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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

My Trip 3

 Hi there my littles and bigs!

I just got back from my trip to my daddy's house and I had a really fun and relaxing time :3

Nothing super fancy happened while I was there but I wanted to share a few of the amazing and lovely things we got to do together

  • bought burgers and had a picnic in the park where we also played on the swings and watched YouTube videos 
  • went to this giant mall were we found so much Jojo's bizarre adventure merch I couldn't handle myself and we tried frozen hot coco it was yummy
  • bought candy and enjoyed the yummy 
  • made pasta together and had a nice meal with adult drinks 
  • found out we don't like flavor vodka the hard way :p
  • spent some time napping together in each other's arms
  • FINALLY getting to have one night in bed together (normally we don't get to sleep in the same bed)
  • waiting in line to buy a tiny set of scrubs for my build a bear elephant 
  • buying tons of manga and reading together 
  • trying out new foods and enjoying old favorites
  • I liked to watch my daddy play cyberpunk even though some parts were scary for a little one 
  • giving gifts to each other and enjoying our anniversary, Christmas, new years and my daddy's birthday all in one 
  • browsing the local mall for anime merch and I found a new day collar 
This was the stuff I could think of just at this moment and even though we spent a lot of time at home or close to home I had a great time just being with my daddy and feeling all the love he has for me. 
I hope for all you in long distance relationship can have the chance to meet up and feel all the love your litttles and CGs have for you.

With Long Flights and Light Hearts,

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