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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ideas for your Journal


Sorry, I missed last week but I didn't have internet for a few days and I have been having a hard time lately as I had to stop therapy because they would accept my insurance anymore and I started my new job so I really don't have time to go anymore. ANYWAY, because I don't get to go to therapy anymore I decided to start journaling more. I did it a little when I was in therapy but now I am doing it once a week at least. So I wanted to create a list of topics I can write about and I thought I would share it here. 

  • what are you most in love with?
  • what makes you smile and laugh?
  • what do you hate and what can you do to change those feelings?
  • if you could write a letter to anyone who would it be and what would you say?
  • who is your hero?
  • what makes you a hero?
  • if you could do anything for a job what would it be?
  • what would you tell the void/god/universe if you could?
  • what makes you feel little and big?
  • thank your body for being it
  • streams of thought -- just right what you think
  • describe your best day
  • make a list of all the things you want to do big or small
  • write a letter to your childhood best friend 
  • how would you take care of a puppy/cat/fish
This list is super short but I just wanted to get the wheels turning and to make you think of a few things. If you want add to this list and keep going. This is for sure something I will bring up later to be aware :3

Kindness and Caring,


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