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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Jumping on the Bandwagon

Hi There,
In these scary times, I know you al have been crammed with how to stay safe but I think it's easy to boil it all down for a safe for little way, so I am here to help all my little friends know how to stay clean safe and happy.

  1. Wash those little paw beans- sing happy birthday as you scrub a dub you handies don't forget your thumb and nails and of course the backs of your hands too
  2. Give space- they say six feet is a good amount of space to give others when you are in a group, 6 feet is about the size of 6 average-sized stuffies. 
  3. Tubby time- make sure to keep your body clean too especially if you go out, same goes for clothes make sure everything is nice and clean
  4. Use unicorn snot- teehee I mean hand sanitizer this is a great product to use when you can't get to a sink or soap
  5.  If you feel sicky, sticky to your home- sometimes we forget that we need to stay in when we don't feel good don't spread the yuck
  6. If you are home from work or school try to stay on task or keep your routine- it may be hard but its self-care for when things clear up and you have to get back, get up at the normal time get to bed early and keep up on your tasks 
  7. Get the fresh air- air may seem scary but getting out will make you feel better, stick to a few people only and places that aren't busy like a trail or park area
  8. Stay out of the crowd- I know we are known for being different but right now we should stay away from crowds or groups bigger than 10
  9. Keep your hands on your hips- don't touch that pretty/handsome face
  10. If you need to cough or sneeze be a vampire- use your caped elbow 
I know this is all scary and hard because you are away from friends and life, but remember you can always cuddle your pets and stuffies to stay happy and safe and don't to stay your cute self and age regression can be good self-care.

Loves and Clean,

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