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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Little Christmas Fun

 Happy Holidays!

I hope you are having a lovely holiday season, I wanted to bring in some holiday cheer with little things you can do for the season. 

  • Drink hot coco with tiny marshmallows 
  • make and enjoy pie 
  • watch classic movies like Elf and those clay ones like Frost the Snow man 
  • snuggle up with stuffies 
  • wrap presents 
  • make gift for your little friend and of course your CG
  • Eat candy canes (I just tired the mint and coco ones they are AMAZING)
  • Build snow forts and play in the snow (if you have no snow that okay just spend some time outside)
  • Get yummy drink and go for a walk to see the lights people put out 
  • Decorate the house and tree (if you have a tree)
  • send cards to your friends and family 
  • get matching sweaters with your CG
  • Sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth 
  • do puzzles and indoor crafts and activities 
  • watch cartoons and play video games 
I hope this gives you a few ideas of things you can do as the holidays come in. I hope you enjoy these special times with your CG and all your friends. 

Happy Holidays,

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