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Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Bit Off This Week

Goodness Me,
Hi my Friendos,
This week daddy and I were a bit off like we couldn't seem to have time to talk or just weren't feeling it. It was sad and lonely without my daddy but I understood that this happens even to the best couples. I hate when it happens but I am so glad we got through it because now we both know how to handle it for next time. Not much else happened this week for us but even the most lonely busy crazy weeks always get better at the end when daddy and I can talk all weekend and enjoy the company we missed.

Anyways all for now -- stay cute and clean,

PS- I am working on my gender so I may call myself a girl from time to time or might not use a gender at all just want you all to know the boi doesn't stand for boy :P

Monday, March 25, 2019

Long Hard Week

Hello Friends,
This week has been long hard and annoying. It seemed like every day just dragged on and I couldn't do anything right. Not only was I getting poorer grades in my classes (due to midterms) but I just kept getting more and more overwhelmed as the days went on until this weekend when I could not take it anymore and I just cried with daddy. He could see how stressed I was and how school was taking such a big toll on me and that really helped, having someone see your pain and respond to it really helped. Daddy doesn't try to fix the problem he just allows me to be upset then we talking things out and he just reassures me everything will be okay. This is something I really need, someone that just lets me cry it out and doesn't get upset with me or wants to fix everything. I am starting to feel better now and hopefully, this next week is better and I don't have to be as big all the time and I can be little with my perfect daddy.

With Love and Hearts,

Sunday, March 17, 2019


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I finally got tickets to go see my daddy! This is not a drill this is the real deal! I get to go see my daddy in person in June and I am freaking out!! The best part is my parents used their airfare points to pay for my ticket so my daddy didn't have to pay and now we get to have even more fun!! It's so amazing I just can't believe it and I want to sing and dance and tell everyone its just the best thing ever and I just can't wait to be with my dada. We talk all the time about what we are going to do together like go to the mall and get candy and stuffies and get yummy foodies and drinks and play time and just be together and I can't wait. I think about it all the time and it just makes my heart so full and my days worth living and it feels like a dream but it's
not this is real life and it is amazing!! I love you DADDY!!!!

The Wait is Worth It,

Sunday, March 10, 2019

I did a Bad :(

Hi everyone,
This week was different for daddy and I. Things were okay until Wednesday when I was helping someone with their computer and I saw that they were talking to an old girlfriend of mine that I dated right before I got my daddy. I was with this person for 2 years and we had plans to get married. I held my tongue and didn't say anything bad about her to my other friends but inside I was hurting a lot. Sadly daddy was taking a really important test (which he did amazing on!) so I didn't have him. I ran to the DC and ate a bunch of pizza (which is a big no-no not only because its bad food but I can eat gluten). Once I was home I got sick because of the food then proceeded to drink a big boy drink and got drunk. I was so upset and angry at myself because I go upset. Once daddy was out of the test I told him that I was drinking and about the pizza and he was disappointed in me. I hate to disappoint my daddy, it hurt so bad to hear that. I told him why and he was less upset but he still was upset that I got sick and drunk over my emotions. He told me we would work on bettering my skills with my emotions and trying to control them when daddy isn't around. I felt so terrible being bad but daddy is my rock and made me feel better and know that we all make mistakes and that I just need to learn from them.

Thank your caregivers for all they do,

Sunday, March 3, 2019

I was Sick and Alone!

This last week has been absolutely terrible!!! First Tuesday night I woke up with a terrible tummy ache it was so bad I could barely get out of bed. I was lucky I had enough energy to get something so when I got sick it didn't go all over my bed and room. I had to clean off and I was scared and alone all night begging for my daddy in my head. I wished more than anything my daddy was int he next room over waiting with warm PJs and some tummy medicine, but sadly I was alone and had to spend the next few hours fighting the pains in my belly and the fever in my head. I finally fell asleep after so much tossing and turning. On Wednesday I called my parents because I didn't have anything in my dorm to take care of myself and water was just making me sicker. Luckily my father was able to drive and get me all the things I needed but he decided I would be best cared for at my real house and not trying to take care of myself in my dorm. I being, really sick decided to go and spent the rest of my week there. This would have been fine if it wasn't for the nasty issue with the WIFI. It seemed like no matter what we did the WIFI wouldn't come through and we fought tooth and nail to fix it--so the entire time I was there I couldn't video call with daddy and that just made everything worst!! I felt terrible and sad and sick and scared and all I wanted was to see my daddy and to hear his voice to make everything better. Luckily Sunday came and my parents brought me back to my dorm where I have internet and was able to call my daddy and feel 100000 times better. It may have been a hard week without my daddy but I feel it made us closer as we knew we needed each other and felt the pull to be together.

Love is hard from far away but keep going it gets better!