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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Telling Daddy All

*Achoo*Hello Everyone,
Sorry for not posting yesterday I wasn't feeling really well but I'm back and better than ever (not really). So last night besides being sick I was able to talk to daddy about my mental health. I'm bipolar 2 and I was falling into a set of depression. I told him about it and was so worried it would scare him away. I am so lucky that my daddy loves me no matter what because he was totally okay and not scared away and even wanted to know if he could do anything to help. It was just so amazing truly the last person I dated and was even planning on marrying left me once I was diagnosed with BP2 because she wasn't willing to wait for me to get ont he right meds or get better but my daddy who I havent even known that long was so willing to help andyway he could. It was the greatest thing to hear even though I wanted to hurt myself I cried with happiness.

Thank you daddy,
Be good kiddos,

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