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Thursday, September 10, 2020

50 Things To Do When Stuck at Home


Hi there! So because I am board and stuck at home still I decided to create a big list of all the things to do at home and have nothing to do:

  1. play with Legos
  2. play a video game
  3. watch a Disney movie 
  4. have a dance off with your stuffies
  5. have a tea party with you CG
  6. bake cookies
  7. make ice cream sundaes
  8. binge your favorite little show
  9.  color with makers
  10. play pretend 
  11. dress up 
  12. write a story
  13. read a little book
  14. watch little youtubers 
  15. draw a flower
  16. garden 
  17. pick flowers and press them 
  18. write a letter to your CG
  19. take a nap 
  20. make some yummy foods or drinks
  21. exercise 
  22. take a bath 
  23. do your little journal 
  24. build a fort
  25. do your chores
  26. have a sing-a-long
  27. make jewelry 
  28.  find somewhere you an swim and relax by the water
  29. play in the grass
  30. play hopscotch 
  31. jump rope
  32. put together all your outfits for the week 
  33. annoy your Care giver for attention
  34. put on your favorite clothes and just enjoy them for yourself
  35. eat some fruit and share with your stuffies 
  36. play a card game 
  37. play board games 
  38. drink hot milk or coco and snuggle 
  39. make up a song and perform it for you stuffies
  40. imagine a new world and write about it thinking of all the aspect of the world 
  41. video chat with a friend 
  42. have a date night over Zoom with you care giver
  43. take your stuffies for a walk
  44. enjoy the nature around you 
  45. make crafts 
  46. learn to play an instrument 
  47. play with stickers and glitter
  48. check in on your friends and family 
  49. try out different flavors of foods/drinks and see what your favorite
  50. play outside int he sun
I hope these give you a few good ideas on what to do as we are all still stuck at home. It's a scary time so please stay safe wear your masks and keep apart. I hope you are all doing okay.

Love you all,

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