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Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Little Room

Hi There!
I hope you are all doing well and keeping healthy and happy during this difficult time.

Just a little update daddy is coming to see me at the end of August!!! We are so excited as this is the first time he will be coming to see me in my home state!!

Anyway to the blog!

This week daddy and I were talking about what the little room in our house will look like, so I decided to write a little bit on the ideas we had for making the perfect little area for your little one:

  • soft colored walls - we decided on light lilac as we both love purple
  • using rugs, carpet, and foam flooring - I love the idea of having a soft space to play and foam flooring is great as cars can still roll 
  • have bins and areas for keeping clean - you gotta stay organized so littles know where to find their favorite toys during playtime
  • use netting for stuffies - these keep stuffies safe and easy to get at for littles 
  • have a table for arts and crafts - a dedicated area for this type of play 
  • if possible a closet or drawers for clothes - I want to keep all my little stuff safe together so having this area just for clothes will be helpful
  • a TV and DVD player - how else are we gonna watch little shows
  • cover those unused plugs - like any little one we get curious so please keep us safe
  • a bookshelf - a great place to store books and other toys 
  • a lot of wall space - to put our drawings and other creations 
  • a rocking chair - a place of comfort for little snuggles 
  • a crib - if your little is into this its a great place for naps 
  • a changing area - if your little wears nappies this is a must!
  • a cage or "safe space" - some little like the idea of cages (pet players too) or a small spot that they can go too when things are just too much
  • other little furniture - little seats and places to play that have height, not every activity takes place on the floor 
I hope this was a cute list of the fun things to add to a littles room. I hope it gave you all some ideas on what the next thing you may add or get for your little one!

Play and Smiles,

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