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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Cute Little Names

 Hi again,

So I know last week was a very heavy post but I am doing a tiny bit better, so I wanted to do something cute and light this week. 

My daddy thought it would be cute to make meaning to little names, here we go!

  • little one - perfect for everyone! It makes a little melt
  • prince/princess/princx - super cute and great when the little is being fussy remind them they are royalty but you are the king/queen
  • puppy/kitty - fun if your little is into pup/kit play 
  • _____ (insert animal here) - my daddy calls me his otter and I love it more than anything 
  • little _______ (insert almost anything here) - he calls me his little pannycake and I find it adorable almost anything is cute if you add little in front of it
  • brat - some littles love it others hate it, it can definitely get the attention of your little one and remind them of their place
  • snuggle bug - for those moments when you are feeling cuddly 
  • flower - even for little boys make sure they know they are beautiful in their own way
  • Mr./Ms./Mx. - a great way of making your little feel special add their first name to makes it

    even cutier
  • sunshine - they are your ray of sunshine after all
  • love - remind them they are your love always 
  • honey/bun - they are just so sweet
  • cutey/pie - aren't they cute?
  • smartypants - make sure they know they are super smart especially when doing a new activity
Super cute right? LOL I hope this list helps those CG come up with a few cute names to call their little one and make them feel special because they are!

Sunshine and Pannycakes,

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