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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Advice Number Two!!

Hi Littles!
I know it can be really hard doing this alone and trying to get into little space can be the worst when daddy/mommy or caregiver is away but there are always things to do even when daddy is away.

  • Coloring a cute picture or use a drawing app to make something for daddy
  • Use a sippy and paci to relax and nap
  • Put on your favorite little outfit and just enjoy it for yourself
  • Sing a song may be a Disney classic
  • Watch a cute show or anime and tell your caregiver when they get back
  • Make a light show with flashlights and lamps, put it on for your stuffies
  • Feed and tend to your stuffies make sure they all feel loved
  • Blow bubbles outside or use that box of chalk 
  • Read a happy story may be one you and daddy like to read
  • Do all the chores you have been meaning to do for your caregiver 
  • Have a bubble bath but make sure to be careful
  • Do anything that makes you feel good and happy and that kills the time waiting for your caregiver
If you have anything to add comment away I always want to know more ways of being little and having fun!

Always Here Always Cheer,

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