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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Some Updates

 Hello, my lovelies,

I really didn't have an idea for this week but some big life stuff just happened so I wanted to share!

So I am getting a second job! I know what you are thinking "when are you going to have time to be little and to write your blog?!" Well, I will still have time I promise! I am not going anywhere! There may be some breaks here and there when I need some time to myself and the blogs may come out on different days but I promise I'll do my best for you all. Also, the job only goes to about 7:30 PM and it starts right after my other job ends. I am doing this for a few reasons: 1) I have been having a hard time mentally and keeping busy helps 2) I have more medical expenses than I originally thought so I could use some extra money to pay for that 3) I enjoy working! Yes you read that right I enjoy spending time with others and helping which is what I can do at this second job (I will be working in dietary in a facility) 

The next big news is I am going to be starting T again soon! I finally got up the nerve and had a good talk with my daddy and we decided a low dose of T will help with my dysphoria. I made the appointment today with the LGBT+ clinic in town and will have my first appointment in December. I am excited but still really nervous because I had some trouble with my parents and acceptance in the past -- the reason I had to stop originally. Also, I have to hide it from my daddy's parents as they are really not accepting of me being trans (hence the low dose - easier to hide the changes). So exciting also scary and the last time I was on it we had to mess with the dose a lot because I was having side effects but because I know now I should have an easier time.  And I went to the store to buy some pants for my job and I found a book about trans identities and it was written by an emby person that was AFAB. I felt so right about making the choice to start T. It felt like a god-sent like I just happened to call the clinic today and I happened to find the book while I was out shopping for pants for my new job -- so many coincidences! I had to buy the book :)

I will be seeing my daddy soon! So in about a month I will be boarding a plane and heading to see my daddy for his sister's wedding. I am so excited to go to a wedding with him as I have never been to a wedding with a date before. It should be really fun and it will be nice to show off a little. The only downside is I have to wear a dress :(.

So that seems to be the big update, sorry for the lame post but I wanted to share my good news and hopefully brighten your day a little just knowing a trans little is doing good.

Rainbows and Lovebugs,


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