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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

More of the Slump

Good Afternoon (well afternoon here),
So as the summer drags on daddy and I haven't really done anything too new or exciting sadly. I just work way too much and have only had about 12 days off in total since I started my job (that includes ones I haven't had yet). But the good thing is we are both still healthy and doing our best to stay connected and have fun all the while. Lately, we have been mostly talking about the things we like and sharing stupid memes with each other. I think we have taken that step out of the "honeymoon phase" and into the I'm going to be my true silly self and I know you will fully except that. Sadly, most people don't make it out of the honeymoon phase well and end up find faults and problems with their partner but luckily we have made it out strong and probably even more happy then we were before because we are fully honest with each other now. Anyway, not really fun cute little things but even the best CG/L relationships are still relationships and go through the same phases like every other relationship. Anyway the slump; ways to try to break free from that is:

  • make sure you are taking care fo each other -- I know daddies are great at this but even daddies need to be reminded to drink water sometimes and this might take your CG off guard but it will remind them that they don't always have to be doing all the care 
  • send a funny cute thing out of nowhere -- something they might see and be reminded of how cute their little is
  • maybe read to your daddy for a change instead of them reading to you -- use your cute voice and read a short story 
  • make something together -- get a lego kit or a craft and spend even an hour being together making something to show off
  • go somewhere new -- this doesn't have to coast money but maybe go to the animal shelter or a second-hand store just change it up 
  • try learning a language together and help each other with conversation
  • have your caregiver do little things with you -- instead of doing them with the caregiver watching or working invite them to your tea party or color or just play
  • On a naughty note: sometimes just some good discipline will help not punishment but just a good rough session to let out some emotion, also maybe getting a new "plaything" will also spice things up a little (always remember to be safe and use your safeword)
There are many more things just try something new and it can lead to a world of fun and get you two out of that slump. 

Love and Play,

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