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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Taking Care of a Non-Cisgender Little


So because I have been on reddit I found so many posts that are really mean towards transgender people so I decided to add a little love for trans people out on the internet. So here is a list of things to make a trans little feel better in their cute skin:

Being transgender can be really challenging! I know first hand that I face a lot in my daily life, just toady I read two top posts on reddit that were bashing transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Some ways that can a little feel better might include:

  • letting your little choose their clothes -- I know this maybe challenging for a CG but sometimes we just want to wear what comfy
  • let them express themselves -- this could mean when they do crafts, when they play with make up and in all areas of their life
  • dysphoria is a B word -- this can make being a little really hard this will make your little feel totally horrible in their skin please understand we are not doing this on purpose and we need extra love when it happens
  • listen closely to your little -- they know what they need let them know that you are all ears
  • sometimes we don't know -- I know for me sometimes I don't know what I need but having a CG that understand that and gives me options for help is really a gift
  • help them feel more comfortable -- sometimes the pressure of everything can be a lot learn to recognize that in your little and help them to de-stress with napping, playing, cuddling etc. 
  • remind them they are valid -- this can be the best words a little can hear about both their little space and their gender
  • find some safe places -- this can be a pro trans website, games or activities
  • find pro trans things -- fun clothes, coloring pages, pride events etc. 
Hopefully this will help my trans littles and make them feel like the valid humans they are! Just do what makes you happy as long as you aren't
hurting yourself or others there is no reason to not be happy!


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