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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Keeping a Little Healthy

Hello and Welcome!

So this week was full of a lot of ways I had to keep myself healthy so I decided to blog about it and help all those CGs care for their little to the best of their abilities. 

  • make sure they go to their appointments - even though we all hate the doctor they are very important and we need to make sure those little ones are doing well physically
  • share healthy food and recipes - for the little in an LDR my daddy cant make me food so he shares yummy recipes to make sure I am eating well
  • make sure they get to sleep - don't keep them up too late if possible I know it can be heard with LDR but sleep is an important part of a littles health
  • exercise! - even if it's just for a few minutes getting that heart rate up makes every little better
  • read and learn - keep that brain working and learn something new or go to a wonderful world through a book
  • go to therapy - we can all use it (yes even me!) even CGs
  • journal - it's a great way of staying mentally fit and relax after a long day
  • food log - I keep one and my CG loves it because he gets to see what I eat during the day and it helps me on my weight loss journey
  • give treats - everyone deserves something special 
  • keep their spending in check - don't be too controlling but sometimes we littles get a little stuffie crazy at the store so make sure we don't spend too much (especially for use with rent) 
  • help them get spiritual -  this isn't for everyone but go to church with your little or do some Wicca magic with them whatever they get their spirituality on
  • help them at work - I know it sounds hard but maybe send them cute messages throughout the day or give them a little stuffie to keep at their desk anyway to brighten the workday
  • let them have friends - I know it can be hard you want that little all to yourself but having friends is really important and make sure you are a good friend and not just a CG
  • make sure their environment is right - this makes a happy little, keep it safe and cozy
Taking care of a little can be hard but making sure they are happy can come from a simple text or a hug after a hard day. This list is just a short grouping of things that helps a little have the best life they can have, just remember to follow the wellness wheel.

Caring and Cuddles,

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