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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

New Home

 Hi all,

So I finally moved into my new place and I'm super excited to start my new life here in a new city, in a new apartment, and a new job. So as a little living alone can be a scary thing so here is a list of ways of making a single apartment more little friendly. 

  • make the room cozy and comfy - add stuffies and pillows these really help make it a little room
  • dress up that room - add toys and other little gear to make sure no matter what part of the bedroom you are in you can reach for a little something
  • put up little art and wall decor - I love hanging up my colorings and drawings this really makes the room feel like my own
  • keep blankets in the living room -  you never know when there might be a chill or you need a place to play 
  • get a big cozy chair - you may not be able to sit on your CG's lap but at least a cozy chair can keep you company
  • keep little books handy - I know when my CG is working late having little books available makes going to bed easier
  • make sure to have little snacks handy - now that I have my own kitchen I can fill it with little snacks and treats for when I am a good baby
  • keep your little things out like movies and toys - not that you have your own space you can be free to play and watch what you like 
  • showcase your tub toys and bubble bath - make the bathroom a cozy little place
I love having my own place just for the fact that I can keep all my little stuff all over the place. I hope that one day you don't have to hide your little self anymore.

Be YourSelf,


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