also was upset because I had read that I could get bad acne from my IUD. My daddy brought me to the store and bought me a ton of products for my face and body to make me feel better. He also bought me more pads because I was running low. He was not embarrassed at all and was so willing to even buy me the "good" ones. 

The flight home was a bad one. Not only was my plane delayed a bunch of times, but it was so hard to say goodbye to my daddy. I cried so much saying goodbye and even cried on the plane a few times. It was just so hard. I miss him every day. What really hit me hard was he called me a particular pet name that just shot right to my heart. 

But it got worse...when my dad came to pick me up from the airport he was acting kind of weird. Once we were in the car he turned to me and said he couldn't hold it in any longer. He said my fish that he had been taking care of had died. I bawled my eyes out. I just sat there and cried as my dad held me and cried with me. He was so upset that the fist had died in his care. I miss my Joy so much. 

Sorry for the mess of a story,

I miss you Joy and Daddy,


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Something Scary!

 Hello my friends,

This might be NSFW - talk of IUD insertion (this may make some people uncomfortable) 

So I wanted to talk about something that happened recently its really not a little/ddlb thing but I find this a safe space where I can talk about what is going on in my life. Yesterday I had to get and IUD inserted. I made the choice to do it because I will be starting hormones soon and I wanted to make sure I don't get pregnant, it's also safer for my body. These IUDs also don't put a lot of the female hormones in my body compared to other methods of BC. My daddy and I use other protection too but we find this to be that safety option and will protect us, me and allow me to transition. 

Here is the scary part. I scheduled the appointment and I had heard that it was going to hurt but I didn't think much of it. It was about a month after I had planned the appointment that I had the procedure. Throughout the month I was always looking at Reddit and other forums about getting the IUD. This made me so scared - some people pass out! 

So the night before the insertion I had to put these weird pills inside of myself. They made me have contractions so my body would be ready for the placement. I had to take on the night before it is made it really hard to sleep. I also had my COVID booster so I was double sick. It was really hard to sleep but I got through it. 

The morning of I used the medication again. I also had to work most of the day. It was hard getting through it with some of the worst cramps I have ever had in my life plus I was bleeding  a bit. But I got through it and 1 hour before the appointment I took Advil to help with the pain. 

I got to the office and a really nice older nurse came in to help me get ready. She asked me a bunch of questions that were pretty basic for a doctors visit and I had to do a pregnancy test. When I came back with the test the nurse brought in a huge I mean HUGE needle. It had to be like afoot long. I tried not to look but it was hard not to notice. The nurse apologized and told me she was going to get it on the tray before I came in but I was too quick. She then said that I wouldn't even feel it. I laughed and said "that's what they all say". She gave me a sheet and had me undress from the waist down. I sat on the table on the paper and a medical pad and I waited for the doctor. 

She came in and asked if I was nervous I told her I was and she said it would be okay. She asked a few more questions and then did an internal exam. That was quick and painless but then she brought out the speculum. I always hate those as I have a small body and they pinch all over. I tried to relax as the doctor did some more feeling and looking. She then cleaned my cervix with iodine. This felt really weird but nothing painful. She then told me to cough, a really good cough. The nurse stood beside me and tried to calm me down a bit. So I coughed a few times and the nurse asked if I could feel it. I said no and she smiled "I told you so," she said. So after that I didn't really know what happened besides a horrible pain when the clamp was used.  I gave out a few shouts of pain and the doctor apologized and kept working. The nurse kept telling me to take deep breaths. I tried to relax as the device was inserted inside of me. This also hurt a bit but nothing like the clamp. After that the clamp was removed and she had to cut the strings. This was funny as the first pare of scissors didn't work so she had to get  a second set. She had to be careful as dull scissors could pull everything out. 

It was finally over and she pulled all the tools out. I was bleeding a bit and she cleaned me up a a bit. The nurse and doctor told me to stay laying down with my legs up. When the IUD is inserted it causes a really bad contraction and this reduces blood pressure. So I rested there a while and slowly got up. the nurse came back and helped me get up and stand. She was really polite and even hide behind the current when I got up. I mean she saw everything so it was kind of funny to see her hide when while I was naked. So I changed and cleaned myself up. I was still bleeding a little so I used a pad to keep clean. 

I was finally done! It wasn't the worse thing in the world, but it hurt for sure. The scariest part was my daddy wasn't there to hold my hand. If he was there I wouldn't feel anything and feel protected and safe. I mean the nurse did a great job at keeping me calm and the doctor was amazing (as she usually is with me even calling me my preferred name and is very good with my body and my dysphonia). I did text my daddy to tell him it was done and he was so proud of me. I was so scared before and I texted him right until I had it done. He made me feel so good about getting it done and how it will make out life better. 

Once home I spent the night in bed as I was cramping a lot and the doctor told me to spend the night watching Netflix and relaxing. So it was all over!

So this was a weird experience to me. It wasn't even that dysphonic, I thought it was going to be terrible but my doctor was so good and just made me feel so comfortable and safe. 

Sooooo on a totally different note... I get to see my daddy!!! I am flying to see this Thursday!! I can't wait and I will tell you all about it once I get back next Thursday. The nice thing is daddy gets to take care of me because I am still feeling yucky from the IUD and he said he would buy me something special for being such a  brave boy.

Until next time,

Safe and Protected,



Sunday, November 21, 2021

Way to Show Affection

 UwU Hi There,

I hope you are all doing well, happy trans awareness week! I was having a hard time coming up with an idea for a blog but as always my daddy was here to help! He thought a blog on affection would be a good idea as we are going to be seeing each other in less than two weeks!

  • gift-giving - this is always a good one when you are in LDR it's a way for your CG or L to know they are being thought of
  • letters and cards - sending a sweet message is a great way of showing someone you love them while keeping the price down
  • hugs - some people love them some don't but they are a lovely way of showing love in a way that isn't sexual
  • kisses - the best to me! I love being kissed and I find it such a cute way of showing affection! I don't mean just lips kisses but head kisses and hand kisses
  • touching - not in a naughty way but a hand on the back or holding hands really can convey the love you have for someone
  • taking care - this is a basic one! Taking care of your CG or your little is the best way of showing love! Reminding them to eat or having to punish them is the most basic way of spreading love in a CGL relationship
  • cuddling and snuggling - keep cozy and warm together showing how much you want to be close
  • doing chores - more for littles but keeping up with your chores shows you respect your CG
  • words of love - saying sweet things can really improve someone's mood and make them feel like you really care
  • spending time - it can be hard to spend time with each other in an LDR but even taking the time to send a text or to call for a few minutes can really show your affection
As some of you may have noticed I used love languages to write some of this - some hold belief
in it and others don't I think they are real and I think they can really help people better understand their partner. Take a quiz and see if it shows you more about how you love and how you like to be loved.

Hugs and Cuddles,

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Some Updates

 Hello, my lovelies,

I really didn't have an idea for this week but some big life stuff just happened so I wanted to share!

So I am getting a second job! I know what you are thinking "when are you going to have time to be little and to write your blog?!" Well, I will still have time I promise! I am not going anywhere! There may be some breaks here and there when I need some time to myself and the blogs may come out on different days but I promise I'll do my best for you all. Also, the job only goes to about 7:30 PM and it starts right after my other job ends. I am doing this for a few reasons: 1) I have been having a hard time mentally and keeping busy helps 2) I have more medical expenses than I originally thought so I could use some extra money to pay for that 3) I enjoy working! Yes you read that right I enjoy spending time with others and helping which is what I can do at this second job (I will be working in dietary in a facility) 

The next big news is I am going to be starting T again soon! I finally got up the nerve and had a good talk with my daddy and we decided a low dose of T will help with my dysphoria. I made the appointment today with the LGBT+ clinic in town and will have my first appointment in December. I am excited but still really nervous because I had some trouble with my parents and acceptance in the past -- the reason I had to stop originally. Also, I have to hide it from my daddy's parents as they are really not accepting of me being trans (hence the low dose - easier to hide the changes). So exciting also scary and the last time I was on it we had to mess with the dose a lot because I was having side effects but because I know now I should have an easier time.  And I went to the store to buy some pants for my job and I found a book about trans identities and it was written by an emby person that was AFAB. I felt so right about making the choice to start T. It felt like a god-sent like I just happened to call the clinic today and I happened to find the book while I was out shopping for pants for my new job -- so many coincidences! I had to buy the book :)

I will be seeing my daddy soon! So in about a month I will be boarding a plane and heading to see my daddy for his sister's wedding. I am so excited to go to a wedding with him as I have never been to a wedding with a date before. It should be really fun and it will be nice to show off a little. The only downside is I have to wear a dress :(.

So that seems to be the big update, sorry for the lame post but I wanted to share my good news and hopefully brighten your day a little just knowing a trans little is doing good.

Rainbows and Lovebugs,


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

A Little Halloween!


Sorry to scare you! As Halloween (and my birthday) come closer I was thinking of writing a little bit on one of those holidays that people seem to really love. 


Besides following the rules your CG has for you don't eat too much candy at once. This will cause bad tummy aches, sometimes acne, and you won't have any candy left for the next day!


As a little that love dressing up, this is my favorite part of the holiday! This year I have three costumes (which are also my cosplays for Anime Con) I'm going as Johnny Joestar (my favorite Jojo), lolita, and Ame from Wolf Children. I love dressing up and wearing things that I normally don't. As a trans-boi it makes me feel more like myself and showcase the real me.

Scary stuff-

I do not love this part. I have such a weird relationship with scary stuff.  I have been watching 'how to beat the Saw movie traps' this is even a little too much for me it makes me paranoid. If you like it and your CG lets you watch enjoy, for me, I'm sticking to little shows with Halloween themes.

Trick or Treating-

I hate how it looked down on -- like why can't an adult get some free candy? For me, I can pass as a small person if you can't buy some candy and enjoy with your CG.


Parties are usually a good time. For me I can't stay very long I get overwhelmed and a little overstimulated, other times I get introspective and sad. Anyway go and enjoy but don't eat too many treats -- no tummy aches. And be careful with alcohol.

I hope you have a happy holiday and get to spend some time enjoying it. Even if that means spending time in your pj's watching Dora with a little candy corn and maybe some warm apple cider. Whatever you do be safe and have fun!

Spooks and Spice,


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Surviving A Job


My little friends and CGs I have been having a really hard time at my new job. It's been super boring and I feel like I don't do much during the day. But my daddy has had a good idea to talk about the way in which a little can survive their workday. 

  • ESstuffie - keep a small stuffed toy with you, when you need a hug give it a squeeze
  • drink from cute bottles - there are many cute cups and bottles to drink from that can pass for an adult bottle
  • eat little snacks - eating throughout the day is good to pack little snacks like cheese sticks and cut up fruit
  • if you work at a desk, coloring stuff - sometimes there is a lull at work bring some coloring or activities to do at your desk
  • wear cute socks - I love wearing little socks while at work, it makes me feel little without anyone noticing 
  • if you have a smartwatch put cute backgrounds on it
  • if you have a computer use cute wallpapers
  • decorate your work bag to be a little more little freindly
  • take walks where you can be your little self - at my lunchtime, I take walks and allow myself to decompress and feel little. I play games on my phone or skip around where no one can see 
  • put cute toys on your desk - these are pretty normal so no one will ask
  • bring a big sweater - I have a super comfy sweater at work that I snuggle in when in need of a hug
  • Journal - another great downtime idea
  • if you don't have a desk decorate your items like receipt book or notebook
Just a few ideas to make work a little more little. Just make sure you are safe and are having fun that is what being a little is all about!!

Playtime and Worktime,

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Little Pets


Little and bigs alike love small cute animals and new friends so why not learn a little about having a little pet. As a LDR little myself that is living in an apartment having a pet can be a bit of a challenge BUT I have made it work and I'll tell you about it here:


Because I live in an apartment I am not allowed to have pets :( but I am allowed to have a pet fish! So I got out my old fish tank from a few years ago and filled it with clean water and decorations. My water at home has chlorine in it so I had to buy chemicals to make it safe for my new friend. Once the tank was all set up I went to the pet shop and picked out a little red betta fish. She was only a few dollars and I picked her because I never had a female or red betta fish. She was also super active in her cup. Picking a fish was so challenging for me I wanted them all. Good thing I had daddy to help me make a good choice. With my new fishy friend, I learned about feeding, water temperature, and cleaning. I have had fish in the past but in a new environment, I had to work my way around the new place.  So far so good for me and my little Joy-girl. 

Anyway, that is my story of a little pet. Fish are a great start as they are easy to take care of even if you get a full tank with a filter, heater, and bubble bar. It's also fun picking out toys and fishy friends. Maybe one day ill get another female fish to add to my tank. Once a little learn about the responsibility of taking care of a fish a small pet may be a good move forward. This could be a rodent or reptile. Both are great fun and fun to take care of. After the small pet may be a cat, once again more responsibility but they can take care of themselves (bathroom, cleaning, etc.) Lastly a large pet like a dog. These are a lot to take care of and need a lot of attention. For me even if I could have a bigger pet I would stick with the fish as I can easily take care of them (no matter how responsible I am). 

If pets are completely off the table I would recommend a plant. Plants are great fun and you can learn a lot about your new plant friend and the best way to take care of them. It gives some responsibility without the fear of a pet. It's also nice because plants not need much in the way of attention, so vacations are great!

Where ever you start and whatever pet/plant you get having some responsibility is great for a little and gives them something to care about, just like you care for them. 

Fishies and Smiles,


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A New Plan


My sweet littles and bigs I want to welcome you again to my blog, I hope you are having fun!

So daddy and I have been talking and we feel we have hit another rut SOOOO we decided to make being an LDR CGL couple more fun and exciting. 

Daddy had the idea of giving good boy points for different things that this little one does every day/week. These points will add up to allow me to get different gifts.

some of the points:

-exercising for 1 hour = 1

-eating a healthy meal = 1

-getting through work with a good attitude = 3

-food shopping for only healthy food = 1

-clean Joy's fish tank = 2

-clean my apartment = 2

-no self-harm = 1

-going to therapy = 1

-drinking enough water = 1 

-doing dishes = 1

-finishing my weight medication = 2

-taking all my meds on time = 1

-go to doctors appointments = 1

Ways to lose points:

-self-harming = -2

-not taking meds on time = -1

-eating candy/junk food = -1

-being pouty/bratty = -1

-not listening to daddy/CG = -2

-not fallowing the rules laid out or given = from -1 to -5

Gifts (no particular order):

-new small toy

-going to the book store

-going to build-a-bear

-new little item 

-new onesie

-new big toy

-new coloring or activity book

-special fish item for Joy

-daddy reads you a story before bed

-daddy sends you a card (with love)

-new stuffy 

-daddy makes a loving video for you to always have

-doki doki/ other Japan create

-candy/special dessert

-special "playtime"

The cute thing with this is we are using a cute thermometer to color in (and white-out if I lose points). 

So I just thought I would share this cute new thing we are doing, feel free to add your own thoughts!

All you need is...CANDY! 



Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Cute Little Names

 Hi again,

So I know last week was a very heavy post but I am doing a tiny bit better, so I wanted to do something cute and light this week. 

My daddy thought it would be cute to make meaning to little names, here we go!

  • little one - perfect for everyone! It makes a little melt
  • prince/princess/princx - super cute and great when the little is being fussy remind them they are royalty but you are the king/queen
  • puppy/kitty - fun if your little is into pup/kit play 
  • _____ (insert animal here) - my daddy calls me his otter and I love it more than anything 
  • little _______ (insert almost anything here) - he calls me his little pannycake and I find it adorable almost anything is cute if you add little in front of it
  • brat - some littles love it others hate it, it can definitely get the attention of your little one and remind them of their place
  • snuggle bug - for those moments when you are feeling cuddly 
  • flower - even for little boys make sure they know they are beautiful in their own way
  • Mr./Ms./Mx. - a great way of making your little feel special add their first name to makes it

    even cutier
  • sunshine - they are your ray of sunshine after all
  • love - remind them they are your love always 
  • honey/bun - they are just so sweet
  • cutey/pie - aren't they cute?
  • smartypants - make sure they know they are super smart especially when doing a new activity
Super cute right? LOL I hope this list helps those CG come up with a few cute names to call their little one and make them feel special because they are!

Sunshine and Pannycakes,

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Its been rough

TW!!!-Self Harm and Suicide 

Hi there, my friends.,

So I don't like to talk about hard things on this blog mostly because this was supposed to be something fun and enjoyable for both me and my daddy to create together. But these past 2 weeks have been really hard for me so I am going to take this time and space to talk about how I have been feeling. Please know this won't happen often but I think I really need to get some things down into words.

Two weeks ago I got a Facebook friend invite. I didn't recognize the person but I did recognize the second person in the picture. It was my old boyfriend, my first boyfriend, and my love for almost 5+ years. We were planning on getting married but we broke up because I started presenting more masculine. He stated that I needed time to "find myself". We promised to get back together and get married after both of us spent some time apart. Anyway, this girl had his last name and three children with him. They were married. That was supposed to be me. I don't think he thinks about me at all, I think about him every day. I don't do it to hurt myself it just happens. He was also my first daddy and the one to show me the CG/L community.  It was harmful to see his new wife and I ended up messaging her telling her that I think it is inappropriate for us to be friends. She stated she didn't mean to friend me and that was the end. It hurt it burned my insides and I didn't eat or do anything all day, it hurt. 

The next day I was on Reddit. I posted a question on the Catholic subreddit. In that post, I stated that I was dating a man and that I am also a man. This sent people into a tissy to the point people told me to leave the religion (I was born and raised Catholic). They said I was living in sin and should receive the holy bread and wine and that I need to stop being gay and just live by myself. They would rather me be sad and alone than with someone I love. They told me that I was wrong and that I don't deserve to be in the religion. This was the last nail in the coffin. 

I hadn't self-harmed since my grandmother was close to dying and I have never used a knife. I went to my kitchen and grabbed one of my kitchen knives. I cut my legs. I cut really deep in one spot that took a long time to heal. I cried and cried over how much I felt unloved, by my old bf, my religion, and God. I just felt like giving up and I wanted to end it all. After I cut and calmed down I cleaned myself and went to bed. 

That Thursday I had therapy and talked about what happened. He suggested holding ice or using a rubber band to stop the feelings of self-harm. I expressed that the release from self-harming was never this intense that I wanted to keep doing it. It just made me feel better - I didn't want to stop. But he talked me down and I was feeling better.

The next Sunday came and I got some bad news. I have been seeing a doctor for my weight. Ever since I got a new medication I have been gaining weight so I decided to see a doctor about it. The thing is my insurance doesn't cover my weight loss medication. That was fine because I had backup insurance that would. But I got a bill for the doctor's appointment and I had no way of figuring out why I was being charged. This caused so much anxiety because I wouldn't be able to afford the appointments and I really needed them. I tried to get over the anxiety with the help of my family but I just couldn't I ended up crying in bed for hours. I couldn't stop. I wanted to kill myself I wanted to die and be released from all the anxiety and pain. I was also dreading my next day of work as I haven't been enjoying my new job. I did the only thing that helped was that I got onto a text suicide line. I was able to be talked down after about an hour and help from the line and my boyfriend. That night before bed I took a bath but ended up scratching myself to the point of rash because I was still so pent up. I just couldn't stop myself.

It's been better but I still scratch and hurt myself a little bit here and there. Like this Monday I scratched my arm a little bit because I still felt so hurt. I have been having suicidal thoughts throughout the day but work has been keeping me busy enough to not focus on them. I also don't want to go to a hospital to get help because I would lose my job and I don't have the time to take off. 

I know this story is messed up and sad, but know I will do better and if you are suffering from self-harm or thoughts of suicide you can always talk with me. I may be going through this myself but I am a trained social worker and will not make you pay to get help when you need it. Please know there are people to talk with you and they won't send you away. If you need help reach out no one will be bothered and it's better than suffering alone. I know what it feels like to suffer alone, scared, and crying. Talk to anyone someone, even just a text line -- it's better than hurting yourself or dying. You may not feel loved but I promise you are even if it's just your pet fish or that one tree outside -- you are loved. 

Take Time for Yourself - Self Care,


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Keeping a Little Healthy

Hello and Welcome!

So this week was full of a lot of ways I had to keep myself healthy so I decided to blog about it and help all those CGs care for their little to the best of their abilities. 

  • make sure they go to their appointments - even though we all hate the doctor they are very important and we need to make sure those little ones are doing well physically
  • share healthy food and recipes - for the little in an LDR my daddy cant make me food so he shares yummy recipes to make sure I am eating well
  • make sure they get to sleep - don't keep them up too late if possible I know it can be heard with LDR but sleep is an important part of a littles health
  • exercise! - even if it's just for a few minutes getting that heart rate up makes every little better
  • read and learn - keep that brain working and learn something new or go to a wonderful world through a book
  • go to therapy - we can all use it (yes even me!) even CGs
  • journal - it's a great way of staying mentally fit and relax after a long day
  • food log - I keep one and my CG loves it because he gets to see what I eat during the day and it helps me on my weight loss journey
  • give treats - everyone deserves something special 
  • keep their spending in check - don't be too controlling but sometimes we littles get a little stuffie crazy at the store so make sure we don't spend too much (especially for use with rent) 
  • help them get spiritual -  this isn't for everyone but go to church with your little or do some Wicca magic with them whatever they get their spirituality on
  • help them at work - I know it sounds hard but maybe send them cute messages throughout the day or give them a little stuffie to keep at their desk anyway to brighten the workday
  • let them have friends - I know it can be hard you want that little all to yourself but having friends is really important and make sure you are a good friend and not just a CG
  • make sure their environment is right - this makes a happy little, keep it safe and cozy
Taking care of a little can be hard but making sure they are happy can come from a simple text or a hug after a hard day. This list is just a short grouping of things that helps a little have the best life they can have, just remember to follow the wellness wheel.

Caring and Cuddles,

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

New Home

 Hi all,

So I finally moved into my new place and I'm super excited to start my new life here in a new city, in a new apartment, and a new job. So as a little living alone can be a scary thing so here is a list of ways of making a single apartment more little friendly. 

  • make the room cozy and comfy - add stuffies and pillows these really help make it a little room
  • dress up that room - add toys and other little gear to make sure no matter what part of the bedroom you are in you can reach for a little something
  • put up little art and wall decor - I love hanging up my colorings and drawings this really makes the room feel like my own
  • keep blankets in the living room -  you never know when there might be a chill or you need a place to play 
  • get a big cozy chair - you may not be able to sit on your CG's lap but at least a cozy chair can keep you company
  • keep little books handy - I know when my CG is working late having little books available makes going to bed easier
  • make sure to have little snacks handy - now that I have my own kitchen I can fill it with little snacks and treats for when I am a good baby
  • keep your little things out like movies and toys - not that you have your own space you can be free to play and watch what you like 
  • showcase your tub toys and bubble bath - make the bathroom a cozy little place
I love having my own place just for the fact that I can keep all my little stuff all over the place. I hope that one day you don't have to hide your little self anymore.

Be YourSelf,


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

A Beach Day

 Hello there my friends!

Sorry for the hold-up :( I have been moving into my new apartment and it has been a crazy crazy few weeks. Anyway, I wanted to come back with a cute one so here we go - a day at the beach. 

  • bring yummy food - always a great way to keep the day going! From sandwiches to fruit to even some ice cream you need to keep your energy up while playing at the beach
  • freshwater - need to stay hydrated in the hot sun
  • sand toys - always a fun addition to the sandy texture of the beach and great for finding little critters in the tide pools
  • boogie boards - I love playing in the waves and these are a great fun way of getting into the water
  • kite - I always loved those a kid! It was always the last thing I did a great way to end the day
  • umbrella - keep your baby safe from the hot sun 
  • blanket - a fun play area and good for naps
  • towels - got to stay dry!
  • cute hat - another way to keep the sun at bay 
  • sunscreen - an absolute must, babies tend to burn quick
  • water toys - like balls or frisbee can also be played in the sand
  • flip-flops and cover-ups - other ways of staying cozy in the sun and sand
I love heading to the beach on a hot day and playing with my daddy. Hopefully, this list reminds you of the fun in the sun and surf. 

Sun and Sand,

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Hobbies for Littles

 Hi there,

So I was super bored this week so I wanted to start a new hobby! I decided that I should write a list of all the great hobbies a little can do that makes them feel little and that they would enjoy on the regular. 

  • collecting and reading books
    • great because reading is a fun activity but you can collect old children's books and no one would suspect anything if the books are old enough
    • I collect manga but many of them are children's books and no one knows
  • art
    • any kind doesn't matter as long as it makes you happy and if you call it art no one asks why you are playing with clay
    • I love coloring and drawing weird manga like stuff
  • learn a language 
    • this can be really challenging but the best way to start is with children's books, activities and videos 
    • I'm currently learning ASL and I'm using baby videos to learn 
  • Journaling 
    • little journals (I have written about these before)
    • I keep mine and try to do a part at least once a month if not more
  • Blogging
    • super fun and can be about anything even a blog on a new hobby
    • as you can see I write a blog and I love writing about being a little
  • Post on Instagram 
    • just be really careful there are creepy people out there
    • I have an instagram that I post about myself and my blog and other writing and things I enjoy
  • Write
    • this can be about anything write a fan fic like I do!
    • I love writing even though I am super bad at it but I am working on a novel based off a fan fic I wrote hopefully I finish it
  • Learn and instrument 
    • this can be harder for a little but it still can be a fun activity to keep you busy
    • I am trying once again to learn the guitar I hope I get to play at least one song one day
  • Find a pen pal
    • great for littles that are long distance your CG can be your pen pal or find one online but be very careful
    • I have one in Hawaii and she is super cool
  • Learn a card game
    • like MTG or Vanguard some can even be played online 
    • I used to paly Magic and it was really fun
So here is a short list of some of the fun things you can do. Check out my other posts for more ideas to keep busy!

Fun and Games,

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A New Thing (NSFW)


So before I start I need to say ask your CG before you read on its very important because this is a very naughty post. 

So while my daddy was at my house last we went to a naughty store. It was really cool they had like everything. My daddy almost bought me a puppyhood and collar but we had our eye set on one particular item daddy wanted to buy me a strap-on and a new dildo that was realistic. We found a really nice strap-on and a dildo that was 6 inches with realistic balls and shaft. It was so pretty (maybe a weird word). 

When we got home I was super excited to try it so daddy had me strip and he helped me put on the strap. Then my daddy did something really naughty. I used his mouth on me. It felt so good. I pulled his hair a little and moved my hips with his mouth. It was amazing to watch and turned me on so so much. He made these sounds that I could only describe as choking but in a super sexy way (?). It was truly nothing I have ever experienced before. I have had other partners and I have used straps with them that were realistic but for some reason, this was unlike any time before. I felt such a connection with him and I felt like the strap-on was really me. I felt like the manliest man in the world, even when I was making the most femme sounds. After some time I had to touch myself and I came the most I have in a long time. I felt like I came like a man even though I was touching my clit. Truly it was a life-changing moment I felt like a man a real man, not a trans boy wearing a strap. 

The next day we did something similar the next day and I didn't feel as manly but it still was amazing. I just it was truly something I never expected when we bought the strap-on and dildo. I knew it was going to be fun but I never realized that it could take my doughts and throw them to the side. 


I hope those trans and cis littles find moments that feel this good because everyone deserves this even if it's not a sexual moment, just a moment that makes you feel who you really are.  

Naughty and Boyish,


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ideas for your Journal


Sorry, I missed last week but I didn't have internet for a few days and I have been having a hard time lately as I had to stop therapy because they would accept my insurance anymore and I started my new job so I really don't have time to go anymore. ANYWAY, because I don't get to go to therapy anymore I decided to start journaling more. I did it a little when I was in therapy but now I am doing it once a week at least. So I wanted to create a list of topics I can write about and I thought I would share it here. 

  • what are you most in love with?
  • what makes you smile and laugh?
  • what do you hate and what can you do to change those feelings?
  • if you could write a letter to anyone who would it be and what would you say?
  • who is your hero?
  • what makes you a hero?
  • if you could do anything for a job what would it be?
  • what would you tell the void/god/universe if you could?
  • what makes you feel little and big?
  • thank your body for being it
  • streams of thought -- just right what you think
  • describe your best day
  • make a list of all the things you want to do big or small
  • write a letter to your childhood best friend 
  • how would you take care of a puppy/cat/fish
This list is super short but I just wanted to get the wheels turning and to make you think of a few things. If you want add to this list and keep going. This is for sure something I will bring up later to be aware :3

Kindness and Caring,


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Little things to do in public

 Hi there,

I was having a hard time coming up with something this week so I asked my daddy and he told me to write about little things you can do in public. I know I wrote something similar about being little in public but these are a few more things to stay in little space when there are other people around.

  • play video games - so many people have switches and they are made to take with you so its a great way of playing little games in public 
  • listen to little music - anything that makes you happy its easy to just put the music on where no one can see it 
  • color - adults everywhere are coloring so why not be a little and color too
  • munch on candy - nothing unusual here just a little enjoying their favorite candy
  • watching birds and bugs - many people bird watch and it can be a great activity to enjoy in little space
  • fly a kite - especially at the beach its a very normal thing to see an adult flying a kite
  • use a stim toy - many people play and use these now to keep your hands busy like a fidget toy or a squish toy
  • cuddle a stuffy - keep a small stuffy on your bag and give it a pet when you feel a bit little 
  • drink apple juice - the best juice for a little and no one will know in a water bottle 
  • read books and manga about little ones - there a ton of books that have little themes (not about ddlg/CGL) that are great and can be read in public
These are just a few things that can be done to feel little in public without being found out. Maybe add a few more if you have any ideas. 

Sweetness and Love,

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

51 Things to Keep Busy

 Hello Friends!

I was bored this week so I wanted to make a long list of all the best things to do as a little.

  1. board games
  2. play pretend with your stuffies
  3. dress up
  4. play in a sprinkler 
  5. go shopping for toys
  6. cook with your CG
  7. watch a little movie
  8. plant a seed
  9. eat yummy treats
  10. do your hair
  11. take a long bath
  12. snuggle 
  13. cuddle with your favorite stuffie
  14. play with chalk
  15. go on the swings
  16. jump in a puddle
  17. go for a safe swim
  18. watch a little show
  19. read a little book
  20. play with legos 
  21. make a fort
  22. blow bubbles
  23. text your CG
  24. journal
  25. take pictures 
  26. make a blog
  27. learn sign language for kids
  28. dress in your CG's clothes
  29. dance to Disney music
  30. do a fashion show
  31. listen to a book on tape
  32. write a story 
  33. color a picture
  34. play with stickers
  35. pet a cat
  36. learn to sew 
  37. make a yarn doll
  38. play hopscotch 
  39. have a party
  40. make lemonade 
  41. make a comic book
  42. take a walk
  43. play a computer game
  44. go out on a boat
  45. play with water balloons
  46. play and instrument 
  47. go on a hike
  48. make a silly video 
  49. do a puppet show
  50. put on a show for your little friends
  51. post little pride on instagram 
There are a million more things to do but here is just a small list to make you think of some things to do.

Fun and Games,


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Another Fun Fun Week...


(There is some NSFW talk so please ask first!)I missed you guys but my daddy got to come stay at my house for an entire week. This was only the second time he was able to come stay so I wanted to spend as much time as I could with him. So I want to tell you all about the week we had. 

Sunday- my parents were landing at the air port the same day as my daddy so they picked him up along with some yummy food so we spent the night eating foodies and enjoying finally seeing each other

Monday- we went to the movies and had food and drink while watching the movie Scoob it was really cute a perfect movie for a little one. We also went to the outlets and shopped around a little

Tuesday- I had to do a grown up thing and sign the lease for my new apartment (yay)! But daddy made it better by taking me to the book store and bought me a ton of new manga

Wednesday- We spent the day at home relaxing and reading our new books. We also went to Mexican and ate way to much.

Thursday- Daddy took me to the mall and bought me all sorts of new clothes more books and we went to a sex shop and bought me a really nice strap on and dildo to make me feel more comfortable in bed

Friday- daddy let me try my new strap on in bed (he just used his mouth on it) this made me feel really good to be able to use it and I had a lot of fun we also went out for a little while and spent some time at the outlets again to get me some cute socks and gloves

Saturday- we spent a lot of time outside enjoying the warm weather getting some sun. my parents bought us pizza and cakes

Sunday- I had to say goodbye and I was super sad :( but I was happy daddy got home safe. I wish he could have stayed longer

I had so much fun relaxing and spending some special time with my daddy.

I hope you all get to see your CGs soon.

Hugs and Kisses.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

To Start A Summer

 Hello and Welcome,

So its been super hot here and what that means is the start of...SUMMER! I love summer mostly because that means I get a break (but not this year I just got a new job). But I do enjoy the nice weather and the lovely sunshine. The other best part of summer is my daddy gets to come see me. So I deiced to write a little bit about what I like to do in the summer.

  • spending time near the water - I live on a man made lake its super fun to boat in but the water can be yucky and we have mean fish so I like to be near the water but not in it
  • going fishing - even with mean fish its still fun to enjoy fishing just make sure to release when you ketch 
  • make yummy food - some great summer salads or summer drinks are the best
  • sit in the sun - just enjoy the rays and read a lovely book
  • play with chalk - I love this I love drawing so its super fun to use a new medium 
  • jump rope and playing hop scotch - it great to play with others and great when its not too hot
  • out door games - any game in the grass is fun in the hot weather
  • going to the park - play on the swings!
  • reading manga - collecting manga is my hobby but I love reading it in the summer so I have more time to enjoy it
  • dressing cute - I love summer fashion and enjoy wearing cool clothing 
  • enjoy the AC or times in side - sometimes it rains and we have to stay in but that means enjoying the AC and relaxing with silly shows
  • bug and bird hunting - no real hunting here but its always fun to learn more about animals
  • go to new fun places - libraries, parks, museums and arcades fun new things and take the plunge
Hopefully this small list showcases a few of the fun exciting and lovely things you can do this summer. If you have an activity you like add to my list!

Fun in the SUN!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Lil Exercise Routine

UWU You there?
Hi and welcome to this weeks blog! I didn't really know what to write this week but I was at the gym when I was thinking about it so I decided that I should write about what I like to do at the gym that makes me feel good and maybe even little. So here is the list of activities I do that can maybe help you lose some weight or at least feel a little healthier:
  • Running/walking on the treadmill or outside 
    • hard to make little but I wear cute clothes that make me feel good 
    • I listen to podcasts or stories that make me feel little or just make me laugh
  • Jump rope
    • This always makes me feel super little. I know you are supposed to be really focused but I let myself have fun
  • Yoga
    • there is a ton of children yoga and easy yoga that can be made better with soft children music
  • Biking 
    • I loved biking as a kid so riding always makes me feel young. So give it a go and try and beat the neighbors like when you were little 
  • Do a children's work out
    • there are a ton of kids work outs online that are for all ages. Try one out it maybe  a little easy but it will make you feel really little and you'll have fun 
  • Stretches 
    • These are great to do on down days. Have your CG help you get into those hard to do poses. Like yoga these are great to do with music 
  • Circuit
    • A great way of working all parts of your body you can make up circuits where you time yourself or do a particular number or reps. This one can be hard to make you feel little but try adding jumping or little kid exercises like jumping jakes and frog jumps. 
Remember! Drink water! This is really important you need to stay hydrated and the best way tot do that is through drinking. This is wear you can break out your cute water bottles and show the world a little of your little side. Also make sure you wear the proper gear such as helmets and work out clothes. This is also where you can pull out your cute clothes and wear the pink and blue head gear. 

I hope you liked this slightly different post and it gave you some ideas on how to get fit.  

Stay Hydrated,

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

To Name A Stuffie...


I didn't know what to write this week but my daddy had a cute idea of helping all those littles out there find a good name for their next stuffie. So here is a cute recipe for naming a stuffed friend.

  •  find the gender - this could be any gender from cis genders to transgender to genderless! What ever the gender is it, it can help with the naming process *just because a stuffie is one gender doesn't mean their name has to reflect it*
  • Try using a color - this works well with a friend that may be trans or gender queer adding *ie* at the end makes it cutier 
  • Try naming it after a best friend or cool person you know
  • Try using a food or object for a name
  • Try a name that is the opposite of the animal - like naming a cat dog or a fish bird
  • Some stuffies already have names doesn't mean you have to keep that name 
  • Try asking the stuffie they will tell you 
  • Try asking your CG they always have great ideas
How to name a stuffie -  shooting star:
  1. hug the new friend extra tight
  2. think of your favorite food 
  3. imagine a shooting star
  4. make a wish on the star
  5. give the stuffie a kiss on the head
  6. ask them very nicely what they would like to be called
  7. ask them their gender and pronouns  
  8. the stuffie will tell you the new name
  9. Your stuffie has its name 
Hopefully this helped and you now can name your stuffies!

Hugs and Cuddles,

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Keeping Tack

 Hola and Hello,

Not much has been going on with me, mostly trying to get through school but this gave me an idea of a good way of helping all my little fallowers. One of the things that really helps me is keeping track of all the stuff I have to do. I know some littles do it differently but this is how I get through school and life and all that fun stuff

  • white board- I have a small white board and markers that I use to keep track of assignments and stuff that needs to be done during the week. The great this is is being able to erase the things that are done and see the list get smaller. 
  • monthly planner- I have a cheep dollar store monthly planner where I right down things like work schedule and assignment due dates
  • Big monthly calendar- I use this to write down everything that is due. Because the days are big enough I can right down all my readings and other things that need to be done 
  • Daily planner- because I am a social work student I work at a doctors office seeing clients. The daily planner helps me keep track of the people I see and when I can also make lists for the week of all things I need to get done
  • Things to have 
    • colored pens - makes everything pretty and fun 
    • colored highlighters - also makes thing fun and helps to make sure you mark off things that are done 
    • stickers - to mark off important things like big papers and days off
    • white board and thin markers - take care of the markers and don't push down too hard 
  • Some people like to make their own journal/planners those are great but I cant draw so i stick with premade planners 
So, this is what works for me and I hope it gave you some ideas on how to keep track of all the little things you need to do. 

Keep on Task,

Thursday, April 29, 2021

College Stinks!

 UWU Hi there friends,

I am having a hard time with school as it is my final year (unless I go back for my Doctorate) but everything is just really stressful and it makes it hard for both my CG and I. So this week I wanted to make a list of things I like and hopefully it will make me feel better and give me some ideas for self-care. 

  • baths - warm and relaxing especially with salt or bubbles 
  • soft and sweet tea - something warm and soothing
  • bubbly water - great when you are feeling down and not a sugary as soda
  • small candies - a small treat for when you are working hard on papers
  • cooking - a great activity to take your mind off of the hard stuff while also creating something useful
  • reading - take a break and read something fun no study work 
  • listening to music - another break activity to take your mind off the hard stuff 
  • dress up -  wear something fancy to write that term paper
  • lists - a great way to make sure you stay on track 
  • cuddling - even with just a stuffy a nice cozy pal to keep you warm and happy 
  • using a paci or sippy - a little tradition to keep your mouth busy while your mind relaxes 
  • take pictures - spend time outside and get some fresh air while also taking pictures
  • take some time for self - brush your hair 100 times and wash your face and hands 
  • go to the gym - take some time to work out and get those good chemicals going 
  • playing video games - especially with friends 
This is a small list but its already making me feel better about taking care of myself for the next few days of school.

Take Time,

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Rainy Days

 Hello again,

It's nice to see all of you again! For this weeks it has been really rainy and yucky outside so I wanted to blog about what to do on those days that are best for ducks. 

  • snuggle - especially during really bad storms it's the best thing to do
  • make hot coco - great for when it's a  little too cold out 
  • play games - board games are the best and would be fine to play if the power goes out
  • videogames - if the power is still on snuggle up with a good game like Stardew Valley where you can immerse yourself in the fun and play with you CG
  • eat soup - the best meal for a cold rainy day keep your insides warm
  • make cookies or other sweets - it keeps you busy until the rain pasts 
  • have a spa day - maybe give one to your CG they need to relax too
  • movie marathon - watch your favorites all day long 
  • head out to the mall - it maybe raining outside but you can still enjoy the mall inside
  • make art or color - the best thing to do when you have nothing else to do
  • listen to the rain - a relaxing way to spend the day
  • read - finally get to that story you have been missing out on 
  • go out and play - watch out for little critters and maybe give them a hand getting to safety
Just because its raining doesn't mean you cant have fun get out there and do something you love, take time for yourself and let your caregiver know they are important. 

Sunshine and Rainbows,



Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Little Movies :3

 Hi there,

I haven't been in a super good mood lately just missing my daddy and just school has been getting stressful. A great way to combat stress is with a good wholesome movie. 

  • Mary and the witch's flower- a great movie for a little adventure and magic it may be a little scary for the younger littles but good for a movie night
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs - I love this movie its super cute and just little movie to watch on rainy days
  • Most Ghibli movies- some are a little scary or sad for littles but most are written for a younger audience 
  • Okko's Inn - a cute movie about a young girls adventure with ghost. I first saw this on a plane to see my daddy and I cried when it ended it was so good
  • The Muppets- we all love them so share them with a little near you
  • Klaus- another movie that made me cry, its for the holidays but if you need a feel good super cutely animated movie this is it.
  • Mr. Peabody and Sherman- I used to binge this movie all the time I find it super fun and cute and just a great movie for a silly little
  • The Rugrats movie and Rugrats go to Paris- Super fun and funny can be a little gross but that adds to the fun 
  • Tinker Bell- She's not just for girls! I used to watch these when I would wake up in the middle of the night they always brought me peace.
  • Any Disney movie- especially old classics they were written for the little audience bring back the comfort of old movies
  • Hey Arnold! The Movie- I used to love watching this show and the movie is a great way to bring me into a little older little space, not for the babies, sorry sweeties.  
There are tons of kids movies but theses are a few that I have found to be really good for the little population. Hopefully this gives you a few ideas and you take the leap into watching something new or reliving something old. 

Popcorn and Candy,

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Little Easter


So I know we don't all celebrate this holiday but as a Catholic little, I wanted to share how Easter can be a fun holiday for a little and CG alike. 

  • egg hunts -- such a fun activity hide them all over the house or if it's a nice day do them outside just make sure to count them and get them all, fill them with candy or cute notes
  • coloring pages -- I used to love to get coloring for Easter maybe a book or even just a few cute print outs
  • color eggs -- use 1/2 cups of hot water, 1 tsp of vinegar, and a little food coloring and color hard-boiled white eggs 
  • enjoy a holiday movie -- there are a few easter movies for kids like Hopped
  • eggie fights -- this is a family tradition in my house where you smash colored eggs together to see whose eggs make it to the end without cracking 
  • enjoy the spring weather -- spend some time outside in the fresh air
  • give gifts -- usually small gifts like books, movies, chalk, bubbles, and jump ropes anything that makes it fun to be outside is a great gift, or if your little likes the inside better books and coloring stuff is a great gift
  • eat yummy food -- easter is a celebration celebrate with yummy food whatever you like from ham to turkey to corn and mashed potatoes anything you like
  • candy -- I love candy I love jelly beans I love chocolate so easter is the best holiday for candy giving so make sure to get a little candy but make sure they don't eat it all
Easter is a fun holiday if you are Christian or not, just make it about being together and enjoying the springtime. Make it less about the church and more about being together, what are holidays for after all. 

Flowers and Chicks,

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Little Trip to the Doctor


I decided to do a little talk about going to the doctor as I have to go on Thursday. 

  1. littles will be scared -- the doctor is scary no matter how old so make sure you make them feel comfortable 
  2. Bring something to do -- waiting can be really hard so make sure to pack coloring or a book
  3. use music to calm -- wear a pair of headphones and listen to your favorite songs 
  4. make sure you know what to say -- I sometimes need to go over why I am there to make sure I say the right things 
  5. have a list of your medicines -- I can never remember the names so I write them down with the doses so I don't make a mistake 
  6. wear something comfy -- it just makes everything better 
  7. if you have to get  shot -- don't be tense it will make it hurt more 
  8. CGs make you little feel comfy saying what they need too -- I sometimes get nervous so I don't tell them what I need too CGs make your little fee okay with tell the doctor everything 
  9. make sure to great yourself -- take that lollipop or stop and get some stickers you did really well
  10. CGs make sure to congratulate your little for doing well at the doctor
The doctor can be a really scary place but with these few tips hopefully, the trip can be a little easier. 

It will be okay,

Thursday, March 25, 2021

30 Things to do this Spring


As spring approaches its always great to get a list of the great things to do! Here is a list of 30 little things to do in the Spring 

  1. play in the puddles
  2. read in the sun 
  3. have snack time outside 
  4. chaise butterflies
  5. try out a kite
  6. snuggle under a light blanket
  7. sleep on a hemic 
  8. take the puppy out to play 
  9. make mud pies 
  10. color with the window open 
  11. lil journal about the frogs
  12. plant some flowers
  13. dance to up beat music
  14. walk through the new flowers
  15. take pictures in the sun 
  16. wear thin comfy clothes
  17. get a fancy drink and sit outside to enjoy it 
  18. go to a farmer market and get your face painted
  19. go to the drive in 
  20. have a picnic!
  21. go to the park and swing 
  22. enjoy a grill cheese on national grill cheese day 
  23. have your CG hid eggs and go hunting 
  24. make a nature journal with pictures and colorings 
  25. make a bird feeder with seeds and a pinecone 
  26. blow bubbles
  27. go to the library and find books on spring 
  28. go to a lake and enjoy the nice breeze 
  29. go fishing 
  30. spring clean 
I hope this list give a few cute idea for how to make spring a little brighter with you and your CG. 
Enjoy the nice weather in a few more hours of sunlight!

Warmth and Sunshine,

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Nap Time or Bed Time Routine

 Hello again,

So I didn't really have a good idea but I just woke up from a nap so I thought it would be a good idea to write about naps and bedtime. These are both very important to a little and they need to be taken care of with a lot of respect and loveliness. 

  1. have a healthy meal or snack before getting to bed
  2. start with a bath or shower -- warm-up before hitting the hay
  3.  if it is bedtime make sure to take your meds -- sometimes we littles forget
  4. read a nice story -- nothing scary or worrisome just a nice little story to put your mind at ease
  5. tuck your stuffies in -- they need to be cuddled up too
  6. listen to a soft song or white noise -- this will really help a little fall right to sleep
  7. layer the blankets -- this is great if you don't have a weighted blanket but if you do use that 
  8. drink some water -- this will have you sleep and not feel so hungry if you wake up in the middle of the night 
  9. keep the room cool -- this will make sure you sleep better
  10. go to the bathroom -- don't want to wake up having to pee 
  11. tuck yourself in -- or have your CG do it 
  12. cover in kisses -- these are the most important part kisses for both you and your stuffies 
This is just a small start everyone should have a routine before bed to make sure you get good sleep no matter where you are or who you are with. This is called sleep hygiene and it is really helpful especially if you have depression, bipolar, more many other health concerns. It's also good for just about everyone because it leads to better sleep.

Sleeps and Naps,

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Cooking Time Once Again

 Hello Hello,

I really didn't know what to do for this week's post so I went with a good standby: cooking. I personally love to cook and with the help of my daddy, I feel like I can create anything. So here a few more spring-like recipes for you and your CG to make. 

Spring Salad

I personally like my salad simply made make sure to get the CG's help for this one as there is cutting involved

  1. cut up lettuce - I personally love sprint mix especially for this salad and most of the time it doesn't need to be cut
  2. cut tomatoes and cucumber into small parts - for little mouths 
  3. cut some papers - strips are best in this salad
  4. add some pickles and papers - I love some spice and these add a good tang 
  5. Top with ham, cheese, and turkey roll-ups - roll the meat together and cut into strips
  6. Add some dressing - a light dressing is best for this heavy salad
  7. Top with something crunchy - could be croutons or seeds whatever you like  

French Fries for a cold day 

one of my absolute favorites

  1. have your CG cut up some potatoes into small strips
  2. coat the strips in oil and season with pepper salt dill and rosemary (fresh if its growing in your herb garden)
  3. bake at 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes
  4. serve with ketchup and mustard 
  1. use 1 cup of any type of milk - almond, regular, or rice
  2. add a little coffee mix to it for a tiny bit of flavor about 0.5 of a teaspoon
  3. add about 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup 
  4. mix with a whisk until very frothy and combined well
  5. service ice cold to little grabby hands with whipped cream and sprinkles 
I hope these are a few good recipes to make with your caregiver and little alike I hope you enjoy and find your own things to make!

Love and Foodies,

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

How To Keep a Fussy Little Happy

 Hi there all,

I have been rather fussy lately and it not only has been making it hard to live as a happy little but it is making my daddy sad too, so I decided to write a little about what you can do to make a fussy little happy or at least busy so they don't focus on the fussy times. 

  • give them a task - something simple and little 
  • have them color you a picture - this will keep them busy
  • have them hold their stuffies as hard as they can - this can release some stress and make them feel secure
  • play some soft music - music can be really impactful some soft music can really help a little mind calm down
  • put on a show - great when you are too busy to keep them entertained
  • spend some quality time together - make cookies or watch a movie allow them to relax with you
  • let them know they are loved - this can remind them that they don't need to be fussy
  • give them a bath - very relaxing (see post on baths)
  • read to them or have them read to you - it will keep their mind off the fussy stuff
  • show them a cute video or silly song - something to make them smile
  • put them down for a nap - sometimes a fussy little is a tired little tuck them in and let them rest
  • let them talk it out - maybe something happened and they just need to share
I hope this little list helps when that little one is acting up!

Crowns and Crows.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Having and Asexual Little

 Hi there,

Sorry about last week I was feeling so cruddy that I didn't want to post. But this week is better and Daddy had a great idea foe this week. As someone that now identifies as Asexual (most likely because of a medication change but we don't know for sure) I wanted to write a little bit about being an asexual little.

It can be really challenging being a asexual little with a daddy that isn't. What has worked for us is communication. For me I am a sex positive little, this means I am totally okay with sex and that I am willing to still perform the act. Some asexuals are not okay with sex and that might be hard for a CG. This could mean the CG needs to change or that maybe the relationship wont work (sadly). But as I have found out sex isn't everything and it's nice to take sometime to do things that aren't sex based. This could be learning more about yourself or your CG. I for one have found talking to be the most relaxing thing I can do with my CG. For use this works well. Sometimes we do have sex but it isn't a top priority we spend more time laughing and talking and enjoying each other in other ways. 

So to take care of an asexual little:

  • ask -- what they feel and need 
  • spend some time doing other things -- just because this is a BDSM type relationship doesn't mean its all sex all the time there are still so many activities one can do that still falls under BDSM
    • punishments that aren't sexual 
    • little time outside the bedroom 
    • spend some time doing sensual acts that don't always lead to sex 
      • baths
      • chaining clothes 
      • diaper chaining
  • Let your little know how you feel too -- its important to communicate what ever that may look like but your needs are just as important as theirs
  • don't push -- NO MEANS NO, things may change so be ready for feelings to change when it comes to sex 
  • communication is key -- can't say it enough 
I know this isn't much but hopefully this helps a little if your asexual little comes out to you. Just make sure everyone is comfortable, and happy in the relationship what ever that may look like for you all.

Pride and Pure Love,


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Valentine's Day

 Happy Day to All!

As Valentine's day approaches I wanted to write a little on how to make this day special for your littles and bigs alike. 

  • make it as special as you want - some people love this day others don't care about it make it your own
  • get some candy - chocolate or sour gummies whatever you like but candy is a big part of it
  • make or get a card - CG love homemade but sometimes a good old school car is a great gift
  • stuffies - they are a great cute gift and littles love them 
  • dress up - even if you aren't going out sometimes its fun to dress up for each other especially with LDR
  • this would be a great day to share your love - as this is the day of love its a great day to make sure your little or CG knows just how much you love them 
  • sexy time - not everyone is into it but make it special maybe some cute undies or a special activity
  • kisses and cuddles  - share some special moments together be it a big kiss or just some old school cuddles 
  • watch a love movie - this can be something like the "notebook" or just a movie you two love
  • gifts -  these can be anything really flowers or candies or new books and a sweater 
  • make sure you love your friends too - they mean just as much as your love so share some love with your friends and family 
I hope you have a great day no matter how you decide to celebrate maybe a movie and some candy over voice chat. 


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

100th Post!


So this is really cool because we have reached 100 posts! So for this I will be writing about the little way of getting to bed as I am really sleepy today.

  • take a relaxing bath or shower - make sure you are nice and clean
  • make sure to take you medication - this is really important 
  • drink a cup of water - this will make your skin all nice and healthy
  • have a small snack - only if you are hungry and nothing to heavy
  • read something happy - don't get those text books out just allow yourself to relax with a good story
  • wear your favorite pjs - maybe those cute little ones with the stripes
  • brush your teeth and hair - make sure to get the backs of those teeth and 100 strokes for those princesses and princes
  • say goodnight to your stuffies - they say goodnight too
  • say goodnight to your CG - maybe make a video call
  • snuggle under your favorite blanket - or maybe a few blankets at least where I am it's freezing 
  • watch a little show - dont stay up to late
  • set your alarm - I tend tot forget this lol
  • put on your night light - the dark can be scary sometimes 
  • get your booty to sleep - night night 
Have a sweet night little one :3

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Lil Spa Day

 Hi, :3

So continuing with the self care section of this blog I wanted to write about a little spa day as this is something I want really bad.

  • Take a nice bath (see my bath post for some ideas)
  • use a face mask, yes even you boy littles it will make your skin all nice and soft and smooth
  • lotion everything, it will make you feel all soft and cozy
  • take care of your nails, file and paint if you'd like 
  • use some relaxing music 
  • if don't want a full bath use a foot and hand bath to soak your little bits 
  • use oils or creams in your hair to nourish it as well
  • light a few candles to get the mood just right 
  • use  massage chair or ask your CG to give you a rub down 
  • wear a robe to add to the spa feel 
  • eat light food to make you feel refreshed and healthy 
  • drink tons of water add fruits and veggies to make it extra yummy and healthy 
These are just a few idea to have a nice relaxing spa day. Add a few things or get your CG involved to make a day of it. 

Hopefully you have a good rest and make sure to take care of yourself.

Loves and Hugs,