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Friday, December 24, 2021

A Christmas Special

 Hello, my friends,

It's been a crazy few weeks, hasn't it? From IUDs to travel to work to work to work! But it's finally holiday time actually it's Christmas Eve and sadly I have to work but I wanted to make a list of all the fun things that can be done on Christmas Eve for a little and CG alike!

  • Drink hot cocoa or tea
  • Watch old Christmas movies - yes the claymation ones
  • Wrap gifts for others
  • Make crafts and paints
  • Decorate trees and rooms
  • Go out and see the lights!
  • Cook and eat cookies
  • Write Christmas and New Years cards
  • Put up lights inside
  • Color Christmas pages
  • Read "The Night Before Christmas"
  • Put out milk and cookies for Santa
  • Play in the snow or at least outside
  • Finish your advent calendar (last night!)
  • Decorate with paper rings!
  • Make snowflakes out of paper
  • Snuggle and stay warm
  • Decorate stockings and fill them up with candy!
  • Last-minute shopping
  • Enjoy a lovely meal together 
  • Follow Santa on Google 
  • Eat that candy- yes you can!!!
I hope you have a lovely holiday season and a happy new year! Enjoy it with your CG, friends, or family whoever makes you happy!

Peace and Joy,

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