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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Valentine's Day

 Happy Day to All!

As Valentine's day approaches I wanted to write a little on how to make this day special for your littles and bigs alike. 

  • make it as special as you want - some people love this day others don't care about it make it your own
  • get some candy - chocolate or sour gummies whatever you like but candy is a big part of it
  • make or get a card - CG love homemade but sometimes a good old school car is a great gift
  • stuffies - they are a great cute gift and littles love them 
  • dress up - even if you aren't going out sometimes its fun to dress up for each other especially with LDR
  • this would be a great day to share your love - as this is the day of love its a great day to make sure your little or CG knows just how much you love them 
  • sexy time - not everyone is into it but make it special maybe some cute undies or a special activity
  • kisses and cuddles  - share some special moments together be it a big kiss or just some old school cuddles 
  • watch a love movie - this can be something like the "notebook" or just a movie you two love
  • gifts -  these can be anything really flowers or candies or new books and a sweater 
  • make sure you love your friends too - they mean just as much as your love so share some love with your friends and family 
I hope you have a great day no matter how you decide to celebrate maybe a movie and some candy over voice chat. 


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