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Monday, July 8, 2019

Sorry for the Long Wait -- An Updated

Hi Friends,
I just wanted to send out a little update about what's been going on with me and my dada. So I got a job it's super lame and makes me soooo sleepy every night and just is a super burden on my life and I HATE IT! I'm a host at my local diner and its long hours and I never have a normal schedule and its just the poops and is really hard on my body. This has really been bad for daddy and me. It makes it hard to talk with each other or have time to spend together, but we do our best to call every night still and communicate as much as we can even though I can't text at work. Also last week I got a super bad illness where I lost my voice and had a fever and really sore throat and cough and all the nasty stuff. This was really had for us as I couldn't talk to my daddy and he really missed me because I was sleeping all the time. So that why I have been gone so long but hopefully I will get back into it and have more to say about our adventures so stay tuned.

Always Stay Cute,

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