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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Little Trip to the Doctor


I decided to do a little talk about going to the doctor as I have to go on Thursday. 

  1. littles will be scared -- the doctor is scary no matter how old so make sure you make them feel comfortable 
  2. Bring something to do -- waiting can be really hard so make sure to pack coloring or a book
  3. use music to calm -- wear a pair of headphones and listen to your favorite songs 
  4. make sure you know what to say -- I sometimes need to go over why I am there to make sure I say the right things 
  5. have a list of your medicines -- I can never remember the names so I write them down with the doses so I don't make a mistake 
  6. wear something comfy -- it just makes everything better 
  7. if you have to get  shot -- don't be tense it will make it hurt more 
  8. CGs make you little feel comfy saying what they need too -- I sometimes get nervous so I don't tell them what I need too CGs make your little fee okay with tell the doctor everything 
  9. make sure to great yourself -- take that lollipop or stop and get some stickers you did really well
  10. CGs make sure to congratulate your little for doing well at the doctor
The doctor can be a really scary place but with these few tips hopefully, the trip can be a little easier. 

It will be okay,

Thursday, March 25, 2021

30 Things to do this Spring


As spring approaches its always great to get a list of the great things to do! Here is a list of 30 little things to do in the Spring 

  1. play in the puddles
  2. read in the sun 
  3. have snack time outside 
  4. chaise butterflies
  5. try out a kite
  6. snuggle under a light blanket
  7. sleep on a hemic 
  8. take the puppy out to play 
  9. make mud pies 
  10. color with the window open 
  11. lil journal about the frogs
  12. plant some flowers
  13. dance to up beat music
  14. walk through the new flowers
  15. take pictures in the sun 
  16. wear thin comfy clothes
  17. get a fancy drink and sit outside to enjoy it 
  18. go to a farmer market and get your face painted
  19. go to the drive in 
  20. have a picnic!
  21. go to the park and swing 
  22. enjoy a grill cheese on national grill cheese day 
  23. have your CG hid eggs and go hunting 
  24. make a nature journal with pictures and colorings 
  25. make a bird feeder with seeds and a pinecone 
  26. blow bubbles
  27. go to the library and find books on spring 
  28. go to a lake and enjoy the nice breeze 
  29. go fishing 
  30. spring clean 
I hope this list give a few cute idea for how to make spring a little brighter with you and your CG. 
Enjoy the nice weather in a few more hours of sunlight!

Warmth and Sunshine,

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Nap Time or Bed Time Routine

 Hello again,

So I didn't really have a good idea but I just woke up from a nap so I thought it would be a good idea to write about naps and bedtime. These are both very important to a little and they need to be taken care of with a lot of respect and loveliness. 

  1. have a healthy meal or snack before getting to bed
  2. start with a bath or shower -- warm-up before hitting the hay
  3.  if it is bedtime make sure to take your meds -- sometimes we littles forget
  4. read a nice story -- nothing scary or worrisome just a nice little story to put your mind at ease
  5. tuck your stuffies in -- they need to be cuddled up too
  6. listen to a soft song or white noise -- this will really help a little fall right to sleep
  7. layer the blankets -- this is great if you don't have a weighted blanket but if you do use that 
  8. drink some water -- this will have you sleep and not feel so hungry if you wake up in the middle of the night 
  9. keep the room cool -- this will make sure you sleep better
  10. go to the bathroom -- don't want to wake up having to pee 
  11. tuck yourself in -- or have your CG do it 
  12. cover in kisses -- these are the most important part kisses for both you and your stuffies 
This is just a small start everyone should have a routine before bed to make sure you get good sleep no matter where you are or who you are with. This is called sleep hygiene and it is really helpful especially if you have depression, bipolar, more many other health concerns. It's also good for just about everyone because it leads to better sleep.

Sleeps and Naps,

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Cooking Time Once Again

 Hello Hello,

I really didn't know what to do for this week's post so I went with a good standby: cooking. I personally love to cook and with the help of my daddy, I feel like I can create anything. So here a few more spring-like recipes for you and your CG to make. 

Spring Salad

I personally like my salad simply made make sure to get the CG's help for this one as there is cutting involved

  1. cut up lettuce - I personally love sprint mix especially for this salad and most of the time it doesn't need to be cut
  2. cut tomatoes and cucumber into small parts - for little mouths 
  3. cut some papers - strips are best in this salad
  4. add some pickles and papers - I love some spice and these add a good tang 
  5. Top with ham, cheese, and turkey roll-ups - roll the meat together and cut into strips
  6. Add some dressing - a light dressing is best for this heavy salad
  7. Top with something crunchy - could be croutons or seeds whatever you like  

French Fries for a cold day 

one of my absolute favorites

  1. have your CG cut up some potatoes into small strips
  2. coat the strips in oil and season with pepper salt dill and rosemary (fresh if its growing in your herb garden)
  3. bake at 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes
  4. serve with ketchup and mustard 
  1. use 1 cup of any type of milk - almond, regular, or rice
  2. add a little coffee mix to it for a tiny bit of flavor about 0.5 of a teaspoon
  3. add about 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup 
  4. mix with a whisk until very frothy and combined well
  5. service ice cold to little grabby hands with whipped cream and sprinkles 
I hope these are a few good recipes to make with your caregiver and little alike I hope you enjoy and find your own things to make!

Love and Foodies,

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

How To Keep a Fussy Little Happy

 Hi there all,

I have been rather fussy lately and it not only has been making it hard to live as a happy little but it is making my daddy sad too, so I decided to write a little about what you can do to make a fussy little happy or at least busy so they don't focus on the fussy times. 

  • give them a task - something simple and little 
  • have them color you a picture - this will keep them busy
  • have them hold their stuffies as hard as they can - this can release some stress and make them feel secure
  • play some soft music - music can be really impactful some soft music can really help a little mind calm down
  • put on a show - great when you are too busy to keep them entertained
  • spend some quality time together - make cookies or watch a movie allow them to relax with you
  • let them know they are loved - this can remind them that they don't need to be fussy
  • give them a bath - very relaxing (see post on baths)
  • read to them or have them read to you - it will keep their mind off the fussy stuff
  • show them a cute video or silly song - something to make them smile
  • put them down for a nap - sometimes a fussy little is a tired little tuck them in and let them rest
  • let them talk it out - maybe something happened and they just need to share
I hope this little list helps when that little one is acting up!

Crowns and Crows.