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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

To Start A Summer

 Hello and Welcome,

So its been super hot here and what that means is the start of...SUMMER! I love summer mostly because that means I get a break (but not this year I just got a new job). But I do enjoy the nice weather and the lovely sunshine. The other best part of summer is my daddy gets to come see me. So I deiced to write a little bit about what I like to do in the summer.

  • spending time near the water - I live on a man made lake its super fun to boat in but the water can be yucky and we have mean fish so I like to be near the water but not in it
  • going fishing - even with mean fish its still fun to enjoy fishing just make sure to release when you ketch 
  • make yummy food - some great summer salads or summer drinks are the best
  • sit in the sun - just enjoy the rays and read a lovely book
  • play with chalk - I love this I love drawing so its super fun to use a new medium 
  • jump rope and playing hop scotch - it great to play with others and great when its not too hot
  • out door games - any game in the grass is fun in the hot weather
  • going to the park - play on the swings!
  • reading manga - collecting manga is my hobby but I love reading it in the summer so I have more time to enjoy it
  • dressing cute - I love summer fashion and enjoy wearing cool clothing 
  • enjoy the AC or times in side - sometimes it rains and we have to stay in but that means enjoying the AC and relaxing with silly shows
  • bug and bird hunting - no real hunting here but its always fun to learn more about animals
  • go to new fun places - libraries, parks, museums and arcades fun new things and take the plunge
Hopefully this small list showcases a few of the fun exciting and lovely things you can do this summer. If you have an activity you like add to my list!

Fun in the SUN!


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