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Saturday, May 16, 2020

That Time of the Month the Little Way

Hello again,
One of the many things I hate about being big is that time of the month -- not only does it make me feel the most un-little ever but as someone that is genderqueer it makes me feel very very yucky. Like a good little blogger, I decided that I should share my tips for getting through this time as a cis/queer or any kind of little.

  • use a heating pad or a nice warm bottle for cramps it will also make you feel really cozy
  • drink tea with a little honey it will help your tummy feel better
  • snuggles help the most even if it's just from your favorite stuffy or blanket 
  • take a nice warm shower and even baths if you can 
  • make sure you stay clean, its easy to just want to stay in bed but make sure to get yourself nice and clean
  • getting outside will help, exercising can make you feel better and fresh air is always good for littles
  • eat healthy foods, I know we just want candy and cookies but make sure to eat healthily it will make the bloating less bad
  • drink tons and tons of water the best thing to make those headaches go away
  • wear your favorite comfy clothes make sure they aren't too tight, but as long as it makes you happy then put it on
  • this may be an okay time to wear a nappy especially at night, it will make you feel little and protect those cute PJs
  • sometimes you need some medication to make you feel better, take them with pudding it always goes down easier 
  • it's okay to whine, even if your CG doesn't like it just let it out  
  • you will get emotional do comforting things to help, watch a happy movie, have a nap, take a few good breaths, talk to some little friends or your caregiver, play with your suffices, anything that may help you get through the day as a happy baby, pick up your journal too 
So that's all I can think of and do to make this time of the month not a heck scape if you have any more ideas pass them along they can be super helpful :3

Be Free and Lovely,

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