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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Little Guide to Caring for Sick CGs

 Hi there,

So, this isn't news but I'm not feeling my best my tummy is causing a lot of issues but I still wanted to say hello and write to you all as you mean a lot to me. 

So I decided to write a little bit more about taking care of a CG when they are sick.

  1. Make sure they are comfy- they sick they need comfy clothes and soft blankets and sick-time stuffie 
  2. make them something easy to eat- fallow the BRAT diet that always helps a bad tummy 
  3. Put on a soft show- nothing too extreme and easy to just listen to in the background 
  4. try some tea- there are a few teas that are really nice to have when your tummy hurts
  5. leave them alone- I know this is a hard but sometimes CGs need their space when they are sick so find something to do while they rest
  6. Color them a picture- this will make them really happy and it will give them some time alone
  7. Snuggle them- this is only if they are comfortable but sometimes cuddles are the best medicine 
  8. don't do anything too extreme for a little one- don't get into any trouble your CG will not be very happy and harsher punishment might ensue 
  9. Stay quiet- let them rest and sleep it is very important 
  10. Make plans for when they are better- sometimes CGs need to be in their own house or space but that gives you a chance to be away and make plans for when you can be together again 
Always make your CG happy even when they are sick so be good and be safe. 

Love and Cuddles,

Thursday, September 17, 2020

30 Things all Littles Need to Hear


I have been feeling down and out and even being little isn't really helping so I decided to write a list of the things littles need to hear. 

  1. you are special 
  2. you are the best
  3. you are loved 
  4. please drink some water
  5. please eat something 
  6. your drawing is amazing
  7. your colorings belong on the fridge 
  8. I know school is hard but I know you can do it 
  9. the story you wrote should be published for other littles to read
  10. you are not annoying 
  11. you look so cute in your little gear
  12. you make your CG happy and proud
  13. please take a little nap it will help
  14. your stuffies are so happy to be yours
  15. they will get back to you soon, don't worry
  16. you are important in so many ways 
  17. the sun misses you go say hello 
  18. being little all day is good self-care
  19. make sure to take you meds
  20. talk to someone it will make your day better
  21. work can take a lot out of you have some milk and relax with a movie 
  22. being little does not make you weird 
  23. being little makes you, you
  24. make sure to take care of your stuffies 
  25. do a craft it will help you feel better
  26. baths are fun!
  27. your mental health is worth taking care of 
  28. your friends like to talk to you
  29. you mean a lot to other people 
  30. please stay with us
I hope this helped you feel a little better. Writing these down helped me feel worth something and had good reminders to keep taking care of myself. 

Be You, Be Loved,

Thursday, September 10, 2020

50 Things To Do When Stuck at Home


Hi there! So because I am board and stuck at home still I decided to create a big list of all the things to do at home and have nothing to do:

  1. play with Legos
  2. play a video game
  3. watch a Disney movie 
  4. have a dance off with your stuffies
  5. have a tea party with you CG
  6. bake cookies
  7. make ice cream sundaes
  8. binge your favorite little show
  9.  color with makers
  10. play pretend 
  11. dress up 
  12. write a story
  13. read a little book
  14. watch little youtubers 
  15. draw a flower
  16. garden 
  17. pick flowers and press them 
  18. write a letter to your CG
  19. take a nap 
  20. make some yummy foods or drinks
  21. exercise 
  22. take a bath 
  23. do your little journal 
  24. build a fort
  25. do your chores
  26. have a sing-a-long
  27. make jewelry 
  28.  find somewhere you an swim and relax by the water
  29. play in the grass
  30. play hopscotch 
  31. jump rope
  32. put together all your outfits for the week 
  33. annoy your Care giver for attention
  34. put on your favorite clothes and just enjoy them for yourself
  35. eat some fruit and share with your stuffies 
  36. play a card game 
  37. play board games 
  38. drink hot milk or coco and snuggle 
  39. make up a song and perform it for you stuffies
  40. imagine a new world and write about it thinking of all the aspect of the world 
  41. video chat with a friend 
  42. have a date night over Zoom with you care giver
  43. take your stuffies for a walk
  44. enjoy the nature around you 
  45. make crafts 
  46. learn to play an instrument 
  47. play with stickers and glitter
  48. check in on your friends and family 
  49. try out different flavors of foods/drinks and see what your favorite
  50. play outside int he sun
I hope these give you a few good ideas on what to do as we are all still stuck at home. It's a scary time so please stay safe wear your masks and keep apart. I hope you are all doing okay.

Love you all,

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Another Week with Daddy!

 Hi again,

I am sorry I have been gone for so long but Daddy came to see me for the first time. 

As you know we are in a long distance relationship so we don't get to see each other very often and the last two times we did see each other I went there, but this time DADDY CAME TO ME!!!!!

day 1- the day daddy came he flew into Boston and we spent the day in the area where my brother lives. We went shopping and went to see all the animals at the aquarium. We also got sweets in the north end and it was so amazing!

day 2- on the second day we drove up north with my family to spend some time at the Lost River which is this super cool rive that cuts through a mountain and we got to hike the trail and shift for neat gems and rocks in the running water.

 day 3- we had another busy day as we went to the beach and spent or time in the sun and waves. It was a really fun experience to send time with daddy at a very different location like that. Then after we went to get food at a yummy fish place and I got to eat my fill of chowder and french fries. 

day 4- this day was a little more low key. We first went to this super fun store that sells all sorts of odd ball things and daddy bought me a new pair of socks with the trans flag colors on them. Then we went to the arcade which is the biggest int he world and spent a good chunk of time playing and giggling together as he ran around the place. In the end daddy got me a little llama toy which is purple and squeaks. After our fun we tried going for a boat ride but the wind was to much so we spent some time relaxing and sleeping together. 

day 5- Thursday was really rainy so we stayed in most of the day and enjoyed just being together. We did some naughty stuff and spent some lovely time together just enjoying each others bodies. After we went to the book store and mall and strolled around a little. 

day 6- this was the last full day daddy was here so we went to another zoo that recuses animals that are local to the environment. Daddy really enjoyed this place and I did too. After we went to get burgers and enjoyed another trip around the book store. That night we went mini golfing which was super fun and daddy even got a hole in one!

day 7- this was my last day with daddy it was really hard to help him pack and get all his things together. The trip to the airport was long and daddy and I both cried when he had to leave. But I was happy because daddy got home safe and we are already planning his next trip.

So there it is another amazing week with my daddy. I hope through this I give you all a little hope and joy in knowing that people are meeting each other and doing well in a long distance relationship. I hope it also gave you all a few good ideas on what you can do with your little of CG when you are together. 

Raindrops and Popsicle,
