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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Having and Asexual Little

 Hi there,

Sorry about last week I was feeling so cruddy that I didn't want to post. But this week is better and Daddy had a great idea foe this week. As someone that now identifies as Asexual (most likely because of a medication change but we don't know for sure) I wanted to write a little bit about being an asexual little.

It can be really challenging being a asexual little with a daddy that isn't. What has worked for us is communication. For me I am a sex positive little, this means I am totally okay with sex and that I am willing to still perform the act. Some asexuals are not okay with sex and that might be hard for a CG. This could mean the CG needs to change or that maybe the relationship wont work (sadly). But as I have found out sex isn't everything and it's nice to take sometime to do things that aren't sex based. This could be learning more about yourself or your CG. I for one have found talking to be the most relaxing thing I can do with my CG. For use this works well. Sometimes we do have sex but it isn't a top priority we spend more time laughing and talking and enjoying each other in other ways. 

So to take care of an asexual little:

  • ask -- what they feel and need 
  • spend some time doing other things -- just because this is a BDSM type relationship doesn't mean its all sex all the time there are still so many activities one can do that still falls under BDSM
    • punishments that aren't sexual 
    • little time outside the bedroom 
    • spend some time doing sensual acts that don't always lead to sex 
      • baths
      • chaining clothes 
      • diaper chaining
  • Let your little know how you feel too -- its important to communicate what ever that may look like but your needs are just as important as theirs
  • don't push -- NO MEANS NO, things may change so be ready for feelings to change when it comes to sex 
  • communication is key -- can't say it enough 
I know this isn't much but hopefully this helps a little if your asexual little comes out to you. Just make sure everyone is comfortable, and happy in the relationship what ever that may look like for you all.

Pride and Pure Love,


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