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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

How To Keep a Fussy Little Happy

 Hi there all,

I have been rather fussy lately and it not only has been making it hard to live as a happy little but it is making my daddy sad too, so I decided to write a little about what you can do to make a fussy little happy or at least busy so they don't focus on the fussy times. 

  • give them a task - something simple and little 
  • have them color you a picture - this will keep them busy
  • have them hold their stuffies as hard as they can - this can release some stress and make them feel secure
  • play some soft music - music can be really impactful some soft music can really help a little mind calm down
  • put on a show - great when you are too busy to keep them entertained
  • spend some quality time together - make cookies or watch a movie allow them to relax with you
  • let them know they are loved - this can remind them that they don't need to be fussy
  • give them a bath - very relaxing (see post on baths)
  • read to them or have them read to you - it will keep their mind off the fussy stuff
  • show them a cute video or silly song - something to make them smile
  • put them down for a nap - sometimes a fussy little is a tired little tuck them in and let them rest
  • let them talk it out - maybe something happened and they just need to share
I hope this little list helps when that little one is acting up!

Crowns and Crows.

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