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Monday, March 25, 2019

Long Hard Week

Hello Friends,
This week has been long hard and annoying. It seemed like every day just dragged on and I couldn't do anything right. Not only was I getting poorer grades in my classes (due to midterms) but I just kept getting more and more overwhelmed as the days went on until this weekend when I could not take it anymore and I just cried with daddy. He could see how stressed I was and how school was taking such a big toll on me and that really helped, having someone see your pain and respond to it really helped. Daddy doesn't try to fix the problem he just allows me to be upset then we talking things out and he just reassures me everything will be okay. This is something I really need, someone that just lets me cry it out and doesn't get upset with me or wants to fix everything. I am starting to feel better now and hopefully, this next week is better and I don't have to be as big all the time and I can be little with my perfect daddy.

With Love and Hearts,

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