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Friday, April 17, 2020

I Never Did This Before? -- About Me!

Nice seeing you all again,
So I know I have done a bunch of the many days of little space but I don't think I ever really introduced myself (yeah a little late I know), but better late than never :3.

Name: Panny
gender: fluidflux transgender male
Birthdate: 1996 (I'm 23)
Little age: 0-5/6
CG: DaddyKuma
Favorite song: Hmmmmm that's a hard one- favorite band is The Beatles
Favorite little song: Jotaro sings you to sleep [sleep proud]
Favorite movie: Things we do in the shadows
Favorite little movie: Kiki's Delivery Service or Mulan
Favorite book: Beautiful Music for Ugly Children or A Tale for the Time Being (I also read a ton of manga)
Favorite little book: The Pokey Little Puppy
Job: student
Studying: social work - obtaining my master's degree next year
Internship: working with drug users at a counseling center
Hobbies: writing fanfiction:, writing this blog, art, and journaling, watching meme channels on YouTube, talking with my daddy, coloring and playing, dancing and being the goob
Favorite food: Polish foods and anything fresh
Favorite little food: mac and cheese and chicken nuggets and CANDY
Allergies: gluten and dairy, dust and grass and horses
Favorite animal: otters, and horse
Animal?: puppy for my daddy

If you have any questions please ask! I stink at telling people about myself... and don't be shy ;)

Cuddles and Loves,

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