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Sunday, March 3, 2019

I was Sick and Alone!

This last week has been absolutely terrible!!! First Tuesday night I woke up with a terrible tummy ache it was so bad I could barely get out of bed. I was lucky I had enough energy to get something so when I got sick it didn't go all over my bed and room. I had to clean off and I was scared and alone all night begging for my daddy in my head. I wished more than anything my daddy was int he next room over waiting with warm PJs and some tummy medicine, but sadly I was alone and had to spend the next few hours fighting the pains in my belly and the fever in my head. I finally fell asleep after so much tossing and turning. On Wednesday I called my parents because I didn't have anything in my dorm to take care of myself and water was just making me sicker. Luckily my father was able to drive and get me all the things I needed but he decided I would be best cared for at my real house and not trying to take care of myself in my dorm. I being, really sick decided to go and spent the rest of my week there. This would have been fine if it wasn't for the nasty issue with the WIFI. It seemed like no matter what we did the WIFI wouldn't come through and we fought tooth and nail to fix it--so the entire time I was there I couldn't video call with daddy and that just made everything worst!! I felt terrible and sad and sick and scared and all I wanted was to see my daddy and to hear his voice to make everything better. Luckily Sunday came and my parents brought me back to my dorm where I have internet and was able to call my daddy and feel 100000 times better. It may have been a hard week without my daddy but I feel it made us closer as we knew we needed each other and felt the pull to be together.

Love is hard from far away but keep going it gets better!

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