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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Feeling Down? A Ton of Ways to Feel Better

So I have been feeling yucky lately because my medications aren't working super well so I wanted to share a bunch of ways to feel better when feeling down.

  • pet a pet 
  • read a little book
  • play with an old toy you haven't played with in a while
  • color a picture for your CG
  • watch some little TV or movie
  • meditate with a guided video
  • take a bubble bath
  • hug your CG
  • take a nice nap 
  • get into the sun 
  • play in the water/pool/sprinkler 
  • cuddle your stuffies 
  • have a nice breakfast 
  • have a treat (if you CG says you can)
  • buy a little something for yourself
  • write a letter to someone you have been missing 
  • journal 
  • talk to someone 
  • play a video game 
  • play with bubbles 
  • use some chalk 
  • draw a cute dog 
  • walk around the block 
  • clean something even something little 
  • cook something with your CG 
  • do a craft project 
  • try something new 
  • just let that emotion out, crying is okay 
  • get organized 
  • write a story 
  • take care of something (pet, plants, stuffies)
  • listen to a funny podcast 
  • play dress up 
  • do that thing you have been meaning to do 
  • meet a new/old friend 
  • drink only water all-day 
  • take funny pictures 
  • make your bed 
So this is just a few ways that can help you get out of your funk. I know that is can be really hard to feel okay especially when your medication might be off, your caregiver is a plane ride away and life it just pushing down on you. Just remember to try your best and if you need help ask for it - there is nothing wrong with asking for help!

National Suicide Hotline

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