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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Little Trip to the Doctor


I decided to do a little talk about going to the doctor as I have to go on Thursday. 

  1. littles will be scared -- the doctor is scary no matter how old so make sure you make them feel comfortable 
  2. Bring something to do -- waiting can be really hard so make sure to pack coloring or a book
  3. use music to calm -- wear a pair of headphones and listen to your favorite songs 
  4. make sure you know what to say -- I sometimes need to go over why I am there to make sure I say the right things 
  5. have a list of your medicines -- I can never remember the names so I write them down with the doses so I don't make a mistake 
  6. wear something comfy -- it just makes everything better 
  7. if you have to get  shot -- don't be tense it will make it hurt more 
  8. CGs make you little feel comfy saying what they need too -- I sometimes get nervous so I don't tell them what I need too CGs make your little fee okay with tell the doctor everything 
  9. make sure to great yourself -- take that lollipop or stop and get some stickers you did really well
  10. CGs make sure to congratulate your little for doing well at the doctor
The doctor can be a really scary place but with these few tips hopefully, the trip can be a little easier. 

It will be okay,

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