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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Rules, Rule, Rules

 Nice to see you all again,

So daddy and I have been talking about rules lately and what they mean for me as a little. As a little that works not only one stressful job but two rules are a way of finding peace in the hectic world. Currently, I am working on a COVID unit at the psych hospital I work at and I also work at an old folks home. The COVID unit is scary because of the well, COVID and the home is hard because I can easily pass COVID and my boss has been very rude to me lately. For me, rules are a way of allowing my brain to shut off and do what I am told. At work, I am told to do a bunch of things but I am ridiculed for the way I do them. I know daddy would never do that to me and would be happy I am just following through. Rules also are for my own benefit so I know what I am doing is helping me in the end. Sometimes rules get in the way and ake me more tired or just make me angry but I know daddy would be proud if I at least "half-assed" (teehee bad word) my rules instead of not following them at all. 

Daddy and I finally finished up our good boy chart and will be starting that this week. I am really excited to start as now I can earn points for following my rules and being the good boy I know I am. For me, rules keep me grounded and healthy. 

When it comes to little culture rules are a huge part of being a little. When I was first finding a daddy that was one of my first questions "what kind of rules do you have?" For some, they want more rules (like me). For others, they want just  a few like "no cheating, eat well, drink water and  listen to me (CG)." Some littles don't want rules at all, but I don't find that to be the case many times. I think rules are a very important part of the little world, they keep us safe, sound, in the right mind, controlled, and active in our own lives.  They make sure we don't self-harm and take our medication. We do self-care and take care of our stuffies. Rules make little remember that we are important! 

Respect and Love,


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