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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

A Beach Day

 Hello there my friends!

Sorry for the hold-up :( I have been moving into my new apartment and it has been a crazy crazy few weeks. Anyway, I wanted to come back with a cute one so here we go - a day at the beach. 

  • bring yummy food - always a great way to keep the day going! From sandwiches to fruit to even some ice cream you need to keep your energy up while playing at the beach
  • freshwater - need to stay hydrated in the hot sun
  • sand toys - always a fun addition to the sandy texture of the beach and great for finding little critters in the tide pools
  • boogie boards - I love playing in the waves and these are a great fun way of getting into the water
  • kite - I always loved those a kid! It was always the last thing I did a great way to end the day
  • umbrella - keep your baby safe from the hot sun 
  • blanket - a fun play area and good for naps
  • towels - got to stay dry!
  • cute hat - another way to keep the sun at bay 
  • sunscreen - an absolute must, babies tend to burn quick
  • water toys - like balls or frisbee can also be played in the sand
  • flip-flops and cover-ups - other ways of staying cozy in the sun and sand
I love heading to the beach on a hot day and playing with my daddy. Hopefully, this list reminds you of the fun in the sun and surf. 

Sun and Sand,

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