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Monday, December 28, 2020

Taking a Trip

 Hi there,

So I was thinking about my upcoming trip to see my daddy (yay)! And I thought I would make a little guide for taking a trip as a little during COVID times:

  • make sure you are packs days before you leave -- I tend to change things at the last minute so I have it early so I have enough time to change things out 
  • leave room in your bag for new treasures -- my daddy always buys me something special so I leave room in my big bag for it 
  • bring a gift for your host -- whoever that may be its always nice to have something for them 
  • in your carry on pack extra snacks -- not all flights are the same make sure to have something to eat 
  • pack a water bottle -- don't bring it filled but have it so you can fill it after you get through security 
  • in your carry on pack activities -- I always make sure to have my game boy and tablet to watch movies and play games flights can be boring 
  • bring what your CG tells you -- remember they know best and they might want you to bring a special outfit for going somewhere fancy 
  • bring a little to-go bag -- in my carry on I have a special pencil case with all my little things like a paci, collar, activities, sticker, bandaids, small toys, etc. just anything that makes you happy and little and that you might need at your CG's
  • make sure to have COVID stuff -- this includes masks, gloves, glasses, and hand sanitizer, these can be cute too such as a fun mask, pink gloves, and fruity sanitizer 
  • change are your devices the night before -- don't be like me and forget lol 
  • call your bank to let them know -- it's always a good idea to tell your bank so your cards don't get declined
  • diapers on a plane are not a good idea -- unless you know you won't "go" then maybe skip the nappies this time 
  • bring a flight partner -- during COVID a hard toy might be better but during normal times a little stuffie friend would be glad to come along
  • bring your comfort objects to sleep with -- be it a toy or blanket make sure to bring them to sleep with at your CG's
  • eat before you fly -- my tummy turns on planes so I make sure I eat before so I am not starving when I get off
  • bring gum -- this will help little ears not hurt so much 
  • download shows -- some planes don't have WIFI so make sure my little pony is fully downloaded before hand 
  • HAVE FUN -- just make sure to be safe and have fun on your flight to see you CG
I cant wait to fly and to tell you all about it I might have some more tricks when I get back to wait for those!

I'll be back in two weeks!

Love you all,

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Little Christmas Fun

 Happy Holidays!

I hope you are having a lovely holiday season, I wanted to bring in some holiday cheer with little things you can do for the season. 

  • Drink hot coco with tiny marshmallows 
  • make and enjoy pie 
  • watch classic movies like Elf and those clay ones like Frost the Snow man 
  • snuggle up with stuffies 
  • wrap presents 
  • make gift for your little friend and of course your CG
  • Eat candy canes (I just tired the mint and coco ones they are AMAZING)
  • Build snow forts and play in the snow (if you have no snow that okay just spend some time outside)
  • Get yummy drink and go for a walk to see the lights people put out 
  • Decorate the house and tree (if you have a tree)
  • send cards to your friends and family 
  • get matching sweaters with your CG
  • Sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth 
  • do puzzles and indoor crafts and activities 
  • watch cartoons and play video games 
I hope this gives you a few ideas of things you can do as the holidays come in. I hope you enjoy these special times with your CG and all your friends. 

Happy Holidays,

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Taking Care of a Non-Cisgender Little


So because I have been on reddit I found so many posts that are really mean towards transgender people so I decided to add a little love for trans people out on the internet. So here is a list of things to make a trans little feel better in their cute skin:

Being transgender can be really challenging! I know first hand that I face a lot in my daily life, just toady I read two top posts on reddit that were bashing transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Some ways that can a little feel better might include:

  • letting your little choose their clothes -- I know this maybe challenging for a CG but sometimes we just want to wear what comfy
  • let them express themselves -- this could mean when they do crafts, when they play with make up and in all areas of their life
  • dysphoria is a B word -- this can make being a little really hard this will make your little feel totally horrible in their skin please understand we are not doing this on purpose and we need extra love when it happens
  • listen closely to your little -- they know what they need let them know that you are all ears
  • sometimes we don't know -- I know for me sometimes I don't know what I need but having a CG that understand that and gives me options for help is really a gift
  • help them feel more comfortable -- sometimes the pressure of everything can be a lot learn to recognize that in your little and help them to de-stress with napping, playing, cuddling etc. 
  • remind them they are valid -- this can be the best words a little can hear about both their little space and their gender
  • find some safe places -- this can be a pro trans website, games or activities
  • find pro trans things -- fun clothes, coloring pages, pride events etc. 
Hopefully this will help my trans littles and make them feel like the valid humans they are! Just do what makes you happy as long as you aren't
hurting yourself or others there is no reason to not be happy!


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Sorry for the Wait :( But I'm BACK!


Sorry that is has been like a month since we last talked but class and my internship and just all the crud of life just came together into a poopy storm. For a little this means sadness and scary-ness and just not what I want or need. But I am back and I wanted to come back with some happy things so daddy shared the idea of planning out the perfect picnic. I will be visiting my daddy soon and we wanted to have a picnic while I was there so here we go the perfect picnic date!

  • bring a blanket- no one wants to sit on wet grass or yucky ground so bring a blanket or sheet or a few towels to sit on 
  • bring food- picky foods are the best little thing that don't really need to stay cold. Sandwiches are a great choice and popcorn too. Make sure to bring some sweet too! Oh don't forget the water especially if it's a hot day 
  • wear your cute clothes- just make is a special day but make sure you wear things for the out doors 
  • play some music- not too loud remember you are not the only ones in the garden but a little music is a great idea 
  • bring some games- checkers is a good one 
  • chalk talk- bring some chalk to play some games and make some art
  • note pad games- these are easy and fun tic-tac-toe is a great one or stop at the dollar store and grab some word searches
  • coloring too- grab those markers and coloring books!
  • little things- if you don't mind people seeing bring your paci and sippy and just feel super little in the sun
  • sunscreen and bug spray- make sure to stay safe
  • swim suits or a change or clothes- some parks have water to play in
I hope this gives you some great ideas that you can change and move to work best for you and your CG. As always have fun and be safe. If the park isn't your place have a back yard picnic or one inside on the rainy day!

Sunshine and Smiles,

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Another Year! - My B-Day

 Hello All,

So I know I have written about parties before but I wanted to plan the ultimate little party!

  • yummy food- make your little their favorite food, yes even dino nuggets. What ever they want they can have this day
  • take them some where fun- this could be the mall, zoo, or just to the local park. What ever you do let them be little and enjoy the time in little space
  • Cake- please let your little enjoy their cake don't remind them to eat slowly, how many calories are in the cake or anything -- this is their time to enjoy
  • Have some people over- if your little has friends have them over for some games maybe have a small party.
    • If they have little friends maybe throw a little b-day party just like when they were kids invite the CGs and enjoy some time with the grown up
    • if they don't have accepting friends or no little friends allow your little to enjoy some big time maybe even let them drink (if they are of legal age) 
  • Let your little be in charge- this is their day remember that and make sure they are happy and pleased 
  • Gifts- make sure to wrap it and allow them to open it, littles love surprises so don't make them pick their own gifts out 
  • Watch a movie- break out the popcorn and enjoy a silly movie time together
  • Get the fun plates, party hats, candles and sound makers- I know your little will love it just trust me :3
  • Just have fun- what ever that means to you and your little just enjoy your time together and have a great time, if that means no celebration of any kind then that's okay just make sure your little is happy and enjoying their special day. 
I hope this helps will little birthdays and how they can be made extra special. 

Happy Birthday to You All,

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Little's Perfect Wedding


My daddy wanted me to write about my idea for a wedding here so this might get a little naughty so make sure to ask before you read!

So a few things to have at wedding:

Pick a fun color -- maybe go with your favorite color or a color that just makes you happy forget about the seasons color this is your wedding not the fall's wedding 

Make your own flowers -- instead of buying flowers maybe learn to make them, arts and crafts!

If your a princess wear a princess dress, if your a prince a beautiful suit and if you don't feel like it wear what makes you happy, maybe a big bow or cute bunny or cat ears 

Have a fun cake -- maybe add your favorite characters to it as the wedding party or just have fun flavors 

Invite your little friends -- sometimes we just need our little friends and their caregivers

If you can wear little things under your dress or suit -- I know it might be a surprise for your caregiver but I know they will love it 

Be prepared for the wedding night -- I know this can be scary but it will be really fun so don't stress

you are going to be tired after so make sure to pack some cozy clothes for after the party and maybe your stuffie

If you are ready do a collaring -- this maybe the right time to get your final collar the collar you will wear forever with your caregiver (see my post on collaring) 

Have your favorite food -- maybe not you favorite little food but make sure you are pleasing your taste buds (and maybe have your caregiver and new spouse cut it up for you)

So this is not a complete list not even close but I hope it gives some good ideas for a little hidden wedding or even just wedding, I have never had one so I wasn't great at creating this list, but I now have some good ideas for myself :3

Love and Bliss,



Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A Little Guide to Fall

 UWU Heddo,

So as fall comes to the east coast I wanted to write a little bit on what I like to do in fall that makes me feel little and most of them can be hidden in normal fall activities. 

  1. apple picking- makes me feel so small especially around really big trees. I also love eating apples as a little snack so a double win. 
  2. Picking and carving pumpkins- just makes me feel little as this was something I did when I was young super fun activity but be careful with knives
  3. drinking warm drinks- I love hot apple cider and coco great time to enjoy them as it gets cold
  4. snuggling- I love this all the time but as it gets colder its a way more fun activity
  5. sitting around a fire- a great time to roast marshmallows and eat candy 
  6. dressing up- as Halloween gets close I love trying on clothes and dressing up and I can do it without fear or being caught. I also love being in costume shops that pop up
  7. coloring fall pictures- I just love fall so coloring things with fall colors is super fun  
  8. reading in the sun- a little bit of a big kid activity but enjoying the nice weather in a cozy sweater is a great way of getting fresh air and still feeling cozy 
  9. Watching Halloween movies- I hate scary movies but I love the little movies that come out during this time they are just super fun and cute 
  10. Eating yummy foods- during this time all my favorite foods come out like cider donuts, pie and warm casseroles
What's your favorite fall activity? What do you like to do where you live?

Bats and Pumpkins,

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A Little Guide To Bipolar 2

 Hi there,

So here I am telling you a really big thing about me, yes, I have bipolar 2 and through a lot of self care I feel like I can tell you all and write a little bit on how I have worked through it and how I took care of myself. 

DISCLAMER- I am a social work student but please don't take this as gospel this is just a few things that have worker with me but they wont work with anyone. Please if you feel like you are going through mental health trouble seek professional help. 

What my bipolar looks like- stretches of depression that can last for a few month and can become extreme to the point of suicide actions. Then short periods of hypomania resulting in hyper actions, staying up too late, starting projects, and irregular actions. My bipolar can be really scary and its hard to switch from hypomania to depression and I tend to have suicide actions and self harm. 

Things that have helped

Medication- it has taken a while but I have finally found a mixture of medication that help through the waves of emotions and the long stretches of depression. 

Therapy- I have been in therapy for a long time but talk therapy can be really helpful in understanding the minute details of bipolar and what triggers might be for wave changes and just life in general it can be hard for anyone.

Time in little space- I use little space as a part of my self-care. I spend time in my space to relax myself and reduce the stress that can make the bipolar worst. IT can be really challenging to live with bipolar everyday and even with the help of medication it really takes a lot out of me so I use little space as the way of self-care to remind myself I'm important even if the depression is saying I'm not. 

Self-care- this is really important especially for someone with a chronic mental health diagnosis. I will have to live with this forever so I have learned to take time out of my day everyday to work on myself and the things I like.




        self-help books

         bath time 

        cooking or enjoying a meal

        watching silly shows 


CG support- I received my diagnosis before meeting my CG so I was really open about it. I know telling people can be really scary but it is really important to have people on your side be it your CG or a good friend having people supporting you and loving you can make this so much easier. 

Take care even when it's hard- not just the new-age version of self-care but the general idea = eat, drink water, bath and shower, brush your teeth and spend some time outside. I know when I am on waves it can be challenging to remember to do things to just take care of myself

Learning good coping mechanisms- one of mine is little space but there are millions of ways of coping with things like depression find a few that you like and keep at them to make things a little less challenging 

Take a break- sometimes just taking a break is really important take a moment and just breath it will be really helpful and help you focus on yourself and your needs. 

Do what's best for you- if this means cutting out bad people, napping at noon, eating a special diet, what ever you find helps that doesn't hurt you or someone else just do it, you know what's best for you. 

I know this didn't focus on little stuff but I hope it helped someone. 

Pudding and Pops,


Here are some cats to cheer you up

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Little Guide to Caring for Sick CGs

 Hi there,

So, this isn't news but I'm not feeling my best my tummy is causing a lot of issues but I still wanted to say hello and write to you all as you mean a lot to me. 

So I decided to write a little bit more about taking care of a CG when they are sick.

  1. Make sure they are comfy- they sick they need comfy clothes and soft blankets and sick-time stuffie 
  2. make them something easy to eat- fallow the BRAT diet that always helps a bad tummy 
  3. Put on a soft show- nothing too extreme and easy to just listen to in the background 
  4. try some tea- there are a few teas that are really nice to have when your tummy hurts
  5. leave them alone- I know this is a hard but sometimes CGs need their space when they are sick so find something to do while they rest
  6. Color them a picture- this will make them really happy and it will give them some time alone
  7. Snuggle them- this is only if they are comfortable but sometimes cuddles are the best medicine 
  8. don't do anything too extreme for a little one- don't get into any trouble your CG will not be very happy and harsher punishment might ensue 
  9. Stay quiet- let them rest and sleep it is very important 
  10. Make plans for when they are better- sometimes CGs need to be in their own house or space but that gives you a chance to be away and make plans for when you can be together again 
Always make your CG happy even when they are sick so be good and be safe. 

Love and Cuddles,

Thursday, September 17, 2020

30 Things all Littles Need to Hear


I have been feeling down and out and even being little isn't really helping so I decided to write a list of the things littles need to hear. 

  1. you are special 
  2. you are the best
  3. you are loved 
  4. please drink some water
  5. please eat something 
  6. your drawing is amazing
  7. your colorings belong on the fridge 
  8. I know school is hard but I know you can do it 
  9. the story you wrote should be published for other littles to read
  10. you are not annoying 
  11. you look so cute in your little gear
  12. you make your CG happy and proud
  13. please take a little nap it will help
  14. your stuffies are so happy to be yours
  15. they will get back to you soon, don't worry
  16. you are important in so many ways 
  17. the sun misses you go say hello 
  18. being little all day is good self-care
  19. make sure to take you meds
  20. talk to someone it will make your day better
  21. work can take a lot out of you have some milk and relax with a movie 
  22. being little does not make you weird 
  23. being little makes you, you
  24. make sure to take care of your stuffies 
  25. do a craft it will help you feel better
  26. baths are fun!
  27. your mental health is worth taking care of 
  28. your friends like to talk to you
  29. you mean a lot to other people 
  30. please stay with us
I hope this helped you feel a little better. Writing these down helped me feel worth something and had good reminders to keep taking care of myself. 

Be You, Be Loved,

Thursday, September 10, 2020

50 Things To Do When Stuck at Home


Hi there! So because I am board and stuck at home still I decided to create a big list of all the things to do at home and have nothing to do:

  1. play with Legos
  2. play a video game
  3. watch a Disney movie 
  4. have a dance off with your stuffies
  5. have a tea party with you CG
  6. bake cookies
  7. make ice cream sundaes
  8. binge your favorite little show
  9.  color with makers
  10. play pretend 
  11. dress up 
  12. write a story
  13. read a little book
  14. watch little youtubers 
  15. draw a flower
  16. garden 
  17. pick flowers and press them 
  18. write a letter to your CG
  19. take a nap 
  20. make some yummy foods or drinks
  21. exercise 
  22. take a bath 
  23. do your little journal 
  24. build a fort
  25. do your chores
  26. have a sing-a-long
  27. make jewelry 
  28.  find somewhere you an swim and relax by the water
  29. play in the grass
  30. play hopscotch 
  31. jump rope
  32. put together all your outfits for the week 
  33. annoy your Care giver for attention
  34. put on your favorite clothes and just enjoy them for yourself
  35. eat some fruit and share with your stuffies 
  36. play a card game 
  37. play board games 
  38. drink hot milk or coco and snuggle 
  39. make up a song and perform it for you stuffies
  40. imagine a new world and write about it thinking of all the aspect of the world 
  41. video chat with a friend 
  42. have a date night over Zoom with you care giver
  43. take your stuffies for a walk
  44. enjoy the nature around you 
  45. make crafts 
  46. learn to play an instrument 
  47. play with stickers and glitter
  48. check in on your friends and family 
  49. try out different flavors of foods/drinks and see what your favorite
  50. play outside int he sun
I hope these give you a few good ideas on what to do as we are all still stuck at home. It's a scary time so please stay safe wear your masks and keep apart. I hope you are all doing okay.

Love you all,

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Another Week with Daddy!

 Hi again,

I am sorry I have been gone for so long but Daddy came to see me for the first time. 

As you know we are in a long distance relationship so we don't get to see each other very often and the last two times we did see each other I went there, but this time DADDY CAME TO ME!!!!!

day 1- the day daddy came he flew into Boston and we spent the day in the area where my brother lives. We went shopping and went to see all the animals at the aquarium. We also got sweets in the north end and it was so amazing!

day 2- on the second day we drove up north with my family to spend some time at the Lost River which is this super cool rive that cuts through a mountain and we got to hike the trail and shift for neat gems and rocks in the running water.

 day 3- we had another busy day as we went to the beach and spent or time in the sun and waves. It was a really fun experience to send time with daddy at a very different location like that. Then after we went to get food at a yummy fish place and I got to eat my fill of chowder and french fries. 

day 4- this day was a little more low key. We first went to this super fun store that sells all sorts of odd ball things and daddy bought me a new pair of socks with the trans flag colors on them. Then we went to the arcade which is the biggest int he world and spent a good chunk of time playing and giggling together as he ran around the place. In the end daddy got me a little llama toy which is purple and squeaks. After our fun we tried going for a boat ride but the wind was to much so we spent some time relaxing and sleeping together. 

day 5- Thursday was really rainy so we stayed in most of the day and enjoyed just being together. We did some naughty stuff and spent some lovely time together just enjoying each others bodies. After we went to the book store and mall and strolled around a little. 

day 6- this was the last full day daddy was here so we went to another zoo that recuses animals that are local to the environment. Daddy really enjoyed this place and I did too. After we went to get burgers and enjoyed another trip around the book store. That night we went mini golfing which was super fun and daddy even got a hole in one!

day 7- this was my last day with daddy it was really hard to help him pack and get all his things together. The trip to the airport was long and daddy and I both cried when he had to leave. But I was happy because daddy got home safe and we are already planning his next trip.

So there it is another amazing week with my daddy. I hope through this I give you all a little hope and joy in knowing that people are meeting each other and doing well in a long distance relationship. I hope it also gave you all a few good ideas on what you can do with your little of CG when you are together. 

Raindrops and Popsicle,


Tuesday, August 18, 2020



My daddy had a good idea for a post, how about games to play with your CG!

Video Games

  • Stardew Valley- a super fun game that can be a single-player or multiplayer. Grow your own farm and live it up in the little town and you can even marry the love of your life. Get it on Steam for super cheap.
  • Don't Starve Together- if you can handle the scary parts this creepy single and multiplayer game is great to learn to communicate and work together to stay alive and well in the creepy forest. Get it for Steam today.
  • Webkinz- if your CG is into playing little games make a Webkinz together and play in a super fun animal world. You can even still collect the stuffies! Get online today!
  • Words with friends- my daddy and I just started playing. A scrabble type game that keeps little minds sharp. Get it on the App store.
  • Draw something classic- draw and guess and see who wins! 
  • Word games of two- a simple app that allows two-players to play classic two-player games.
 Board Games

  • Candyland- best for itty-bitty littles
  • Sorry- for older littles that don't mind getting a little revenge
  • Janga- good for older littles that don't mind loud sounds
  • checkers- any age
  • Puzzles together- bigger is better and you both work towards building something awesome
Card Games

  • go fish- for the little littles
  • war- for middle littles 
  • Rummy on the board- for older littles or even when you both are big 
  • Fluxx- fun add ons but this game can be challenging maybe for the older littles 

  • Mad Libs- great fun especially for long car rides
  • there are tons of online apps and games were teams can be built with CGs and littles alike
  • try playing a video game where the little takes and lead, let the CG help along the way
  • make sure its age-appropriate and littles aren't doing something too hard 
  • make sure your little is safe online 
  • Just have fun - board games are my favorite >///<
That's all for now,

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

50 Reasons Why I Love Being Little

Hey There,
I haven't been able to regress in a while so I decided to write a post about the reasons why I love being a little: 
  1. get to relive a childhood I didn't get
  2. stickers are amazing
  3. coloring is very calming 
  4. little snacks are healthier then what I could be eating 
  5. little shows always have happy endings 
  6. onesies are super cozy
  7. stuffies are never mean
  8. little friends make the world happier
  9. having someone look after me makes me feel safer
  10. diapers are great for periods 
  11. I can cry for no reason and its okay 
  12. candy is better eaten as a little
  13. milk tastes better with vanilla 
  14. I can be any gender and still feel comfortable 
  15. I get to use my imagination more 
  16. someone reminds me to take my medication 
  17. having someone that knows me fully at the different ages I act out is really amazing 
  18. I love wearing a collar and I wear it with pride
  19. little journaling is better than not journaling at all
  20. it good for my mental health 
  21. holding hands 
  22. taking baths makes me more calm and cozy 
  23. snuggles!!
  24. cuddles!!
  25. I feel more creative and free of judgment 
  26. naughty time is better with a daddy and master
  27. punishments remind me of what I should do 
  28. rules keep me in check and remind me of the important things 
  29. animals just seem cuter 
  30. I can express myself in a fun way 
  31. shew toys help with my oral fixation 
  32. sippies are best EVER
  33. little plates mean better portion control 
  34. adult coloring books are too challenging lol 
  35. build-a-bear is a great store
  36. wearing a crown and leading a stuffie army 
  37. sparkles 
  38. ribbons and bows 
  39. dinosaurs arent scary
  40. legos
  41. Webkinz!
  42. pacis relax me better than anything 
  43. that one special stuffy that means the world to me 
  44. space is full of stars and wonder
  45. being tucked in 
  46. being called cute pet names 
  47. pouting to get what you want 
  48. the pure bliss of the CG hug 
  49. not worrying about anything 
  50. because being little is just so much fun!
I hope to add to this list as I go but being little means so much to me and I hopefully be able to get to regressing!

Happy Day and Sunshine,

Thursday, July 23, 2020

A List of Little Things I Love...

Hi There,
So, before I start I just want to say I am sorry for being gone for like forever. I have been having a hard time with some stuff but things are getting better so lets get to the fun stuff...

So as per usual my daddy gave me an idea to write about just some fun little stuff and where to find it:

  • my favorite little song to sleep too
  • my favorite little book- amazon: the poky little puppy 
  • my favorite stuffie - amazon: Classic Pooh Plush Winnie the Pooh, 9"

  • My favorite little show- Netflix: Hilda 
  • My favorite place to get little things- dollar tree (US)
    • can get:
      • paci's
      • blankets
      • coloring books
      • pens, pencils, markers and crayons
      • washing things (clothes, soap, wipes)
      • eating things (plates, sippies, bottles, spoons)
      • toys
      • books
      • activities and stickers
  • My favorite blanky- Only can find it used (not really a little thing but I love it and have had it forever) 

  • My favorite little movie- EITHER The Beatles Yellow Submarine or Kiki's Delivery Service both on amazon 

  • My favorite little manga- Sweetness and Lightening (also great anime) found on amazon and crunchy roll

  • My favorite thing to watch with my daddy- either...  Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Samurai Champloo or Cowboy BeBop all on Adult Swim (English Dub)

  • My favorite little drink- Fairy milk (milk warmed a little with vanilla and cinnamon) 

So this turned out different but I still had fun making it and I hope you know have a few things to check out!
Love you all,


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Feeling Down? A Ton of Ways to Feel Better

So I have been feeling yucky lately because my medications aren't working super well so I wanted to share a bunch of ways to feel better when feeling down.

  • pet a pet 
  • read a little book
  • play with an old toy you haven't played with in a while
  • color a picture for your CG
  • watch some little TV or movie
  • meditate with a guided video
  • take a bubble bath
  • hug your CG
  • take a nice nap 
  • get into the sun 
  • play in the water/pool/sprinkler 
  • cuddle your stuffies 
  • have a nice breakfast 
  • have a treat (if you CG says you can)
  • buy a little something for yourself
  • write a letter to someone you have been missing 
  • journal 
  • talk to someone 
  • play a video game 
  • play with bubbles 
  • use some chalk 
  • draw a cute dog 
  • walk around the block 
  • clean something even something little 
  • cook something with your CG 
  • do a craft project 
  • try something new 
  • just let that emotion out, crying is okay 
  • get organized 
  • write a story 
  • take care of something (pet, plants, stuffies)
  • listen to a funny podcast 
  • play dress up 
  • do that thing you have been meaning to do 
  • meet a new/old friend 
  • drink only water all-day 
  • take funny pictures 
  • make your bed 
So this is just a few ways that can help you get out of your funk. I know that is can be really hard to feel okay especially when your medication might be off, your caregiver is a plane ride away and life it just pushing down on you. Just remember to try your best and if you need help ask for it - there is nothing wrong with asking for help!

National Suicide Hotline

Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Little Room

Hi There!
I hope you are all doing well and keeping healthy and happy during this difficult time.

Just a little update daddy is coming to see me at the end of August!!! We are so excited as this is the first time he will be coming to see me in my home state!!

Anyway to the blog!

This week daddy and I were talking about what the little room in our house will look like, so I decided to write a little bit on the ideas we had for making the perfect little area for your little one:

  • soft colored walls - we decided on light lilac as we both love purple
  • using rugs, carpet, and foam flooring - I love the idea of having a soft space to play and foam flooring is great as cars can still roll 
  • have bins and areas for keeping clean - you gotta stay organized so littles know where to find their favorite toys during playtime
  • use netting for stuffies - these keep stuffies safe and easy to get at for littles 
  • have a table for arts and crafts - a dedicated area for this type of play 
  • if possible a closet or drawers for clothes - I want to keep all my little stuff safe together so having this area just for clothes will be helpful
  • a TV and DVD player - how else are we gonna watch little shows
  • cover those unused plugs - like any little one we get curious so please keep us safe
  • a bookshelf - a great place to store books and other toys 
  • a lot of wall space - to put our drawings and other creations 
  • a rocking chair - a place of comfort for little snuggles 
  • a crib - if your little is into this its a great place for naps 
  • a changing area - if your little wears nappies this is a must!
  • a cage or "safe space" - some little like the idea of cages (pet players too) or a small spot that they can go too when things are just too much
  • other little furniture - little seats and places to play that have height, not every activity takes place on the floor 
I hope this was a cute list of the fun things to add to a littles room. I hope it gave you all some ideas on what the next thing you may add or get for your little one!

Play and Smiles,

Monday, June 15, 2020

My Journal

I didn't know what to post this week so I decided to share my little journal because I am having a lot of fun making it and wanted to share that with you all!
The cover - making sure people don't suspect anything
Writing about my adventures - sometimes with out daddy but he likes that I write about them
The dream train - where daddy and I meet in our dreams
How to - take care of a sick little - I love writing these and then adding them to my blog
Drawings for daddy - this is of a bear that dresses like Gyro from Steel Ball Run (part 7 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Friends I meet - I have met a toad, spider and bird!
Cute things that littles need
My cover page - this one got out of order but that's okay!
I drew a story daddy told me
Stuffie profiles - I make sure to add their tags
Letters to daddy when I really miss him
Rules and To Dos are important too
Extra special pages!
I play games too!

I hope you've liked this little look into my little journal and I hope it has given you some ideas on what to add in yours (check out my little journal page to get even more ideas)!

Loves and Nappies,
PS- I am soooooo sleepy!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Taking Care of a Little - By a Little

UwU Nice to see you!
So I was talking to my dada and he had the idea of telling the world how a little would like to be cared for especially long-distance so here we go:

  • good morning and goodnight text/calls are VERY important! -- make sure your little knows that you are the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of before bed
  • make sure you give them fair rules that work for long-distance -- this can be a challenge and Daddy and I are still trying to work this out but littles love rules 
  • text and call whenever you can -- I know this can be hard but remember your little is always waiting to hear from you so don't make them wait too long
  • ask them about their day -- I love when daddy does this, especially on days where we cant text or call too much it makes me feel like daddy really wants to know whats going on 
  • have you little send you pictures -- of food, flower, stuffies their toes whatever your little will love sending pictures all-day
  • if you need to do anything set them up with a project or video -- I know daddies have to do things so have your little do a project or have them watch something so they are busy while you are 
  • make sure to look and comment on ALL of their colorings, journals, project, etc. -- littles need to know that their work is good and that our CG cares about what we create and do
  • do check-ins -- ask your little what they are doing, eating, feeling, needing 
  • send them some love -- with long-distance, make sure to send a little love either through a card or gift just because you love them
  • punish when needed -- if your little breaks a rule make sure to punish them accordingly this can be sexual and non-sexual depending on the relationship and rules 
  • make sure your little is taking care of themselves -- through eating and bathing and self-care
  • make sure your little is taking care of their stuffies -- very important for your little and their stuffies
  • give them treats! -- littles deserve love and treats
  • help them through anything -- not every moment is going to be easy or happy for a little so make sure to help them through the negative stuff the best you can together 
  • GIVE THEM ALL THE LOVE -- hugs and kisses and hearts and happiness and love!!!!
I hope learning from a little is helpful in making caring for you little even easier

The Best for you and your little,

PS- Happy PRIDE all!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

What to Pack in Your Little Bag

What you up to?
I am up to this, writing my blog! So this is more of a post for all the CGs out there but I wanted to share because I was thinking about this, what to pack in your "diaper" bag.

  • make sure you bag is nice and big or have separate a bag for your baby to hold and one for you to carry too -- a backpack is great!
  • make sure to have drinks and snacks -- put them in a cute water bottle and a little snack container for easy grabbing with little hands
  • bring some activities -- maybe a few books and other toys to keep the little one busy in the car or if they have to wait for a period of time 
  • wipes -- littles get sticky
  • extra shirt or sweater -- littles tend to get dirty so just in case have one, also littles get cold we tiny so we might need extra clothes 
  • socks too! -- sometimes puddles are just too fun not to jump in
  • flip flops or sandals -- in case we get our shoes wet or we get too hot in shoes 
  • coloring stuff and stickers -- more things to keep busy 
  • chap stick -- at least for me I always need this stuff
  • their phone or other communication -- if you use two separate bags make sure they have some way of contacting you in case you get separated 
  • nappies -- not all littles use these but if yours does make sure to have a few on hand just in case 
  • a few treats like candy -- if your little waited patently or asked nicely make sure to reward them
  • a comfort object -- sometimes the outside world can be really scary 
As always this is just a basic list so please add or subtract as your little needs or wants!

Pannycakes and Pumpkins,

Saturday, May 16, 2020

That Time of the Month the Little Way

Hello again,
One of the many things I hate about being big is that time of the month -- not only does it make me feel the most un-little ever but as someone that is genderqueer it makes me feel very very yucky. Like a good little blogger, I decided that I should share my tips for getting through this time as a cis/queer or any kind of little.

  • use a heating pad or a nice warm bottle for cramps it will also make you feel really cozy
  • drink tea with a little honey it will help your tummy feel better
  • snuggles help the most even if it's just from your favorite stuffy or blanket 
  • take a nice warm shower and even baths if you can 
  • make sure you stay clean, its easy to just want to stay in bed but make sure to get yourself nice and clean
  • getting outside will help, exercising can make you feel better and fresh air is always good for littles
  • eat healthy foods, I know we just want candy and cookies but make sure to eat healthily it will make the bloating less bad
  • drink tons and tons of water the best thing to make those headaches go away
  • wear your favorite comfy clothes make sure they aren't too tight, but as long as it makes you happy then put it on
  • this may be an okay time to wear a nappy especially at night, it will make you feel little and protect those cute PJs
  • sometimes you need some medication to make you feel better, take them with pudding it always goes down easier 
  • it's okay to whine, even if your CG doesn't like it just let it out  
  • you will get emotional do comforting things to help, watch a happy movie, have a nap, take a few good breaths, talk to some little friends or your caregiver, play with your suffices, anything that may help you get through the day as a happy baby, pick up your journal too 
So that's all I can think of and do to make this time of the month not a heck scape if you have any more ideas pass them along they can be super helpful :3

Be Free and Lovely,

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sneaky Little Outfits

Hello to all my Little and Big Friends!
I was thinking about what it will finally be like to be able to go outside again with the fear of being sick. When thinking about the new life outside the house I started thinking about the outfits I might wear besides the same pants that I keep wearing every day. So here is a list of cute and fun away of showing you little side while being outside your little space:

  • wear little underclothes -- this could mean cute socks or even a pare of underwear
  • get a hooded jacket with ears -- these are all the rage in Japan so why not give it a try
  • wear softer colors -- just like baby clothes
  • onsies -- people are already wearing these normally so put yours on and join the team or wear it under another shirt no one will suspect a thing
  • paci? -- if you continue to wear a mask its easy to hide a paci underneath it 
  • make an anklet -- bracelets are hard to hide so put that little creation under you pant leg
  • use cute hair things -- bows, bows, bows! 
  • attach a stuffie -- attach a stuffied toy to your belt another Japanese style
  • use a cute phone case -- or a background/wallpaper 
  • add a patch to your jeans or back pack -- maybe add a pin too even something small that shows off your littleness without being too obvious 
  • try a fun hat -- I love wearing my Jojo's Bizarre Adventure inspired hat when I feel little
  • Do YOU! -- what even makes you feel little and comfortable do it!
So I hope these little hints show you a few ways of hiding your littleness in plain sight and make you feel extra special when going outside. Enjoy the sunshine!

Playthings and Pacis,
Baby Johnny Joestar AKA Best Jojo 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

If Daddy and I were Together During the Pandemic

So I was in the bath, something I do often, and I was thinking of what it would be like if daddy and I were in isolation together so I thought I would write about what we may do on an average night if we were together right now!

After we both are dumb stupid adult things we could have a nice lovely dinner together, maybe some Indian my daddy's favorite and we could get it take out so we could help local businesses and get yummy foods

Then after a lovely dinner in a separation plate of course for this little one, we could watch a movie together, maybe a Disney or Ghibli one or maybe we could play video games -- I love watching daddy and Stardew Valley is my favorite game

After it would be bath time! My favorite time of day. Daddy will fill it up all warm and cozy with bubbles and little toys and yummy goat milks soaps to make my skin soft. Daddy would wash me as I drink juice and play in the water.

After I'm all clean and daddy dresses my in my jammies, he will tuck me in to play on my DS or watch a show while he takes his shower before bed.

Once he was clean and we are tucked in bed together daddy would read me a story or sing to me as I fall asleep to the sound of his amazing voice

I sorry if this was lame for all of you to read but I was just having a nice time thinking about being with my daddy. Whats you favorite everyday moment with your CG?

Bubbles and Bath Time,

Friday, April 17, 2020

I Never Did This Before? -- About Me!

Nice seeing you all again,
So I know I have done a bunch of the many days of little space but I don't think I ever really introduced myself (yeah a little late I know), but better late than never :3.

Name: Panny
gender: fluidflux transgender male
Birthdate: 1996 (I'm 23)
Little age: 0-5/6
CG: DaddyKuma
Favorite song: Hmmmmm that's a hard one- favorite band is The Beatles
Favorite little song: Jotaro sings you to sleep [sleep proud]
Favorite movie: Things we do in the shadows
Favorite little movie: Kiki's Delivery Service or Mulan
Favorite book: Beautiful Music for Ugly Children or A Tale for the Time Being (I also read a ton of manga)
Favorite little book: The Pokey Little Puppy
Job: student
Studying: social work - obtaining my master's degree next year
Internship: working with drug users at a counseling center
Hobbies: writing fanfiction:, writing this blog, art, and journaling, watching meme channels on YouTube, talking with my daddy, coloring and playing, dancing and being the goob
Favorite food: Polish foods and anything fresh
Favorite little food: mac and cheese and chicken nuggets and CANDY
Allergies: gluten and dairy, dust and grass and horses
Favorite animal: otters, and horse
Animal?: puppy for my daddy

If you have any questions please ask! I stink at telling people about myself... and don't be shy ;)

Cuddles and Loves,

Thursday, April 9, 2020

To Keep On Track -- a Lil Routine

Cuties it's e your little friend here to talk about the things that are keeping me feeling okay in these hard times. Lately, I have been having a really hard time not only with the scary outside world but my daddy has been really off with his sleeping schedule and it's making it hard for us to talk because he tends to be asleep while I am awake. So, to keep myself on track I have been keeping with a good routine which not only helps me stay healthy but makes my daddy happy knowing what I am doing.

I wake up around 7-7:30 and read my spiritual stuff which includes an app, a video, and a small reading
After I eat foodies usually oatmeal yummy :) and have tea and make sure I have a water bottle ready for the day (I don't drink enough)
I sometimes do a little work for my school or my internship
I get cleaned up and dressed for the day even if I don't have to see anyone I like to put clothes on
I then get to work fun :/

Usually around noon
I sometimes have a snack but I am trying to lose a little chub so I wait until lunch
I have a nice meal and I make sure to have a full drink (sometimes I forget to drink during the day) and if I emptied it refill my water bottle
Sometimes I will rest a little maybe take a nap but I just make sure to get away from my work for an hour or two
After my rest, I get back to work until my parents get home for work

Sometime between 4:30-6
I help make dinner and eat with my family
Sometimes I have to eat fast because I have clients I need to work with at night

After dinner until bedtime
Watch TV with my parents
and try to relax if I don't have clients
I like to take a bath before bed with bubbles or nice salts it makes me feel little and its been so cold it helps me warm-up
I get into my PJs and usually get to call Daddy for a while before bed we talk about our day or whatever we feel like
Daddy sometimes gets tired quickly so I will watch some TV before beddy
I make sure I'm all clean, my face washed, teeth brushed and hair dry before bed
I get to try and sleep around 10:30-11

I know this one was a little lame but it has helped me to have a good routine to keep my head right and it makes me feel safe when I don't have daddy around.

I hope this can help :)

Love and Safty,

Friday, April 3, 2020

My Stuffies: A Guide

How are you?
It has been a long week for me! Goodness so much homework and stuff and annoying classes and internships and GAAAAAAAAA being big is STUPID!!! Anyway here is a cute list of my stuffies and yeah just enjoy and be happy and we will get through this poopie time together

  • Pooh Bear- A fluffy old school pooh bear stuffie. He was the first stuffie my daddy bought me for our first Valentine's day. He is the leader of the rest of the stuffies and makes sure they all stay in line. He is the coziest and best stuffie to date and I will cherish him forever.
  • Piglet- A Piglet stuffie similar to Pooh Bear. My daddy gave him to me when I graduated from college. He is the prince of the bedroom and acts a little like me, always wants to be next to their best friends and protectors. 
  • Jotaro- Yes you read that right I have a little Jotaro stuffed doll-thing. He is the main protector of the entire bedroom and makes sure everyone is safe at all times along with the group of knight stuffies. 
  • Kakyoin- Not who you are thinking, he is a stuffed build-a-bear elephant (I got him when I first visited my daddy) who is currently wearing a purple jokey outfit (yes for Johnny Joestar). He is in love with Jotaro and they spend most of their days talking and making sure everything is safe. He stays in the stuffie basket and keeps it safe.
  • Sea-Flap-Flap- A simple sea creature that doesn't talk much (only to Jotaro really) he helps keep everyone warm and cozy and it a gift from my daddy after we visited the sea zoo.
  • Tony- A little green dino with a sassy face and talk. He gets in trouble sometimes with Pooh Bear but he does his best to be good. Daddy and I got him from the museum when we saw the dino bones.
  • Chaco Cat- A big black cat that works along with Jotaro to keep the room safe from harm. He only speaks Japanese and spends his time near the bookshelf.
  • Rosaline- A little pink dino the princess of the group. She is best friends with Tony and they spend most of their time talking to each other. She was bought at the same museum I got Tony but the second time I visited daddy.
  • Angel- One of the newest stuffies a little angel bear with wings and a halo. They are the healer fo the group and make sure everyone comes home safe and healthy. They were a gift from daddy for the most recent Valentine's day.
  • White Tiger- A multi foot long tiger that helps protect the windows from the evils of the outside. Working closely with CC and Jotaro they protect the entire bedroom.
  • Garfunkle- A moose stuffie that has long goofy legs. He is a good pal of mine and took care of me before I got Pooh Bear. He has retired to the basket where he spends most of his time with Totaro
  • Totaro- He is a tiny little puff-ball with a bell inside. He is really a baby toy which makes him even more perfect to me. My daddy bought him the last time I was there and he brings so much joy to me, Garfunkle, Jotaro (a Japanese friend) and the others in the room. 
  • Star Bear and Squish Unicorn- Two simple stuffies that spend their time in the basket. They were both won at the same arcade but on the two different trips, I took to see my daddy. They hold a special place as my daddy won them for me and helped me pick them out. They are just good friends and cozy to snuggle. 
  • Puppy- This was my first stuffie every and the most special to me. He spends all of his time in the basket now in retirement but he goes to every new house, dorm or sleepover with me. He is the most special and everyone does their part to take care of him. 
So these are the majority of my stuffies I have more in my basket, but I would be here all night. I hope my little rant brought a smile to your face and helps you remember all your great stuffies.

With Love and Squish,

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Jumping on the Bandwagon

Hi There,
In these scary times, I know you al have been crammed with how to stay safe but I think it's easy to boil it all down for a safe for little way, so I am here to help all my little friends know how to stay clean safe and happy.

  1. Wash those little paw beans- sing happy birthday as you scrub a dub you handies don't forget your thumb and nails and of course the backs of your hands too
  2. Give space- they say six feet is a good amount of space to give others when you are in a group, 6 feet is about the size of 6 average-sized stuffies. 
  3. Tubby time- make sure to keep your body clean too especially if you go out, same goes for clothes make sure everything is nice and clean
  4. Use unicorn snot- teehee I mean hand sanitizer this is a great product to use when you can't get to a sink or soap
  5.  If you feel sicky, sticky to your home- sometimes we forget that we need to stay in when we don't feel good don't spread the yuck
  6. If you are home from work or school try to stay on task or keep your routine- it may be hard but its self-care for when things clear up and you have to get back, get up at the normal time get to bed early and keep up on your tasks 
  7. Get the fresh air- air may seem scary but getting out will make you feel better, stick to a few people only and places that aren't busy like a trail or park area
  8. Stay out of the crowd- I know we are known for being different but right now we should stay away from crowds or groups bigger than 10
  9. Keep your hands on your hips- don't touch that pretty/handsome face
  10. If you need to cough or sneeze be a vampire- use your caped elbow 
I know this is all scary and hard because you are away from friends and life, but remember you can always cuddle your pets and stuffies to stay happy and safe and don't to stay your cute self and age regression can be good self-care.

Loves and Clean,

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Feeling Far Away

*Sad Face* Hi There,
So its been some time since I have seen my daddy around 3 months and that been really hard. The worst part is that we don't get a lot of time to talk even through text because we both go to school. My daddy goes to class Tuesday and Thursday but he is in a really hard class and he is ALWAYS studying. I have class Monday and Tuesday then have an internship on Thursday and Friday. So it just seems like we never have time for each other which is taking a toll on us both. With that in mind, I decided to write a little list for you and me to bring up some ideas as to how to reconnect with your LR caregiver (or little).

  • Sending letters- I have mentioned this before but it's so nice to get a letter in the mail and I know my daddy hasn't received one in a while 
  • Try to call at least to say goodnight- daddy and I make sure to call every night (but Friday, that normal for us) this just makes sure we can hear each other voices and remind us of our love
  • Make a picture journal- I might do this for my internship, take pictures of things around your day; your food, desk, computer, etc. to show your caregiver what it would be like to be there with you
  • Send them a text- even if you know they can't read it asap just sending a loving text can really make an impact and show you care.
  • Send love to the universe- whenever my daddy has a hard test I send all my love to him through the universe, I have never told him I do this but I know he feels it
  • Each wear something for the other- even though we can't see each other I sometimes dress extra nice or wear something naughty just for the thought that its for daddy
  • Work on yourself- because you have so much time apart take this to work on yourself when my daddy is studying I go to the gym or make a meal for my family. I work on myself so that when we are together we are even better for each other
  • Make a journal- I haven't done mine in a while, but I have been working on a little journal so daddy can look at it when we see each other, it's about us and me and everything I feel when I'm little especially when we aren't together just a way to showcase us in a little way. 
There is more I know for sure but find out what makes you and your caregiver feel better when you are so far apart.

Loves Always,