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Thursday, September 17, 2020

30 Things all Littles Need to Hear


I have been feeling down and out and even being little isn't really helping so I decided to write a list of the things littles need to hear. 

  1. you are special 
  2. you are the best
  3. you are loved 
  4. please drink some water
  5. please eat something 
  6. your drawing is amazing
  7. your colorings belong on the fridge 
  8. I know school is hard but I know you can do it 
  9. the story you wrote should be published for other littles to read
  10. you are not annoying 
  11. you look so cute in your little gear
  12. you make your CG happy and proud
  13. please take a little nap it will help
  14. your stuffies are so happy to be yours
  15. they will get back to you soon, don't worry
  16. you are important in so many ways 
  17. the sun misses you go say hello 
  18. being little all day is good self-care
  19. make sure to take you meds
  20. talk to someone it will make your day better
  21. work can take a lot out of you have some milk and relax with a movie 
  22. being little does not make you weird 
  23. being little makes you, you
  24. make sure to take care of your stuffies 
  25. do a craft it will help you feel better
  26. baths are fun!
  27. your mental health is worth taking care of 
  28. your friends like to talk to you
  29. you mean a lot to other people 
  30. please stay with us
I hope this helped you feel a little better. Writing these down helped me feel worth something and had good reminders to keep taking care of myself. 

Be You, Be Loved,

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