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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Another Week with Daddy!

 Hi again,

I am sorry I have been gone for so long but Daddy came to see me for the first time. 

As you know we are in a long distance relationship so we don't get to see each other very often and the last two times we did see each other I went there, but this time DADDY CAME TO ME!!!!!

day 1- the day daddy came he flew into Boston and we spent the day in the area where my brother lives. We went shopping and went to see all the animals at the aquarium. We also got sweets in the north end and it was so amazing!

day 2- on the second day we drove up north with my family to spend some time at the Lost River which is this super cool rive that cuts through a mountain and we got to hike the trail and shift for neat gems and rocks in the running water.

 day 3- we had another busy day as we went to the beach and spent or time in the sun and waves. It was a really fun experience to send time with daddy at a very different location like that. Then after we went to get food at a yummy fish place and I got to eat my fill of chowder and french fries. 

day 4- this day was a little more low key. We first went to this super fun store that sells all sorts of odd ball things and daddy bought me a new pair of socks with the trans flag colors on them. Then we went to the arcade which is the biggest int he world and spent a good chunk of time playing and giggling together as he ran around the place. In the end daddy got me a little llama toy which is purple and squeaks. After our fun we tried going for a boat ride but the wind was to much so we spent some time relaxing and sleeping together. 

day 5- Thursday was really rainy so we stayed in most of the day and enjoyed just being together. We did some naughty stuff and spent some lovely time together just enjoying each others bodies. After we went to the book store and mall and strolled around a little. 

day 6- this was the last full day daddy was here so we went to another zoo that recuses animals that are local to the environment. Daddy really enjoyed this place and I did too. After we went to get burgers and enjoyed another trip around the book store. That night we went mini golfing which was super fun and daddy even got a hole in one!

day 7- this was my last day with daddy it was really hard to help him pack and get all his things together. The trip to the airport was long and daddy and I both cried when he had to leave. But I was happy because daddy got home safe and we are already planning his next trip.

So there it is another amazing week with my daddy. I hope through this I give you all a little hope and joy in knowing that people are meeting each other and doing well in a long distance relationship. I hope it also gave you all a few good ideas on what you can do with your little of CG when you are together. 

Raindrops and Popsicle,


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