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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Little Guide to Caring for Sick CGs

 Hi there,

So, this isn't news but I'm not feeling my best my tummy is causing a lot of issues but I still wanted to say hello and write to you all as you mean a lot to me. 

So I decided to write a little bit more about taking care of a CG when they are sick.

  1. Make sure they are comfy- they sick they need comfy clothes and soft blankets and sick-time stuffie 
  2. make them something easy to eat- fallow the BRAT diet that always helps a bad tummy 
  3. Put on a soft show- nothing too extreme and easy to just listen to in the background 
  4. try some tea- there are a few teas that are really nice to have when your tummy hurts
  5. leave them alone- I know this is a hard but sometimes CGs need their space when they are sick so find something to do while they rest
  6. Color them a picture- this will make them really happy and it will give them some time alone
  7. Snuggle them- this is only if they are comfortable but sometimes cuddles are the best medicine 
  8. don't do anything too extreme for a little one- don't get into any trouble your CG will not be very happy and harsher punishment might ensue 
  9. Stay quiet- let them rest and sleep it is very important 
  10. Make plans for when they are better- sometimes CGs need to be in their own house or space but that gives you a chance to be away and make plans for when you can be together again 
Always make your CG happy even when they are sick so be good and be safe. 

Love and Cuddles,

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