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Friday, January 11, 2019

Date with Daddy!

The other day I completely forgot to tell you lovely people that daddy and I went a date! It was soo cool he took me to the mall and showed me around and I got all dressed up for him and the only thing that would have made it better is if we were there in person!!

It was really nice but I was sad after because I didn't get to be there next to him. He lives like in a different time zone it sometimes feels like its a different planet how far away we are. But we are starting to do things that connect us like this going on video dates and we are doing our own book club and anime watching so that should really bring us together more. I really just want to be with him more than anything and I know its hard being not only in a ddlb relationship but one that's long-distance makes things all that much harder but I know we will keep our heads up until the summer when we most likely will be able to meet up!

I Can't Wait for it to be Warm!

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