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Monday, January 21, 2019

Collaring - Day and Night

Today might get a little spicy so be ready and make sure to ask permission before reading little ones. 
So when I first got with my daddy I wanted a way of displaying I had a daddy without being too obvious. I did a little reading and found out about day collars. These can be worn outside the bedroom without the fear of being outed or too "vocal" about bdsm/cgl. These tend to be necklaces with small locks or them of rings like you might have on a night collar. They also have more expensive ones that have special locks on them that your caregiver would have a key for and you couldn't remove yourself. I find these to be fairly femmi but I have seen a few that are really simple that could for sure be masc. For me, daddy and I decided I should have a day collar and it was nice because I made it myself. I used a breaded fake leather cord and added a ring with hearts on it. I used a simple loop to attach the ring. It's not a choker but it fairly tight to my neck which is a plus with any kind of collar. The nice thing is if daddy wanted he could attach a leash right to the day collar if he didn't want to get out a night collar for whatever reason. 
For night collars the sky is the limit! This is where I feel you can really have fun and get many different types. I have a simple black choker model with an o-ring for leash attachment. I also have a thicker-lined one that is used more for positioning (it is not a positioning collar that is a different thing). This also has an o-ring for leashes. I also have a sissy collar which is a femmi collar with lace and bows etc. This one like the rest has a leash ring but it not used as much as the other two. When it comes to little collars it is really best to find what you and your caregiver want and like in a collar be it day or night. Some people want extreme control and want a positioning collar where little movement happens, others want something that just looks cute and fun and used more as a clothing piece less for bdsm. When it comes to females day collars are a lot easier as it is the common fashion now but baby boys keep is simple and cute or simply do what you and your caregiver like screw what others think. Just remember that not everyone wants to know your kinks and pleasures so be mindful and caring to all.

Keep those collars tight and leashes in hand,

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