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Sunday, January 20, 2019

New Location

Now we are here!
I have recently moved back to college and its a struggle having to be so big. At home, I could be little in little ways like having my parents cook my food or just spend the day in my pj's doing nothing. At school, I have to do soooooooo many big things I hate it.  I have to go to class and do homework and tutor people and I all I want is to be little with my daddy. It's also hard because now we cant call all day like we used to and we are stuck texting and snapping most of the day. I am lucky because I got to Reddit and they have a forum for long distance relationship and that helps seeing people doing well and being able to ask questions. I do wish they had a LRD little pages but I get what I need through this one I guess. Oh, and the worst part is my parents are not letting me go and see my daddy!! I'm so angry and upset about it and it makes dealing with every day a little harder because I am no longer look forward and counting down days until I see him. But daddy is so good and reminds me we have our entire lives ahead of us and soon we won't have to deal with distance.

Keep your chins up (Bottoms too ;) )

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