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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

If Daddy and I were Together During the Pandemic

So I was in the bath, something I do often, and I was thinking of what it would be like if daddy and I were in isolation together so I thought I would write about what we may do on an average night if we were together right now!

After we both are dumb stupid adult things we could have a nice lovely dinner together, maybe some Indian my daddy's favorite and we could get it take out so we could help local businesses and get yummy foods

Then after a lovely dinner in a separation plate of course for this little one, we could watch a movie together, maybe a Disney or Ghibli one or maybe we could play video games -- I love watching daddy and Stardew Valley is my favorite game

After it would be bath time! My favorite time of day. Daddy will fill it up all warm and cozy with bubbles and little toys and yummy goat milks soaps to make my skin soft. Daddy would wash me as I drink juice and play in the water.

After I'm all clean and daddy dresses my in my jammies, he will tuck me in to play on my DS or watch a show while he takes his shower before bed.

Once he was clean and we are tucked in bed together daddy would read me a story or sing to me as I fall asleep to the sound of his amazing voice

I sorry if this was lame for all of you to read but I was just having a nice time thinking about being with my daddy. Whats you favorite everyday moment with your CG?

Bubbles and Bath Time,

Friday, April 17, 2020

I Never Did This Before? -- About Me!

Nice seeing you all again,
So I know I have done a bunch of the many days of little space but I don't think I ever really introduced myself (yeah a little late I know), but better late than never :3.

Name: Panny
gender: fluidflux transgender male
Birthdate: 1996 (I'm 23)
Little age: 0-5/6
CG: DaddyKuma
Favorite song: Hmmmmm that's a hard one- favorite band is The Beatles
Favorite little song: Jotaro sings you to sleep [sleep proud]
Favorite movie: Things we do in the shadows
Favorite little movie: Kiki's Delivery Service or Mulan
Favorite book: Beautiful Music for Ugly Children or A Tale for the Time Being (I also read a ton of manga)
Favorite little book: The Pokey Little Puppy
Job: student
Studying: social work - obtaining my master's degree next year
Internship: working with drug users at a counseling center
Hobbies: writing fanfiction:, writing this blog, art, and journaling, watching meme channels on YouTube, talking with my daddy, coloring and playing, dancing and being the goob
Favorite food: Polish foods and anything fresh
Favorite little food: mac and cheese and chicken nuggets and CANDY
Allergies: gluten and dairy, dust and grass and horses
Favorite animal: otters, and horse
Animal?: puppy for my daddy

If you have any questions please ask! I stink at telling people about myself... and don't be shy ;)

Cuddles and Loves,

Thursday, April 9, 2020

To Keep On Track -- a Lil Routine

Cuties it's e your little friend here to talk about the things that are keeping me feeling okay in these hard times. Lately, I have been having a really hard time not only with the scary outside world but my daddy has been really off with his sleeping schedule and it's making it hard for us to talk because he tends to be asleep while I am awake. So, to keep myself on track I have been keeping with a good routine which not only helps me stay healthy but makes my daddy happy knowing what I am doing.

I wake up around 7-7:30 and read my spiritual stuff which includes an app, a video, and a small reading
After I eat foodies usually oatmeal yummy :) and have tea and make sure I have a water bottle ready for the day (I don't drink enough)
I sometimes do a little work for my school or my internship
I get cleaned up and dressed for the day even if I don't have to see anyone I like to put clothes on
I then get to work fun :/

Usually around noon
I sometimes have a snack but I am trying to lose a little chub so I wait until lunch
I have a nice meal and I make sure to have a full drink (sometimes I forget to drink during the day) and if I emptied it refill my water bottle
Sometimes I will rest a little maybe take a nap but I just make sure to get away from my work for an hour or two
After my rest, I get back to work until my parents get home for work

Sometime between 4:30-6
I help make dinner and eat with my family
Sometimes I have to eat fast because I have clients I need to work with at night

After dinner until bedtime
Watch TV with my parents
and try to relax if I don't have clients
I like to take a bath before bed with bubbles or nice salts it makes me feel little and its been so cold it helps me warm-up
I get into my PJs and usually get to call Daddy for a while before bed we talk about our day or whatever we feel like
Daddy sometimes gets tired quickly so I will watch some TV before beddy
I make sure I'm all clean, my face washed, teeth brushed and hair dry before bed
I get to try and sleep around 10:30-11

I know this one was a little lame but it has helped me to have a good routine to keep my head right and it makes me feel safe when I don't have daddy around.

I hope this can help :)

Love and Safty,

Friday, April 3, 2020

My Stuffies: A Guide

How are you?
It has been a long week for me! Goodness so much homework and stuff and annoying classes and internships and GAAAAAAAAA being big is STUPID!!! Anyway here is a cute list of my stuffies and yeah just enjoy and be happy and we will get through this poopie time together

  • Pooh Bear- A fluffy old school pooh bear stuffie. He was the first stuffie my daddy bought me for our first Valentine's day. He is the leader of the rest of the stuffies and makes sure they all stay in line. He is the coziest and best stuffie to date and I will cherish him forever.
  • Piglet- A Piglet stuffie similar to Pooh Bear. My daddy gave him to me when I graduated from college. He is the prince of the bedroom and acts a little like me, always wants to be next to their best friends and protectors. 
  • Jotaro- Yes you read that right I have a little Jotaro stuffed doll-thing. He is the main protector of the entire bedroom and makes sure everyone is safe at all times along with the group of knight stuffies. 
  • Kakyoin- Not who you are thinking, he is a stuffed build-a-bear elephant (I got him when I first visited my daddy) who is currently wearing a purple jokey outfit (yes for Johnny Joestar). He is in love with Jotaro and they spend most of their days talking and making sure everything is safe. He stays in the stuffie basket and keeps it safe.
  • Sea-Flap-Flap- A simple sea creature that doesn't talk much (only to Jotaro really) he helps keep everyone warm and cozy and it a gift from my daddy after we visited the sea zoo.
  • Tony- A little green dino with a sassy face and talk. He gets in trouble sometimes with Pooh Bear but he does his best to be good. Daddy and I got him from the museum when we saw the dino bones.
  • Chaco Cat- A big black cat that works along with Jotaro to keep the room safe from harm. He only speaks Japanese and spends his time near the bookshelf.
  • Rosaline- A little pink dino the princess of the group. She is best friends with Tony and they spend most of their time talking to each other. She was bought at the same museum I got Tony but the second time I visited daddy.
  • Angel- One of the newest stuffies a little angel bear with wings and a halo. They are the healer fo the group and make sure everyone comes home safe and healthy. They were a gift from daddy for the most recent Valentine's day.
  • White Tiger- A multi foot long tiger that helps protect the windows from the evils of the outside. Working closely with CC and Jotaro they protect the entire bedroom.
  • Garfunkle- A moose stuffie that has long goofy legs. He is a good pal of mine and took care of me before I got Pooh Bear. He has retired to the basket where he spends most of his time with Totaro
  • Totaro- He is a tiny little puff-ball with a bell inside. He is really a baby toy which makes him even more perfect to me. My daddy bought him the last time I was there and he brings so much joy to me, Garfunkle, Jotaro (a Japanese friend) and the others in the room. 
  • Star Bear and Squish Unicorn- Two simple stuffies that spend their time in the basket. They were both won at the same arcade but on the two different trips, I took to see my daddy. They hold a special place as my daddy won them for me and helped me pick them out. They are just good friends and cozy to snuggle. 
  • Puppy- This was my first stuffie every and the most special to me. He spends all of his time in the basket now in retirement but he goes to every new house, dorm or sleepover with me. He is the most special and everyone does their part to take care of him. 
So these are the majority of my stuffies I have more in my basket, but I would be here all night. I hope my little rant brought a smile to your face and helps you remember all your great stuffies.

With Love and Squish,