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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Things are Changing

UwU Hello,
I hate to say it but things around this blog have to change a little bit because this little one has to be big all the time at school *pout*. Sadly I won't be able to talk every day most likely we will only be able to share on the weekends (F/S/S). It stinks and makes me so mad because it's also making it really hard to be little with daddy too!!! I don't get time to do all my lil chores or to talk to daddy all day or do anything fun. I hate having to be big all the time and do homework and work out and be all grown in class -- why can't I just major in being cute and silly? Oh well a little has to do what a little has to do one day I'll be done and daddy and I can be little and dada all day long! Having a daddy makes this so much easier even though he is so far away -- he is just the support and love I need when the school gets me down.

Being Big Stinks, Lil is LIFE!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Very Naughty!

Sorry I missed you yesterday!
(Very Naughty ask permission little ones)
Goodness, what a day! Daddy did something so naughty with me it was crazy! I was feeling really down and sad because I had to go to this meeting that I really didn't want to go to. Daddy was feeling extra naughty so he made me go into the public bathroom and play with myself! I was scared but to wiggly and of course you must always listen to your daddy espcially when he is feeling naughty. He made me take some of my clothes off and play with myself until I made cummies. Someone even came into the bathroom and he still had me play. I felt so dirty and so naughty yet a really good boy for doing what daddy asked of me. I want to do it again but I was also so scared someone was going to ketch me I have mixed feelings but I would do it for daddy if he asked -- he does know how I feel about it and I can always use the safe word if I need to. Anyway, it was crazy and crazy fun being so naughty in such a public place.

Master knows best,

Monday, January 21, 2019

Collaring - Day and Night

Today might get a little spicy so be ready and make sure to ask permission before reading little ones. 
So when I first got with my daddy I wanted a way of displaying I had a daddy without being too obvious. I did a little reading and found out about day collars. These can be worn outside the bedroom without the fear of being outed or too "vocal" about bdsm/cgl. These tend to be necklaces with small locks or them of rings like you might have on a night collar. They also have more expensive ones that have special locks on them that your caregiver would have a key for and you couldn't remove yourself. I find these to be fairly femmi but I have seen a few that are really simple that could for sure be masc. For me, daddy and I decided I should have a day collar and it was nice because I made it myself. I used a breaded fake leather cord and added a ring with hearts on it. I used a simple loop to attach the ring. It's not a choker but it fairly tight to my neck which is a plus with any kind of collar. The nice thing is if daddy wanted he could attach a leash right to the day collar if he didn't want to get out a night collar for whatever reason. 
For night collars the sky is the limit! This is where I feel you can really have fun and get many different types. I have a simple black choker model with an o-ring for leash attachment. I also have a thicker-lined one that is used more for positioning (it is not a positioning collar that is a different thing). This also has an o-ring for leashes. I also have a sissy collar which is a femmi collar with lace and bows etc. This one like the rest has a leash ring but it not used as much as the other two. When it comes to little collars it is really best to find what you and your caregiver want and like in a collar be it day or night. Some people want extreme control and want a positioning collar where little movement happens, others want something that just looks cute and fun and used more as a clothing piece less for bdsm. When it comes to females day collars are a lot easier as it is the common fashion now but baby boys keep is simple and cute or simply do what you and your caregiver like screw what others think. Just remember that not everyone wants to know your kinks and pleasures so be mindful and caring to all.

Keep those collars tight and leashes in hand,

Sunday, January 20, 2019

New Location

Now we are here!
I have recently moved back to college and its a struggle having to be so big. At home, I could be little in little ways like having my parents cook my food or just spend the day in my pj's doing nothing. At school, I have to do soooooooo many big things I hate it.  I have to go to class and do homework and tutor people and I all I want is to be little with my daddy. It's also hard because now we cant call all day like we used to and we are stuck texting and snapping most of the day. I am lucky because I got to Reddit and they have a forum for long distance relationship and that helps seeing people doing well and being able to ask questions. I do wish they had a LRD little pages but I get what I need through this one I guess. Oh, and the worst part is my parents are not letting me go and see my daddy!! I'm so angry and upset about it and it makes dealing with every day a little harder because I am no longer look forward and counting down days until I see him. But daddy is so good and reminds me we have our entire lives ahead of us and soon we won't have to deal with distance.

Keep your chins up (Bottoms too ;) )

Friday, January 18, 2019

Coloring for Daddy

How Are You Today?
I'm doing well even though I am missing my daddy as usually with a long distance relationship. Today I would like to talk about my coloring I have been doing for daddy. Everyday as one of my rules and chores I have to color. I found two great books at the dollar store and some crayons and its so much fun to take some time everyday to be little. Its a very small thing but I sit with one of my stuffies and color with him taking my time and letting myself be little with a sippy. Its some times really hard to be little without daddy but coloring everyday allows me to enter little space without my daddy and once I send him my pictures he is always so proud of me and I just love that and sometimes I get to have a cookie or candy for doing really good work. Its always nice to find things to get into little space even if I can't be with daddy.

Always do what you are told,

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Hello Little and Big Space,
So daddy and I just got snapchat so that we can send pictures to each other and its so much fun!!!! We aren't used to it yet but I love being able to easily send pictures to my daddy. I also love using the fun filters they are like a littles dreams being silly and looking like cute animals. Its also easy to send naughty pictures too because they are gone after so many seconds, so we sometimes send naught things and we don't have to worry. Its also a nice way of texting to each other is discord isn't working well or if you just want to spam daddy with a little love. Anyway I'm not sponsored by snapchat or anything we are just having a good time and wanted to share -- soooo good for long distance!!

Keep on Loving,

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I Hate Having to Be a Big Boy!

I'm angry because I have to be a big boy soon and go back to school! It's going to be so hard to talk with daddy and do things with him because I am going to be so busy at school and I just don't like it. I want to be little all of the time and not have to worry about term papers and test and all that junk. And the worst part is I probably won't be able to see my daddy in real life until the summer and even then I have to ask my parents if I can even go which is so silly to me. I just want to be with my daddy and be happy -- is that too much to ask!

Sorry about the rant!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Channing Things Up

Hello I'm Mister Daddy,
Teahee Tonight daddy let me be Daddy!! It was so crazy being a switch with daddy he got to be the little and I got to be daddy. He wasn't feeling really good so I got to take care of him it was hard over the phone but I was able to do my best and we even got naughty which was a lot of fun domming a little. I'm not a great dom but I did what he usually  did because I assumed that what he would like and it seemed to work out for me daddy really enjoyed it. It was really interesting domming I do wish it was in person but even over the phone it was really nice to switch the dynamic but I know for sure it isn't something I can do all the time.

Be a good daddy,

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Buying Little Things

Howdy :P,
The other day daddy helped me pick out a few little things to help me feel better while we are not together. I got two coloring books some crayons a fun metal magic toy a super cute pooh bear stuffie (I call him my pooh bear) cute knee high fox socks and some juice pouches. I had such a good time getting things and I know I have more things to get but starting with a few things I feel more little every day. A good list of little needs are:
Coloring books
Crayons or markers
Cute food like mac and cheese or dino nuggets
Tall socks 
Soft pillows
Toys and games
Little movies and TV shows
Little books 
Chew toys for biting littles
Anything the little feels like they want or needs

Always Ask your Little,

Friday, January 11, 2019

Date with Daddy!

The other day I completely forgot to tell you lovely people that daddy and I went a date! It was soo cool he took me to the mall and showed me around and I got all dressed up for him and the only thing that would have made it better is if we were there in person!!

It was really nice but I was sad after because I didn't get to be there next to him. He lives like in a different time zone it sometimes feels like its a different planet how far away we are. But we are starting to do things that connect us like this going on video dates and we are doing our own book club and anime watching so that should really bring us together more. I really just want to be with him more than anything and I know its hard being not only in a ddlb relationship but one that's long-distance makes things all that much harder but I know we will keep our heads up until the summer when we most likely will be able to meet up!

I Can't Wait for it to be Warm!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Missing Daddy

Hello there,
So lately I have been missing daddy more than normal. I talk to him all the time and video call but I just feel like I am still really missing him. We haven't met in person but I feel like we have and I have to be apart from him again. My bed always feels like its missing his body and I just want my daddy. Its so lonely without him. I try my best to keep busy with chores and other things like coloring and playing with my stuffies. Its really hard to be without him for even a minute! Any way not much for today because I'm not feeling great :( hopefully daddy can nurse me back even from affair and I can tell you about that tomorrow.

Keep cozy,

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Rules and Chores and Little Words

Daddy and I came up with rules today and the chores I must do and swear words to little words and I wanted to share!!!!!

Color at least 1 picture a day for daddy
No self-harm
No junk food or candy unless you ask daddy and only small snacks between meals
Ask permission for big boy drinks – alcohol and soda
Only 4 hours of TV
Only game for 2 hours
Only 5 hours on phone except when talking with daddy
Only 3 hours on the computer unless doing homework
Always listen to daddy
Always tell daddy when you have broken a rule
No swear words use words on conversion little chart
No sass or back talk
Block anyone that is trying to take advantage of you or that is hurting you
Do chores and homework before play times
When out with friends tell daddy who you are with and what you are doing
Always tell daddy what you are doing especially when going to a new place
Tell daddy when you are upset, angry, hurt, bothered or scared as soon as possible
Keep your body healthy with good food
Keep your mind healthy with self-care and breaks
Be honest with daddy always especially about the relationship
Take care of your stuffies
Ask daddy for playtime when you feel needy
Daddy can always change the rules

Daily Needs and Chores
Clean your room when messy
3 Meals a day
64 oz of water a day
Take your meds (3X a day)
Brush your teeth twice a day
Shower once a day
Work out/ exercise
Journal or use mental health workbook
Take out trash
Get the mail
Do laundry
Make sure to get to bed at a reasonable hour

Swear Words to Little Words Conversion
My bits – prince parts
Daddy’s bits – daddy’s toy
Ass – bum/booty
Blow job – sucking daddy
Handjob – rubbing daddy
Sex – play time
Clit – prince button
Semen – daddy’s milk
Turned on – wiggly
Cum – cummies
Anal – bum play
Hard – daddy/ I am ready for play
Wet – Little is ready for daddy’s toy
Fuck – fart
Shit – shoot
Damn – dang
Hell – heck
Crap – poop
Sucks – stinks

That's it for now :)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Writing Lines

Hi Friends and All!
A little someone got in trouble the other night for not listening to daddy and had to write lines :(. It was so hard I had never had to do it before I had to write "I will follow the rules like a good prince" 30 times in cursive! I took me so long and took so much work to do it but I did learn my lesson for sure. Daddy was very pleased in my work and it was "nice" to be able to be punished in a long distance relationship like this. We do video chat punishments but this was nice because we were unable to video chat. Anyway ouchy hand and a lesson learned.

Always Listen to your caregiver!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Telling Daddy All

*Achoo*Hello Everyone,
Sorry for not posting yesterday I wasn't feeling really well but I'm back and better than ever (not really). So last night besides being sick I was able to talk to daddy about my mental health. I'm bipolar 2 and I was falling into a set of depression. I told him about it and was so worried it would scare him away. I am so lucky that my daddy loves me no matter what because he was totally okay and not scared away and even wanted to know if he could do anything to help. It was just so amazing truly the last person I dated and was even planning on marrying left me once I was diagnosed with BP2 because she wasn't willing to wait for me to get ont he right meds or get better but my daddy who I havent even known that long was so willing to help andyway he could. It was the greatest thing to hear even though I wanted to hurt myself I cried with happiness.

Thank you daddy,
Be good kiddos,

Friday, January 4, 2019

Being Naughty For Daddy

Hello Sweeties- Make sure to ask your caregiver before you read,
So a little on the naughty side daddy and I have been having play time recently over video chat and using pictures. It's not as fun as it will be in real life but we try our best for each other. It is also not as fun punishing myself but it makes daddy happy and I know I deserve the punishment when it happens. He likes to give physical punishments instead of writing lines or kneeling, he likes when I spank myself or whip myself. He also doesn't allow me to make cummies or I have to make it on command. It is so much fun when we video chat and we play at the same time daddy really like sit when I make sounds or call out his name. I like watching him it almost like we together. The best part is after when we talk for hours as aftercare today we even played dress up with all the silly clothes in the closet. I do wish we could do all this in person but this is the best we have right now and its better than nothing :).

Stay Naughty little ones,

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Advice For Caregivers!

Hello Bigs!
So daddy and are have been trying out some apps for a good boy chart but we are having a really hard time finding a good one :(. We have tried myhome and choremonster and both are hard to use even for daddy. We decided the best course of action would to go old school with a paper chore chart. He let me make it which was really fun for a computer geek like me! He gave me the list of chores that I had to do every day and we will come up with rewards later, but I just wanted to share that these apps aren't good and that sometimes the old school ways are the best.

Be Good to your Littles,

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Late Last Night

Hi, Hi, Hi!
Sooooo... Last night was amazing with daddy! He gave me a full body inspection over video chat and we did some naughty stuff ;). After that daddy talked about how he wanted to get me all sorts of cute outfits and sexy clothes for play time. He said that my body already turns him on so the clothes would just be for me so I feel more confident in the bedroom and more little in little space. It was so amazing to hear daddy talk about confidence, being a trans little it can be really hard to feel confident even for daddy. It almost made me cry hearing that he wants me to be confident in all I do and that he will do whatever he can to make me feel that way. He also wanted to get me cute little outfits and onesies! I can't wait to get one and run around with daddy and play! It was a special night with daddy last night and I just feel so goooooood!!!

Stay Cute!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Advice Number Two!!

Hi Littles!
I know it can be really hard doing this alone and trying to get into little space can be the worst when daddy/mommy or caregiver is away but there are always things to do even when daddy is away.

  • Coloring a cute picture or use a drawing app to make something for daddy
  • Use a sippy and paci to relax and nap
  • Put on your favorite little outfit and just enjoy it for yourself
  • Sing a song may be a Disney classic
  • Watch a cute show or anime and tell your caregiver when they get back
  • Make a light show with flashlights and lamps, put it on for your stuffies
  • Feed and tend to your stuffies make sure they all feel loved
  • Blow bubbles outside or use that box of chalk 
  • Read a happy story may be one you and daddy like to read
  • Do all the chores you have been meaning to do for your caregiver 
  • Have a bubble bath but make sure to be careful
  • Do anything that makes you feel good and happy and that kills the time waiting for your caregiver
If you have anything to add comment away I always want to know more ways of being little and having fun!

Always Here Always Cheer,

Video Calls Now!

Hello All,
So you know how daddy and I started voice chatting but... we started to Video Chat!!! It's so amazing to see daddy and talk to him about anything and everything! Its so much more fun being able to see daddy when we talk sometimes I even color when we talk and show daddy once I finish. One time we even fell asleep together and I got to wake up to daddy as if he was right there for me. It has really changed the way we communicate especially when it comes to naught time (teahee). Daddy gets to see my practice my poses and commands me to do other ones to train. He also inspects my body to make sure it is perfect before we have a play session. I hope all you long distance littles get to experience something like this at some point in your relationship.

With Love and Candy,

Voice Calls With Daddy

Welcome Back!
So daddy and I just texted a lot to start our relationship, we would text back and forth how much we enjoyed our relationship and how much we wish we could be together IRL etc. Soon that became too little for us and we decided it was time to hear each other's voices. Out first time doing it was so amazing hearing his voice and hearing him say how sweet I was melted my heart! It was so easy to get into little space with him it felt almost magical he could say anything and I would be sent into a place of happiness and goodness. The only drawback is I don't live alone so I constantly have to leave the conversation which makes me feel really bad especially for my daddy. But soon we will be together and we can talk whenever we want without interruptions.

All For Now,

Advice of Littles and Bigs

Hello, it's Me!
A little advice for both my special friends here-- Discord!! Its perfect for texting, voice talking and video calling. It's not a good as programs that do these individually but for an app to do them all, it is really helpful for long distance talk. My daddy and I use it for all our communication and it just seems like the best way to talk and easy to work with even in the littlest of little spaces.

First Hint for Now,
Love yourself,

First Day With Daddy

Hello, my Friends!
Goodness, what a world I have stepped into! I was a little before but never had a 24/7 caregiver like I do now and it truly everything I have ever wanted. My daddy and I met on Reddit through a few posts that I made looking for a daddy that would take on a transgender little boy. I was struggling to find a caregiver for weeks and would only get the "one-day daddy" someone that would just want to talk to get naughty then leave me forever or I would get very abusive caregivers that wanted me like an object. At the time I met my daddy I was trying to live in a very abusive type DDLB relationship with a  man that wanted me to have sex with his friends and never liked my little cute side. I was lucky enough to start talking with my now daddy and he gave me the confidence to leave the fake daddy. This was the first and best experience so far with my daddy he barely knew me but he gave me the drive to get away from that bad man and I found myself in the arms of the most perfect daddy.

That's All for this Post :),
Be Good, Listen to Daddy,


Hello, my fellow littles and caregivers,
Welcome to my sweet little DDLB blog! So far it's not much but I want to expand it as my life expands with my perfect daddy. Please if you have any suggestions, needs, or wants, send me a message and I will try my best to add it to the blog. I will be posting little and big advice as we go so if you want to add please do so! This blog is also a space for me to document what daddy and I are doing as a living scrapbook so please respect that as well. My only rules are, be kind, be caring and love your little and big self. :)

Always with love,