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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

A Little Halloween!


Sorry to scare you! As Halloween (and my birthday) come closer I was thinking of writing a little bit on one of those holidays that people seem to really love. 


Besides following the rules your CG has for you don't eat too much candy at once. This will cause bad tummy aches, sometimes acne, and you won't have any candy left for the next day!


As a little that love dressing up, this is my favorite part of the holiday! This year I have three costumes (which are also my cosplays for Anime Con) I'm going as Johnny Joestar (my favorite Jojo), lolita, and Ame from Wolf Children. I love dressing up and wearing things that I normally don't. As a trans-boi it makes me feel more like myself and showcase the real me.

Scary stuff-

I do not love this part. I have such a weird relationship with scary stuff.  I have been watching 'how to beat the Saw movie traps' this is even a little too much for me it makes me paranoid. If you like it and your CG lets you watch enjoy, for me, I'm sticking to little shows with Halloween themes.

Trick or Treating-

I hate how it looked down on -- like why can't an adult get some free candy? For me, I can pass as a small person if you can't buy some candy and enjoy with your CG.


Parties are usually a good time. For me I can't stay very long I get overwhelmed and a little overstimulated, other times I get introspective and sad. Anyway go and enjoy but don't eat too many treats -- no tummy aches. And be careful with alcohol.

I hope you have a happy holiday and get to spend some time enjoying it. Even if that means spending time in your pj's watching Dora with a little candy corn and maybe some warm apple cider. Whatever you do be safe and have fun!

Spooks and Spice,


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Surviving A Job


My little friends and CGs I have been having a really hard time at my new job. It's been super boring and I feel like I don't do much during the day. But my daddy has had a good idea to talk about the way in which a little can survive their workday. 

  • ESstuffie - keep a small stuffed toy with you, when you need a hug give it a squeeze
  • drink from cute bottles - there are many cute cups and bottles to drink from that can pass for an adult bottle
  • eat little snacks - eating throughout the day is good to pack little snacks like cheese sticks and cut up fruit
  • if you work at a desk, coloring stuff - sometimes there is a lull at work bring some coloring or activities to do at your desk
  • wear cute socks - I love wearing little socks while at work, it makes me feel little without anyone noticing 
  • if you have a smartwatch put cute backgrounds on it
  • if you have a computer use cute wallpapers
  • decorate your work bag to be a little more little freindly
  • take walks where you can be your little self - at my lunchtime, I take walks and allow myself to decompress and feel little. I play games on my phone or skip around where no one can see 
  • put cute toys on your desk - these are pretty normal so no one will ask
  • bring a big sweater - I have a super comfy sweater at work that I snuggle in when in need of a hug
  • Journal - another great downtime idea
  • if you don't have a desk decorate your items like receipt book or notebook
Just a few ideas to make work a little more little. Just make sure you are safe and are having fun that is what being a little is all about!!

Playtime and Worktime,

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Little Pets


Little and bigs alike love small cute animals and new friends so why not learn a little about having a little pet. As a LDR little myself that is living in an apartment having a pet can be a bit of a challenge BUT I have made it work and I'll tell you about it here:


Because I live in an apartment I am not allowed to have pets :( but I am allowed to have a pet fish! So I got out my old fish tank from a few years ago and filled it with clean water and decorations. My water at home has chlorine in it so I had to buy chemicals to make it safe for my new friend. Once the tank was all set up I went to the pet shop and picked out a little red betta fish. She was only a few dollars and I picked her because I never had a female or red betta fish. She was also super active in her cup. Picking a fish was so challenging for me I wanted them all. Good thing I had daddy to help me make a good choice. With my new fishy friend, I learned about feeding, water temperature, and cleaning. I have had fish in the past but in a new environment, I had to work my way around the new place.  So far so good for me and my little Joy-girl. 

Anyway, that is my story of a little pet. Fish are a great start as they are easy to take care of even if you get a full tank with a filter, heater, and bubble bar. It's also fun picking out toys and fishy friends. Maybe one day ill get another female fish to add to my tank. Once a little learn about the responsibility of taking care of a fish a small pet may be a good move forward. This could be a rodent or reptile. Both are great fun and fun to take care of. After the small pet may be a cat, once again more responsibility but they can take care of themselves (bathroom, cleaning, etc.) Lastly a large pet like a dog. These are a lot to take care of and need a lot of attention. For me even if I could have a bigger pet I would stick with the fish as I can easily take care of them (no matter how responsible I am). 

If pets are completely off the table I would recommend a plant. Plants are great fun and you can learn a lot about your new plant friend and the best way to take care of them. It gives some responsibility without the fear of a pet. It's also nice because plants not need much in the way of attention, so vacations are great!

Where ever you start and whatever pet/plant you get having some responsibility is great for a little and gives them something to care about, just like you care for them. 

Fishies and Smiles,


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A New Plan


My sweet littles and bigs I want to welcome you again to my blog, I hope you are having fun!

So daddy and I have been talking and we feel we have hit another rut SOOOO we decided to make being an LDR CGL couple more fun and exciting. 

Daddy had the idea of giving good boy points for different things that this little one does every day/week. These points will add up to allow me to get different gifts.

some of the points:

-exercising for 1 hour = 1

-eating a healthy meal = 1

-getting through work with a good attitude = 3

-food shopping for only healthy food = 1

-clean Joy's fish tank = 2

-clean my apartment = 2

-no self-harm = 1

-going to therapy = 1

-drinking enough water = 1 

-doing dishes = 1

-finishing my weight medication = 2

-taking all my meds on time = 1

-go to doctors appointments = 1

Ways to lose points:

-self-harming = -2

-not taking meds on time = -1

-eating candy/junk food = -1

-being pouty/bratty = -1

-not listening to daddy/CG = -2

-not fallowing the rules laid out or given = from -1 to -5

Gifts (no particular order):

-new small toy

-going to the book store

-going to build-a-bear

-new little item 

-new onesie

-new big toy

-new coloring or activity book

-special fish item for Joy

-daddy reads you a story before bed

-daddy sends you a card (with love)

-new stuffy 

-daddy makes a loving video for you to always have

-doki doki/ other Japan create

-candy/special dessert

-special "playtime"

The cute thing with this is we are using a cute thermometer to color in (and white-out if I lose points). 

So I just thought I would share this cute new thing we are doing, feel free to add your own thoughts!

All you need is...CANDY! 
