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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Little Pets


Little and bigs alike love small cute animals and new friends so why not learn a little about having a little pet. As a LDR little myself that is living in an apartment having a pet can be a bit of a challenge BUT I have made it work and I'll tell you about it here:


Because I live in an apartment I am not allowed to have pets :( but I am allowed to have a pet fish! So I got out my old fish tank from a few years ago and filled it with clean water and decorations. My water at home has chlorine in it so I had to buy chemicals to make it safe for my new friend. Once the tank was all set up I went to the pet shop and picked out a little red betta fish. She was only a few dollars and I picked her because I never had a female or red betta fish. She was also super active in her cup. Picking a fish was so challenging for me I wanted them all. Good thing I had daddy to help me make a good choice. With my new fishy friend, I learned about feeding, water temperature, and cleaning. I have had fish in the past but in a new environment, I had to work my way around the new place.  So far so good for me and my little Joy-girl. 

Anyway, that is my story of a little pet. Fish are a great start as they are easy to take care of even if you get a full tank with a filter, heater, and bubble bar. It's also fun picking out toys and fishy friends. Maybe one day ill get another female fish to add to my tank. Once a little learn about the responsibility of taking care of a fish a small pet may be a good move forward. This could be a rodent or reptile. Both are great fun and fun to take care of. After the small pet may be a cat, once again more responsibility but they can take care of themselves (bathroom, cleaning, etc.) Lastly a large pet like a dog. These are a lot to take care of and need a lot of attention. For me even if I could have a bigger pet I would stick with the fish as I can easily take care of them (no matter how responsible I am). 

If pets are completely off the table I would recommend a plant. Plants are great fun and you can learn a lot about your new plant friend and the best way to take care of them. It gives some responsibility without the fear of a pet. It's also nice because plants not need much in the way of attention, so vacations are great!

Where ever you start and whatever pet/plant you get having some responsibility is great for a little and gives them something to care about, just like you care for them. 

Fishies and Smiles,


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