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Friday, April 3, 2020

My Stuffies: A Guide

How are you?
It has been a long week for me! Goodness so much homework and stuff and annoying classes and internships and GAAAAAAAAA being big is STUPID!!! Anyway here is a cute list of my stuffies and yeah just enjoy and be happy and we will get through this poopie time together

  • Pooh Bear- A fluffy old school pooh bear stuffie. He was the first stuffie my daddy bought me for our first Valentine's day. He is the leader of the rest of the stuffies and makes sure they all stay in line. He is the coziest and best stuffie to date and I will cherish him forever.
  • Piglet- A Piglet stuffie similar to Pooh Bear. My daddy gave him to me when I graduated from college. He is the prince of the bedroom and acts a little like me, always wants to be next to their best friends and protectors. 
  • Jotaro- Yes you read that right I have a little Jotaro stuffed doll-thing. He is the main protector of the entire bedroom and makes sure everyone is safe at all times along with the group of knight stuffies. 
  • Kakyoin- Not who you are thinking, he is a stuffed build-a-bear elephant (I got him when I first visited my daddy) who is currently wearing a purple jokey outfit (yes for Johnny Joestar). He is in love with Jotaro and they spend most of their days talking and making sure everything is safe. He stays in the stuffie basket and keeps it safe.
  • Sea-Flap-Flap- A simple sea creature that doesn't talk much (only to Jotaro really) he helps keep everyone warm and cozy and it a gift from my daddy after we visited the sea zoo.
  • Tony- A little green dino with a sassy face and talk. He gets in trouble sometimes with Pooh Bear but he does his best to be good. Daddy and I got him from the museum when we saw the dino bones.
  • Chaco Cat- A big black cat that works along with Jotaro to keep the room safe from harm. He only speaks Japanese and spends his time near the bookshelf.
  • Rosaline- A little pink dino the princess of the group. She is best friends with Tony and they spend most of their time talking to each other. She was bought at the same museum I got Tony but the second time I visited daddy.
  • Angel- One of the newest stuffies a little angel bear with wings and a halo. They are the healer fo the group and make sure everyone comes home safe and healthy. They were a gift from daddy for the most recent Valentine's day.
  • White Tiger- A multi foot long tiger that helps protect the windows from the evils of the outside. Working closely with CC and Jotaro they protect the entire bedroom.
  • Garfunkle- A moose stuffie that has long goofy legs. He is a good pal of mine and took care of me before I got Pooh Bear. He has retired to the basket where he spends most of his time with Totaro
  • Totaro- He is a tiny little puff-ball with a bell inside. He is really a baby toy which makes him even more perfect to me. My daddy bought him the last time I was there and he brings so much joy to me, Garfunkle, Jotaro (a Japanese friend) and the others in the room. 
  • Star Bear and Squish Unicorn- Two simple stuffies that spend their time in the basket. They were both won at the same arcade but on the two different trips, I took to see my daddy. They hold a special place as my daddy won them for me and helped me pick them out. They are just good friends and cozy to snuggle. 
  • Puppy- This was my first stuffie every and the most special to me. He spends all of his time in the basket now in retirement but he goes to every new house, dorm or sleepover with me. He is the most special and everyone does their part to take care of him. 
So these are the majority of my stuffies I have more in my basket, but I would be here all night. I hope my little rant brought a smile to your face and helps you remember all your great stuffies.

With Love and Squish,

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