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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

100th Post!


So this is really cool because we have reached 100 posts! So for this I will be writing about the little way of getting to bed as I am really sleepy today.

  • take a relaxing bath or shower - make sure you are nice and clean
  • make sure to take you medication - this is really important 
  • drink a cup of water - this will make your skin all nice and healthy
  • have a small snack - only if you are hungry and nothing to heavy
  • read something happy - don't get those text books out just allow yourself to relax with a good story
  • wear your favorite pjs - maybe those cute little ones with the stripes
  • brush your teeth and hair - make sure to get the backs of those teeth and 100 strokes for those princesses and princes
  • say goodnight to your stuffies - they say goodnight too
  • say goodnight to your CG - maybe make a video call
  • snuggle under your favorite blanket - or maybe a few blankets at least where I am it's freezing 
  • watch a little show - dont stay up to late
  • set your alarm - I tend tot forget this lol
  • put on your night light - the dark can be scary sometimes 
  • get your booty to sleep - night night 
Have a sweet night little one :3

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