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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

51 Things to Keep Busy

 Hello Friends!

I was bored this week so I wanted to make a long list of all the best things to do as a little.

  1. board games
  2. play pretend with your stuffies
  3. dress up
  4. play in a sprinkler 
  5. go shopping for toys
  6. cook with your CG
  7. watch a little movie
  8. plant a seed
  9. eat yummy treats
  10. do your hair
  11. take a long bath
  12. snuggle 
  13. cuddle with your favorite stuffie
  14. play with chalk
  15. go on the swings
  16. jump in a puddle
  17. go for a safe swim
  18. watch a little show
  19. read a little book
  20. play with legos 
  21. make a fort
  22. blow bubbles
  23. text your CG
  24. journal
  25. take pictures 
  26. make a blog
  27. learn sign language for kids
  28. dress in your CG's clothes
  29. dance to Disney music
  30. do a fashion show
  31. listen to a book on tape
  32. write a story 
  33. color a picture
  34. play with stickers
  35. pet a cat
  36. learn to sew 
  37. make a yarn doll
  38. play hopscotch 
  39. have a party
  40. make lemonade 
  41. make a comic book
  42. take a walk
  43. play a computer game
  44. go out on a boat
  45. play with water balloons
  46. play and instrument 
  47. go on a hike
  48. make a silly video 
  49. do a puppet show
  50. put on a show for your little friends
  51. post little pride on instagram 
There are a million more things to do but here is just a small list to make you think of some things to do.

Fun and Games,


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