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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Feeling Far Away

*Sad Face* Hi There,
So its been some time since I have seen my daddy around 3 months and that been really hard. The worst part is that we don't get a lot of time to talk even through text because we both go to school. My daddy goes to class Tuesday and Thursday but he is in a really hard class and he is ALWAYS studying. I have class Monday and Tuesday then have an internship on Thursday and Friday. So it just seems like we never have time for each other which is taking a toll on us both. With that in mind, I decided to write a little list for you and me to bring up some ideas as to how to reconnect with your LR caregiver (or little).

  • Sending letters- I have mentioned this before but it's so nice to get a letter in the mail and I know my daddy hasn't received one in a while 
  • Try to call at least to say goodnight- daddy and I make sure to call every night (but Friday, that normal for us) this just makes sure we can hear each other voices and remind us of our love
  • Make a picture journal- I might do this for my internship, take pictures of things around your day; your food, desk, computer, etc. to show your caregiver what it would be like to be there with you
  • Send them a text- even if you know they can't read it asap just sending a loving text can really make an impact and show you care.
  • Send love to the universe- whenever my daddy has a hard test I send all my love to him through the universe, I have never told him I do this but I know he feels it
  • Each wear something for the other- even though we can't see each other I sometimes dress extra nice or wear something naughty just for the thought that its for daddy
  • Work on yourself- because you have so much time apart take this to work on yourself when my daddy is studying I go to the gym or make a meal for my family. I work on myself so that when we are together we are even better for each other
  • Make a journal- I haven't done mine in a while, but I have been working on a little journal so daddy can look at it when we see each other, it's about us and me and everything I feel when I'm little especially when we aren't together just a way to showcase us in a little way. 
There is more I know for sure but find out what makes you and your caregiver feel better when you are so far apart.

Loves Always,

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