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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Another Year! - My B-Day

 Hello All,

So I know I have written about parties before but I wanted to plan the ultimate little party!

  • yummy food- make your little their favorite food, yes even dino nuggets. What ever they want they can have this day
  • take them some where fun- this could be the mall, zoo, or just to the local park. What ever you do let them be little and enjoy the time in little space
  • Cake- please let your little enjoy their cake don't remind them to eat slowly, how many calories are in the cake or anything -- this is their time to enjoy
  • Have some people over- if your little has friends have them over for some games maybe have a small party.
    • If they have little friends maybe throw a little b-day party just like when they were kids invite the CGs and enjoy some time with the grown up
    • if they don't have accepting friends or no little friends allow your little to enjoy some big time maybe even let them drink (if they are of legal age) 
  • Let your little be in charge- this is their day remember that and make sure they are happy and pleased 
  • Gifts- make sure to wrap it and allow them to open it, littles love surprises so don't make them pick their own gifts out 
  • Watch a movie- break out the popcorn and enjoy a silly movie time together
  • Get the fun plates, party hats, candles and sound makers- I know your little will love it just trust me :3
  • Just have fun- what ever that means to you and your little just enjoy your time together and have a great time, if that means no celebration of any kind then that's okay just make sure your little is happy and enjoying their special day. 
I hope this helps will little birthdays and how they can be made extra special. 

Happy Birthday to You All,

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