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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nothing Much Sadly

Hi There,
I know I haven't posted in a while and my last post was sort of lame but sadly life is sort of lame right now. Daddy and I are working a lot and he is currently attending some college courses online so he is always really busy. For a little like me, this makes things really hard but I would like to throw out some ideas that make me feel better when daddy feels father then states away:

  • I make sure to always wear a day collar, I have two currently one for work that was my first and a classier one and sometimes I wear my play collars if I'm alone 
  • Send letters and colorings to my daddy, its cheap to send a letter so why not send one with something special inside
  • Take a bath, I do this almost every day but it makes me feel little and makes my day just a little bit easier
  • Snuggle snuggle snuggle, when I was in Texas I got a few new stuffies and I keep them on my bed just to give them snuggles when I am really missing daddy or just need to feel something cuddly
  • Buy yourself a little something, make sure to ask your caregiver but buying something special for yourself can make things a little easier it could be a special snack or a new book/toy
  • Dress up even if it's just cute socks, at work I have to wear a uniform which I find so stupid especially because I am gender queer (fluidflux) so wearing the same thing can be really uncomfortable but I can always wear cute socks that make me feel little and help with my gender pains
  • Make something, I love cooking so after asking I try my hand a new recipe or improve one so that I can cook for my daddy when we finally live together
  • Take care of something, just like your caregiver takes care of you you can take care of something too, I have this little pepper plant Pepe and I love him he lives outside and I check on him all the time and I am so excited to see him grow, maybe try your hand at a fish or plant or even just making sure all your stuffies are happy or even an online pet like a webkinz
  • Do what makes you happy, as always when you feel alone do something that makes you happy from reading to music to art to running even if it isn't a little activity I know your caregiver will be proud and happy to hear that you had a good day and you didn't spend that entire time missing them ( just make sure you are safe)
As Always Be Yourself!

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