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Monday, December 28, 2020

Taking a Trip

 Hi there,

So I was thinking about my upcoming trip to see my daddy (yay)! And I thought I would make a little guide for taking a trip as a little during COVID times:

  • make sure you are packs days before you leave -- I tend to change things at the last minute so I have it early so I have enough time to change things out 
  • leave room in your bag for new treasures -- my daddy always buys me something special so I leave room in my big bag for it 
  • bring a gift for your host -- whoever that may be its always nice to have something for them 
  • in your carry on pack extra snacks -- not all flights are the same make sure to have something to eat 
  • pack a water bottle -- don't bring it filled but have it so you can fill it after you get through security 
  • in your carry on pack activities -- I always make sure to have my game boy and tablet to watch movies and play games flights can be boring 
  • bring what your CG tells you -- remember they know best and they might want you to bring a special outfit for going somewhere fancy 
  • bring a little to-go bag -- in my carry on I have a special pencil case with all my little things like a paci, collar, activities, sticker, bandaids, small toys, etc. just anything that makes you happy and little and that you might need at your CG's
  • make sure to have COVID stuff -- this includes masks, gloves, glasses, and hand sanitizer, these can be cute too such as a fun mask, pink gloves, and fruity sanitizer 
  • change are your devices the night before -- don't be like me and forget lol 
  • call your bank to let them know -- it's always a good idea to tell your bank so your cards don't get declined
  • diapers on a plane are not a good idea -- unless you know you won't "go" then maybe skip the nappies this time 
  • bring a flight partner -- during COVID a hard toy might be better but during normal times a little stuffie friend would be glad to come along
  • bring your comfort objects to sleep with -- be it a toy or blanket make sure to bring them to sleep with at your CG's
  • eat before you fly -- my tummy turns on planes so I make sure I eat before so I am not starving when I get off
  • bring gum -- this will help little ears not hurt so much 
  • download shows -- some planes don't have WIFI so make sure my little pony is fully downloaded before hand 
  • HAVE FUN -- just make sure to be safe and have fun on your flight to see you CG
I cant wait to fly and to tell you all about it I might have some more tricks when I get back to wait for those!

I'll be back in two weeks!

Love you all,

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